Releases Бесплатные библиотеки и утилиты / Free libraries and tools


Dec 26, 2018
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Эта топик посвящен только анонсам бесплатных и OpenSource библиотек и утилит для Delphi / Pascal / C++Builder.

This topic is dedicated only to the announcements of free and OpenSource libraries and tools for Delphi / Pascal / C++Builder.
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Dec 26, 2018
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Pascal SSH library
Ssh-Pascal is a new free and open source library providing ssh support to Delphi, based on libssh2. Libssh2 is a mature ssh library used by PHP (built-in), Rust and many other languages and applications.

  • Extensive ssh features
    • Support for different authorization methods (publickey, password, agent, hostbased and keyboard-interactive)
    • Known host management.
    • Execution of commands on the host capturing stdout and stderr
    • Comprehensive sftp support
    • Port forwarding (currently only local to remote)
    • scp support
  • High-level pascal-friendly, interface-based wrapping of ssh functionality.
  • Lower-level usage is possible.
Currently only Delphi (versions with generics) and Windows 32-bit and 64-bit are supported libssh2 is available on Linux, iOS, OSX, and other platforms. So the library could be extended to provide support for such platforms. Pull requests to provide compatibility with other platforms and/or FPC would be welcome.

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Dec 26, 2018
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An extended ImageList for Delphi (VCL & FMX) to simple use and manage Icon Fonts (with GDI+ support)
  • IconFontsImageList is an extended ImageList for Delphi (VCL+FMX) to simplify use of Icon Fonts (resize, color, grayscale and more...)
  • IconFontsImage is an extended Image component for Delphi (VCL+FMX) to show any Icon Font directly or included into a an IconFontsImageList with all functionality (stretch, color, opacity, grayscale and more...)
Sample image of VCL version

Sample image of FMX version
Follow the guide in Wiki section to known how to use those components to modernize your Delphi VCL or FMX applications scalable, colored and beautiful with few lines of code.

19 June 2020: official 2.0 (VCL) and 1.5 version (FMX)
  • Added GDI+ support (from DXE6)
  • Added new TIconFontsImage component
  • Added Width, Height, DisabledFactor, Opacity properties for TIconFontsImageList
08 June 2020: official 1.10 (VCL) and 1.5 version (FMX)
  • Added IconManager and an example of metadata info form Material Design Icons Desktop Font
  • Updated CharMap with metadata support
  • Support for Delphi 10.4 Sydney
17 May 2020: official 1.9 (VCL) and 1.4 version (FMX)
  • Added component "menu option" to convert "Material" Icons from old font "Material Design Icons" (materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf) to new font "Material Design Icons Desktop" (Material Design Icons Desktop.ttf)
  • Restored old font "Material Design Icons" only for use with Delphi 7 and Delphi 2010.
  • Fixed FMX components and demos to compile with mobile platforms
13 May 2020: official 1.8 (VCL) and 1.3 version (FMX)
  • Changed font used in the Demos to preserve future changes of char/mapping.
  • Added preview for new "Material Design Icons Desktop.ttf" in Demo/Fonts folder.
9 May 2020: official 1.2 version (FMX)
  • Fixed component editor and packages for Delphi 10.1 and 10.2
7 May 2020: official 1.1 version (FMX)
  • Added Component Editor for FMX version: look here....
  • Fixed some problems in FMX version
  • Updated Demo for FMX version
2 May 2020: official 1.7 version (VCL)
  • Added utilities to manage Disabled and Hot Imagelist
  • Added a Video tutorial in Wiki section
12 April 2020: official 1.6 version (VCL)
  • Added a custom CharMap form (VCL only) to show and collect icons more easily: look here....
27 March 2020: official 1.5 version (VCL) and first 1.0 version (FMX)
  • Added support for Icon Fonts that contains surrogate pair characters (VCL & FMX)! Now you can use all the icons present in any "font collection" that containts those special characters: look here....
24 March 2020: official 1.4 version (VCL) and first Beta version (FMX)
  • Improved performances into IDE (VCL)
  • Added two new FMX components: TIconFontsImageListFMX and TIconFontImageFMX (beta)
  • Added two demos for TIconFontsImageListFMX and TIconFontImageFMX
  • Minor fixes (VCL)
30 January 2020: official 1.3 version
  • Added support for Delphi7 (generally for no Unicode version)
  • Fixed when adding an icon without specifying a character
  • Added SaveToFile method to save the icons into a single Bitmap
  • Added Export button To ImageList Editor
  • Added OnMissingFont event
21 January 2020: official 1.2 version
  • Added support for DXE8
  • Demos with various VCL Styles
  • Utility to update automatically IconFonts color by active VCL Style
  • Increased performance when switching VCL Style at runtime
  • Minor fixes
13 December 2019: official 1.1 version
  • Fixed some problems when adding or deleting icons into Extended Editor and Collection Editor
  • Added support for building icons from/to Chars (into Extended Editor)
  • Fixed some minor problems
27 November 2019: first stable version 1.0:
  • The component TIconFontsImageList with advanced component editor.
  • Demo to show how to change the size, fonts and colors of the icons.
  • Very high performance for building hundreds of icons.
  • Support from Delphi 2010 to 10.3 Rio


Dec 26, 2018
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An extended ImageList for Delphi (VCL+FMX) to simplify use of SVG Icons (resize, opacity, grayscale and more...)
  • SVGIconImageList is an extended ImageList for Delphi (VCL+FMX) to simplify use of SVG Icons (resize, opacity, grayscale and more...)
  • SVGIconImage is an extended Image component for Delphi (VCL+FMX) to show any SVG image directly or included into a an SVGIconImageList with all functionality (stretch, opacity, grayscale and more...)
SVGIconImageList, as a TVirtualImageList+TImageCollection, can draw icons in SVG format at any resolution. The ImageList scales automatically when DPI changed. You can use those components from Delphi DXE6 to actual version.

Sample image of VCL version

Sample image of FMX (Windows) version

Sample image of the VCL SVGText-property editor

Follow the guide in Wiki section to known how to use those components to modernize your Delphi VCL or FMX Windows applications scalable, colored and beautiful with few lines of code.

13 June 2020: versione 1.5 (VCL+FMX)
  • Added support for DisabledGrayScale and DisabledOpacity as in VirtualImageList
  • Fixed drawing disabled icons also with VCLStyles active
09 June 2020: versione 1.4 (VCL+FMX)
  • Added GrayScale and FixedColor to ImageList for every Icons
  • Added GrayScale and FixedColor for single Icon
  • Added some complex svg demo images
  • Updated demos
06 June 2020: version 1.3 (VCL+FMX)
  • Added property editor for TSVGIconImage.SVGText and TSVGIconItem.SVGText
  • Fixed some drawing problems with transform attribute
  • Fixed rescaling icons when monitor DPI changes
28 May 2020: version 1.2 (VCL+FMX)
  • Complete support of Delphi 10.4
  • Added support for other Delphi versions (VCL): DXE6, DXE8, D10.1
  • Added position memory of component editor
  • Fixed Issue: Icon Editor not keeping added icons
  • Fixed Issue: SVG with exponent notation does not parse correctly and affects image display
25 May 2020: version 1.1 (VCL+FMX)
  • Added the component TSVGIconImageListFMX with advanced component editor.
  • Added the component TSVGIconImageFMX to show SVG into a TImage.
  • Demos to show how they works.
  • Very high performance for building hundreds of icons.
24 May 2020: first version 1.0 (VCL)
  • Added the component TSVGIconImageList with advanced component editor.
  • Added the component TSVGIconImage to show SVG into a TImage.
  • Demos to show how they works.
  • Very high performance for building hundreds of icons.
  • Support from Delphi 10.2 to 10.4 Sydney (other Delphi versions coming soon)


Dec 26, 2018
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Easy and elegant preview/selection of Theme (Light/Dark/Other) for VCL apps plus HighDPI demo
With VCLThemeSelector you can easily add a modern and elegant Theme selector for your Delphi VCL app. The Form shows all the VCL Styles included in your application, then arrange them in defined Rows and Columns. You can specify to include or not 'Windows' not-styled option.

Preview (from Delphi 10.1 to Dephi 10.3)

Preview (with Dephi 10.4 using Per-Control Styles)

Use the VCLThemeSelectorLauncher demo present in Demo Folder to test it, and see how it's easy to use it, like in this example:
  LStyleName: string;
  LExcludeWindows: boolean;
  LMaxRows, LMaxCols: Integer;
  LStyleName := TStyleManager.ActiveStyle.Name;
  LExcludeWindows := False;
  LMaxRows := 3;
  LMaxCols := 3;
  if ShowVCLThemeSelector(LStyleName, LExcludeWindows, LMaxRows, LMaxCols) then
License: the CBVCLStylePreview is based on VCLStylePreview (Vcl.Styles.Ext) from: with full High-DPI support, and released under Apache 2.0 license.

VCLThemeSelector and VCLThemeSelectorLauncher are compatible from Delphi XE5 to 10.3, with some differences to High-DPI support. ModernAppDemo is compatible with Delphi 10.3, Delphi 10.2 and Delphi 10.1 (with 10.1 png stream format of pictures inside biolife.xml are incompatible: use an old biolife.xml file).
Also included in this repository you can find a full example of an HighDPI - VCL Themed enabled application that uses the VCLThemeSelector to change the Theme. You can run the demo from: Demo\Bin\ModernAppDemo.exe.

Demo from 10.1 to 10.3 (with IconFontsImageList)

Demo with 10.4 (with PerControlStyle and SVGIconsImageList)

License: this Demo is inspired by TSplitView demo (original software is Copyright (c) 2015 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.) and is released under Apache 2.0 license.

WARNING: to edit and compile the demo you must first download: IconFontsImageList free components here... and SVGIconImageList free components here...
19 Jun 2020
  • Fixed VCLThemeSelector for app in "Windows" Style for D10.4
  • Recompiled Demo with IconFontsImageList 2.0 (with GDI+ support)
11 Jun 2020
  • Added SVGIconImageList
  • Demo: swith icons from Fonts to SVG
09 Jun 2020
  • Updated Demo for Delphi 10.4
  • Added custom form "per-control styled" for D10.4
17 May 2020
  • Changed "Material Design Desktop" Font used in Demo
27 Apr 2020
  • Added VCLThemeSelectorLauncher
25 Apr 2020
  • First release of Selector and Demo App


Dec 26, 2018
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FastMM 5.01 from 2020-07-14
  • Add backward compatibility support for the ClearLogFileOnStartup v4 define.
FastMM is a fast replacement memory manager for Embarcadero Delphi applications that scales well across multiple threads and CPU cores, is not prone to memory fragmentation, and supports shared memory without the use of external .DLL files.



Dec 26, 2018
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  • Is a cross-platform library which builds upon the existing RTL, FMX and VCL libraries in Delphi
  • Supports a number of newer APIs that you won't find in FMX/RTL, and "backfills" for missing APIs
  • Is structured in a way so as to avoid creating unnecessary dependencies
  • Follows strict coding standards to ensure consistency and readability
  • Is kept as simple as practicable
  • Is named after the place in Greece where Delphi once stood
The Features folder contains more feature-rich cross-platform implementations of APIs. These are structured in such a way so as to shield your cross-platform code from the platform-specific implementation. There are demos for each of the features in the Demos folder Features include:

Android and iOS implementations of biometric functions, namely: Fingerprint recognition on Android, and Fingerprint and FaceID on iOS

Android and iOS implementations of code for checking network connectivity of a device

Android and iOS implementations of Firebase Cloud Messaging using their native libraries

Near-Field Communication implementations for Android and iOS

Framework that is alternative to TNotificationCenter (that ships with Delphi) for Notifications on Android and iOS

Speech Recognition
Android and iOS implementations for speech-to-text services. On Android, the actual speech API is used, rather than via Intents

Planned Features
In addition to the features listed above, several other features are planned for Kastri, namely:

Apple Sign-In
From April 30th of this year, iOS apps on the App Store that use any social media based login must also offer Apple Sign-In. This implementation will use native APIs and conform to Apple's requirements

Native camera implementation for Android and iOS. Performance that is leagues above that of TCameraComponent that ships with Delphi. Uses the latest native APIs

Photos Library
For accessing photos stored on the device via the albums on Android and iOS. Photos selector implementation with multiple-select capability (similar to Facebook's implementation)

Universal Links
Allows users to intelligently follow links to content inside your app from your website. Implemented natively on iOS

Core units
Units in the Core folder contain code of a wealth of cross-platform related implementations. Units that have platform specific code are suffixed with one of:
  • .Android.pas
  • .iOS.pas
  • .Linux.pas
  • .Mac.pas - can be for both iOS and macOS
  • .Posix.pas - for Posix-based platforms (iOS, macOS, Android, Linux)
  • .Win.pas
Implementations include:
  • DW.OSLog - logging code that serves to replace Log.d, which relies on FMX, and cannot be used in an Android service
  • DW.OSDevice - code that returns information that is mostly device-specific
  • DW.OSTimer - leaner, less complex implementation of a timer. Also does not rely on FMX, so can be used in an Android service
API imports
In the API folder you will find imports for a number of iOS, Android and Linux APIs that are either not included with Delphi, serve to complete missing APIs, or are imports for Java code contained in Kastri Most of these are used in the Kastri Features and/or demos however some are included due to interest from developers.



Dec 26, 2018
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DataSet Serialize for Delphi v2.1.2
DataSet Serialize is a set of features to make working with JSON and DataSet simple. It has features such as exporting or importing records into a DataSet, validate if JSON has all required attributes (previously entered in the DataSet), exporting or importing the structure of DataSet fields in JSON format. In addition to managing nested JSON through master detail or using TDataSetField (you choose the way that suits you best). All this using class helpers, which makes it even simpler and easier to use.
All features offered by DataSet Serialize are located in the class helper in unit DataSet.Serialize. To get your project started, simply add your reference where your functionality is needed. Here's an example:
uses DataSet.Serialize;
Let's now look at each feature, its rules and peculiarities, to deliver the best to all users.

DataSet to JSON
Creating a JSON object with information from a DataSet record seems like a very simple task for Delphi users. But that task just got easier. DataSet Serialize has two functions for this, namely ToJSONObject and ToJSONArray. Let's look at the use of the functions:

LJSONObject: TJSONObject;
LJSONObject := qrySamples.ToJSONObject(); // export a single record
LJSONArray := qrySamples.ToJSONArray(); // export all records

What is the difference between the two functions? ToJSONObject will only convert the current DataSet record to a TJSONObject. ToJSONArray will convert to a TJSONArray all the records of the DataSet and not just the selected record.

  • AChildRecords - Indicates whether or not to export child records (via master detail or TDataSetField).
  • AOnlyUpdatedRecords - Indicates whether to export only records that have been modified (records added, changed, or deleted). This feature is only available when using FireDAC. The CachedUpdates property must be True;
  • If the DataSet is empty or not assigned, a blank JSON object ({}) will be returned;
  • The field that does not have the visible (True) property will be ignored.
  • The attribute name in JSON will always be the field name in lower case, even if the field name is in upper case;
  • If the field is of type TDataSetField, a nested JSON is generated (JSONObject if it is just a child record, or JSONArray if it is more than one). The most suitable way for this type of situation is to create a master detail;
  • All child records will be exported as a JSONArray;
  • When using the AOnlyUpdatedRecords parameter of the ToJSONObject or ToJSONArray method, the JSON item is added to an "object_state" property responsible for defining what happened to the record (deleted, included or changed);
  • When a JSON array is created to represent a nested JSON using Master Detail, the DataSet name will be the name of the generated JSON attribute. There is a rule where if the DataSet name starts with qry (query) or mt (memtable), these initials are ignored, leaving only the rest as the attribute name in JSON.
  • If the DataSet is empty or not assigned, a blank JSON array ([]) will be returned;
  • Follows the same rules as ToJSONObject;
Save and load structure
A not very useful but important feature is SaveStructure and LoadStructure. As the name already said, it is possible to save the entire structure of fields configured in the DataSet and also load a structure in JSON format. Here's an example of how to load and export DataSet fields:

LJSONArray := qrySamples.SaveStructure;
qrySamples.LoadStructure(LJSONArray, True);

The following properties are controlled:
Alignment, FieldName, DisplayLabel, DataType, Size, Key, Origin, Required, Visible, ReadOnly, and AutoGenerateValue;

  • AOwns - Indicates who is responsible for destroying the passed JSON as a parameter.
  • If the field count of DataSet equals zero, a blank JSON array ([]) will be returned;
  • DataSet cannot be activated and Must not have fields defined;
Validate JSON
The ValidateJSON function is very useful when we want to validate on a server for example if the JSON we received in the request has all the required information. Practically, all fields in the DataSet are traversed, checking if the required fields were entered in JSON. If the field is required and has not been entered in JSON, it will be added to the JSON Array returned by the function. See the example below:

LJSONArray := qrySamples.ValidateJSON('{"country":"Brazil"}');

Upon receiving {"country": "Brazil"}, assuming our DataSet has 3 fields (ID, FIRST_NAME, COUNTRY), and the ID and FIRST_NAME field are required, the following will be returned:
[{"field":"id","error":"Id not informed"},{"field":"firstName","error":"Name not informed"}]

  • ALang - Responsible for changing the language used in the assembly of messages (default is English);
  • AOwns - Indicates who is responsible for destroying the passed JSON as a parameter;
  • If JSON is not assigned or fields count equals zero an exception is raised.
  • The default language of messages is English;
  • Even if all required fields are entered, an empty JSON array ([]) is returned;
  • A required field must have its Required property equal to True.
  • The DisplayLabel property can be used to customize the message;
Load from JSON
DataSet Serializa allows you to load a DataSet with a JSONObject, JSONArray and even a nested JSON all summarized in one method: LoadFromJSON(). Here's an example of how to use it:

qrySamples.LoadFromJSON('{"firstName":"Vinicius Sanchez","country":"Brazil"}');

  • AOwns - Indicates who is responsible for destroying the passed JSON as a parameter;
  • If JSON or DataSet has not been assigned, nothing will be done;
  • If DataSet is not activated and is not a TFDMemTable class, nothing will be done;
  • If the DataSet is of type TFDMemTable, it's not active and fields count equals zero, the fields will be created according to the JSON need. The DataType will be equal to ftString and Size equal to 4096;
  • When the "object_state" property is in JSON, the following validations are made:
    • If equal to INSERTED, an Append is performed on the DataSet;
    • If it is MODIFIED or DELETED, a Locate is made in the DataSet to find the record to be manipulated. If the registry is not found, nothing will be done. To execute Locate, a search for Key Fields is done within JSON;
    • If MODIFIED equals the Edit method of the DataSet;
    • If DELETED equals the Delete method of the DataSet;
  • If the "object_state" property is not found in JSON, then the Append method is called;
  • When loading a DataSet with JSON, fields that are ReadOnly or Visible(False) are ignored;
  • If an attribute is not found in JSON with the field name (not case sensitive), or it is nullo, the field is ignored (nullo / empty);
  • When loading a DataSet with a JSON containing nested JSON using Master Detail, by convention, the name of the child DataSet is expected to be the same as the JSON attribute name that represents the list of children to be loaded. The name of the child DataSet may still have the initials qry (query) or mt (memtable), as these will be ignored;
Merge from JSON
With DataSet Serialize you can still change the DataSet registration simply by using MergeFromJSONObject. The function is similar to LoadFromJSON. An example of use is for REST servers when the verb used in the request is PUT (not necessarily), in this case we do not want to include a new record but to change the current record.

qrySamples.MergeFromJSONObject('{"firstName":"Vinicius","country":"United States"}');

  • AOwns - Indicates who is responsible for destroying the passed JSON as a parameter;
  • Same as LoadFromJSON validations;
You can customize some features of DataSet-Serialize:
  • Date input is UTC (time zone)
TDataSetSerializeConfig.GetInstance.DateInputIsUTC := True;
  • Export null values
TDataSetSerializeConfig.GetInstance.Export.ExportNullValues := True;
  • Export only fields visible
TDataSetSerializeConfig.GetInstance.Export.ExportOnlyFieldsVisible := True;
  • Import only fields visible
TDataSetSerializeConfig.GetInstance.Import.ImportOnlyFieldsVisible := True;
  • Field name in lowerCamelCase pattern
TDataSetSerializeConfig.GetInstance.LowerCamelCase := True;
  • Format date (for export field type equals ftDate)
TDataSetSerializeConfig.GetInstance.Export.FormatDate := 'YYYY-MM-DD';
  • Format currency (for export field type equals ftCurrency)
TDataSetSerializeConfig.GetInstance.Export.FormatCurrency := '0.00##';
  • Define DataSet prefixes
TDataSetSerializeConfig.GetInstance.DataSetPrefix := ['mt', 'qry'];

Check out our sample project for each situation presented above in operation. If you have any questions or suggestion, please contact, make your pull request or create an issue.
View attachment 3003
