Бесплатный анонимный польский iban и vcc(virtual credt card)


Убийца Нарушителей
Jan 18, 2015
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Get FREE Anon Polish IBAN VCCs
Here you go and enjoy

How to Get Free* Anonymous Polish IBAN VCCs

DISLAIMER: These VCCs are technically not free. While you can create as many as you want without paying, you will automatically pay 5 PLN when you initially load the card. 5 PLN is only like 1 quid, so it's no big deal, but keep in mind that the first time you wire money to each VCC, 5 PLN will automatically be deducted.

So earlier today I thought it would be a good idea to share this. It's no secret, but if you don't look around or hate Polish (it's the most retarded Slavic language for sure), you might not run into it. So tonight I am going to tell you how to get free VCCs. For those that are new here and somehow vouched, VCC is a virtual credit card. Basically, these cards work the EXACT SAME WAY as the cards that Obelix and freefox sell (which I hope you are all familiar with), except you don't get a physical card. You get the IBAN number and the CVV. So you can use these as bank accounts (provided you spend all the money online somewhere), you can use them to verify PayPal (wire in $10 to the IBAN, wait for it to clear, and then add the VCC to a PayPal account to verify it), etc.

We are going to be dealing with Bank Zachodni WBK (BZWBK), which is the bank that Obelix gets his old cards from (and maybe freefox too? not sure). The new cards (PLN Visa) are from BRE bank, but the old ones (that are available in USD, EUR, GBP, etc.) are from BZWBK. The VCCs are only available in PLN, so keep that in mind, although exchanging EUR to PLN is free on these cards and all other currencies are cheap.

I'm sure all of you are familiar with the online page for registering the Polish cards; for this guide we will make a brand new account with 1 prepaid VCC already. Each account can have up to 10 VCCs in its name, so if you have an account already or want to add more to one account, the process is very similar and hopefully you can figure it out (or I will add it to this post later). So, load up the site:[HIDE=15]https://prepaid.bzwbk.pl/ and in the upper right hand corner, click the button that says "Recestracja" to get started.

Note: you will need to enable JavaScript to complete the registration. Suck it up. Also, I have never had problems registering accounts through Tor, however some people said they have, so that may be a hit or miss. Maybe try to use a Polish Tor exit node, or ideally a nice clean SOCKS5.

First thing you will see is a dropdown menu titled "Rodzaj karty" which is just asking for the type of card you have. The VCCs are called "karty internetowa" so select that. Immediately (unless you didn't listen and left JavaScript disabled), another dropdown menu will pop up. This one is basically asking if you already have a VCC (you can buy them separately as well and pay the 5 PLN up front). Do you have one? I didn't think so, so select "nie" which means no in Polish.

Now fire up fakenamegenerator.com, set it to generate a Polish identity, and cycle through till you found a name you like. Also, sign up for an email address for this account; you know the deal. Now, type in your email address for "login." "Haslo" means password (and it must have letters AND numbers and be between 8-20 characters), so type your password in and then type it in again for confirmation. For PESEL (like a Polish ID number), use the one fakenamegenerator.com gave you. This next step is important: "telefon komórkowy" is asking you for a phone number. THIS MUST BE A VALID PHONE NUMBER THAT CAN RECEIVE SMS. Later on, BZWBK will send your VCCs CVV 3-digit code via SMS to that phone number. If you don't have any phone numbers, use http://receive-sms-online.com/ or sign up for your own American number at http://pinger.com/tfw (warning: requires Flash to be enabled). Once you have a number, select your number's country code from the dropdown menu and type in the number.

Now fill in the rest of the personal infomation. Imie means first name, nazwisko is last name, ulica is street (note: fakenamegenerator will give you the address in the format of " ul. Beldan 6" and in this case, ulica would be just " Beldan"). "Numer domu" is the house number, which in this example is 6. Miejscowosc means city, and kod pocztowy is the postal code (has the format of XX-XXX in Poland). Once all that's in, make sure the "I accept the terms of registration" thing is checked and click on the green button that says "Dalej" and go (unless you're a stubborn motherfucker and STILL don't have JS enabled, in which case it won't work).

It will display your information again, if it's correct then click "Zakoncz." At this point, your CVV has been created. It will congratulate you for making an account, and then under the subsection called "Potwierdzenie rejestracji" it wil start telling you something about a PDF. Click on the PDF icon (it should be glowing) to the right of that box. This will download the PDF containing your credit card number, IBAN number, and the expiration date. DO NOT LOSE IT as it is impossible to recover or redownload. Your SMS number should then get a message saying something like "Dziekujemy za rejestracje?w serwisie Prepaid. Twoj?kod CVV2 to: XXX" where the last XXX is your CVV2. That's about it.

So yeah. Hopefully this guide was more than comprehensive enough. Use some common sense, or if you still can't figure it out, post your question/problem here as a reply and I'll try to answer it. These are technically full-fledged bank accounts (only withdrawable by online credit card, but still) and setup might be a bitch. Like to verify PayPal, you need to wire in like $10 to the VCC, which takes a few days and is pretty inefficient if you want to verify a lot of accounts.

But whatever, use these for what you want. Again, they are treated exactly the same way as the physical reloadable debit cards sold here, only virtual. So they act the same way, are registered the same way, etc. everything and some questions may be pretty easy to answer if you've used these cards before.

Does that make sense? It's a long ass post but I'm crashing and I feel like I am missing something... let me know your thoughts.

UPDATE REGARDING AVS: Obelix tells me that these cards have no AVS (Address Verification Service). I haven't been able to test that myself but have no reason to think he is wrong. Hopefully someone will report back about it.[/HIDE]
Статья на английском, не выложил перевод, потому что некорректный в гугле, хотя разобраться можно! Кому интересно переведете!
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Oct 11, 2006
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Get FREE Anon Polish IBAN VCCs
Here you go and enjoy

How to Get Free* Anonymous Polish IBAN VCCs

DISLAIMER: These VCCs are technically not free. While you can create as many as you want without paying, you will automatically pay 5 PLN when you initially load the card. 5 PLN is only like 1 quid, so it's no big deal, but keep in mind that the first time you wire money to each VCC, 5 PLN will automatically be deducted.

So earlier today I thought it would be a good idea to share this. It's no secret, but if you don't look around or hate Polish (it's the most retarded Slavic language for sure), you might not run into it. So tonight I am going to tell you how to get free VCCs. For those that are new here and somehow vouched, VCC is a virtual credit card. Basically, these cards work the EXACT SAME WAY as the cards that Obelix and freefox sell (which I hope you are all familiar with), except you don't get a physical card. You get the IBAN number and the CVV. So you can use these as bank accounts (provided you spend all the money online somewhere), you can use them to verify PayPal (wire in $10 to the IBAN, wait for it to clear, and then add the VCC to a PayPal account to verify it), etc.

We are going to be dealing with Bank Zachodni WBK (BZWBK), which is the bank that Obelix gets his old cards from (and maybe freefox too? not sure). The new cards (PLN Visa) are from BRE bank, but the old ones (that are available in USD, EUR, GBP, etc.) are from BZWBK. The VCCs are only available in PLN, so keep that in mind, although exchanging EUR to PLN is free on these cards and all other currencies are cheap.

I'm sure all of you are familiar with the online page for registering the Polish cards; for this guide we will make a brand new account with 1 prepaid VCC already. Each account can have up to 10 VCCs in its name, so if you have an account already or want to add more to one account, the process is very similar and hopefully you can figure it out (or I will add it to this post later). So, load up the site:
Статья на английском, не выложил перевод, потому что некорректный в гугле, хотя разобраться можно! Кому интересно переведете!
Hi! I try to use you guide and I need you help! After filling all information and clicking 'Dalej" I'm on the page that asking me card numaber. But I don't have! Also, previosly I didn't have drop-box with a question about the CVV. WHat I need to check? Tnx


Jan 5, 2015
Reaction score
Hi! I try to use you guide and I need you help! After filling all information and clicking 'Dalej" I'm on the page that asking me card numaber. But I don't have! Also, previosly I didn't have drop-box with a question about the CVV. WHat I need to check? Tnx
Hey, just hurry topic is not working, because a year ago it was issued on the resource. TC is also a long time did not appear, and you probably just do not who will not help in this regard.