Серия: Programmer.To.Programmer

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ex-Team DUMPz
Jun 23, 2004
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В этой теме будут собраны книги из серии "Programmer.To.Programmer" издательства Wrox.

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ex-Team DUMPz
Jun 23, 2004
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Beginning Regular Expressions
by Andrew Watt

Book Description

Supported by all major databases, scripting languages, and programming languages, regular expressions are powerful "wild-card" text-processing tools used by programmers to find, validate, modify, or edit information
Covering a wide range of languages and databases-including JavaScript, ASP.NET, and Access-this book will appeal to the many programmers put off by the Perl-Unix focus of existing regular expressions books
Packed with easy-to-follow examples and exercises, the book helps regular expressions newcomers learn by doing

Download Description

Regular expressions help users and developers to find and manipulate text more effectively and efficiently. In addition, regular expressions are supported by many scripting languages, programming languages, and databases. This example-rich tutorial helps debunk the traditional reputation of regular expressions as being cryptic. It explains the various parts of a regular expression pattern, what those parts mean, how to use them, and common pitfalls to avoid when writing regular expressions. With chapters on using regular expressions with popular Windows platform software including databases, cross platform scripting languages, and programming languages, you'll learn to make effective use of the power provided by regular expressions once you fully comprehend their strengths and potential. What you will learn from this book -Fundamental concepts of regular expressions and how to write them -How to break down a text manipulation problem into component parts so you can then logically construct a regular expression pattern -How to use regular expressions in several scripting and programming languages and software packages -The variations that exist among regular expression dialects -Reusable, real-world working code that can be used to solve everyday regular expression problems Who this book is for: This book is for developers who need to manipulate text but are new to regular expressions. Some basic programming or scripting experience is useful but not required.

Примеры из книги
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ex-Team DUMPz
Jun 23, 2004
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Beginning JavaScript, 2nd Edition
by Paul Wilton

What is this book about?

JavaScript is the preferred programming language for Web page applications, letting you enhance your sites with interactive, dynamic, and personalized pages. This fully updated guide shows you how to take advantage of JavaScript’s client-side scripting techniques for the newest versions of Netscape and Internet Explorer, even if you’ve never programmed before.

You begin with basic syntax and learn about data types and how to structure code for decision-making. Then you learn to use dates, strings, and other basic objects of JavaScript. Next, you see how to use JavaScript to manipulate objects provided by the browser, such as forms and windows. From there, you move into advanced topics like using cookies and dynamic HTML.

After you have a solid foundation, you explore dynamic generation of Web content using server-side scripting and back-end databases. And you practice what you learn by building a sample application as you go.

What does this book cover?

Here are some of the things you'll find in this book:
What types of data are used in JavaScript
How to identify and correct flaws in your code
Techniques for programming the browser
How to use Microsoft Script Debugger and Netscape Script Debugger
Ways to manage cross-browser issues
How JavaScript interacts with XML and HTML

Who is this book for?

This book is for anyone who wants to learn JavaScript programming. You should have some understanding of HTML and how to create static Web pages, but no prior programming experience is necessary.

Примеры из книги: _http://media.wiley.com/product_ancillary/71/07645558/DOWNLOAD_COMBINED/BegJavaScript2e.zip


ex-Team DUMPz
Jun 23, 2004
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Professional Portal Development with Open Source Tools: Java Portlet API, Lucene, James, Slide
by W. Clay Richardson, Donald Avondolio, Joe Vitale, Peter Len, Kevin T. Smith

What is this book about?

Open source technology enables you to build customized enterprise portal frameworks with more flexibility and fewer limitations. This book explains the fundamentals of a powerful set of open source tools and shows you how to use them.

An outstanding team of authors provides a complete tutorial and reference guide to Java Portlet API, Lucene, James, and Slide, taking you step-by-step through constructing and deploying portal applications. You trace the anatomy of a search engine and understand the Lucene query syntax, set up Apache James configuration for a variety of servers, explore object to relational mapping concepts with Jakarta OJB, and acquire many other skills necessary to create J2EE portals uniquely suited to the needs of your organization.

Loaded with code-intensive examples of portal applications, this book offers you the know-how to free your development process from the restrictions of pre-packaged solutions.

What does this book cover?

Here's what you will learn in this book:
How to evaluate business requirements and plan the portal
How to develop an effective browser environment
How to provide a search engine, messaging, database inquiry, and content management services in an integrated portal application
How to develop Web services for the portal
How to monitor, test, and administer the portal
How to create portlet applications compliant with the Java Portlet API
How to reduce the possibility of errors while managing the portal to accommodate change
How to plan for the next generation application portal

Who is this book for?

This book is for professional Java developers who have some experience in portal development and want to take advantage of the options offered by open source tools.

Примеры из книги: _http://media.wiley.com/product_ancillary/13/04714695/DOWNLOAD/ProPortalDev.rar


ex-Team DUMPz
Jun 23, 2004
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Professional C++
by Nicholas A. Solter, Scott J. Kleper

Book Description

* Geared to experienced C++ developers who may not be familiar with the more advanced features of the language, and therefore are not using it to its full capabilities
* Teaches programmers how to think in C++-that is, how to design effective solutions that maximize the power of the language
* The authors drill down into this notoriously complex language, explaining poorly understood elements of the C++ feature set as well as common pitfalls to avoid
* Contains several in-depth case studies with working code that's been tested on Windows, Linux, and Solaris platforms

Примеры из книги: _http://media.wiley.com/product_ancillary/41/07645748/DOWNLOAD/574841_codefiles.zip
Бонус глава 1: _http://media.wiley.com/product_ancillary/41/07645748/DOWNLOAD/574841_bc01.pdf
Бонус глава 2: _http://media.wiley.com/product_ancillary/41/07645748/DOWNLOAD/574841_bc02.pdf


ex-Team DUMPz
Jun 23, 2004
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Professional Linux Programming
by Neil Matthew and Richard Stones

By tapping the strengths of the open-source movement, developers can write custom Linux software without spending a dime on licensing fees. Aimed at the experienced C/C++ programmer, Professional Linux Programming provides a wide-ranging and hands-on guide to the different pieces of the puzzle that are required to program successfully on this exciting new platform.

The book is framed as a case study for building a custom database program in Linux for a video rental store. After a tour of the requirements and a brief look at project management for creating this software, the various Linux packages that are needed to implement this system are described, along with sample code, most of which is written in C. Some packages, such as the CVS version-control package, come with most distributions of Linux; others will require downloading additional software over the Internet. In every case, you're provided with the actual command-line arguments that are needed to install, configure, and run each package.

Besides a great exploration of CVS for version control, this title offers excellent coverage of the free PostgreSQL and MySQL databases, which are two very popular choices for Linux databases. The book also does a good job of explaining UI design under both the GTK+/GNOME and KDE (two popular Linux desktops), and how to extend the reach of the sample database application by using Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) and CORBA. Of course, the finished application doesn't use every Linux API that's covered here, but the book does cast a wide net, and introduces features and tools that are available.

Two prominent chapters take you on a tour of the essentials of other programming languages. There's PHP for Web development and an appealing, enthusiastic introduction to Python (which probably will turn you into a Python convert). Later chapters provide practical tips for testing and debugging applications, including how to profile your code. The book closes with a useful guide to creating Red Hat Package Manager (RPM) packages for deploying applications, as well as an overview of your options for internationalization.

By covering so many APIs, languages, and tools effectively, Professional Linux Programming gives experienced C/C++ programmers all that they need to get started with Linux development. With its remarkably clear presentation style and abundance of practical tips, the book is an admirably useful blueprint for building custom software. --Richard Dragan

Topics covered:
Introduction to open-source software and Linux requirements
Use cases and sample C objects for sample video rental store
Version control and CVS (command-line options, revisions, branches, and multiuser version control)
Open-source freeware packages compared (mSQL, MySQL, and PostgreSQL)
Introduction to databases
Installing and using PostgreSQL
Tutorial on psql SQL
PostgreSQL C database APIs using libcq and embedded SQL calls with ECPG
Installing and using MySQL (command-line utilities and C database APIs)
Debugging with gdb
Introduction and tutorial to UI programming with glib
Source trees and GNOME
UI design with Glade
Testing strategies (including regression testing, profiling, and memory bounds checking)
KDE/Qt UI programming
Introduction and quick tutorial to Python (keywords and basic syntax)
PHP for Web programming
Introduction to Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) and CORBA
XML basics (document structure, parsing, and libxml)
Strategies for documentation (including custom man pages)
Distributing Linux applications with Red Hat Package Manager (RPM) packages
Code patches

Book Description
As Linux increases its presence throughout the world as a target platform for professional application development, its growth as a powerful, flexible system offering many free development tools assures its place in the future. By giving you easy access to this comprehensive range of tools, supporting new and nascent technologies, at little or no cost, developing with Linux allows you to apply the solution that's right for you.

In this follow-up to the best-selling Beginning Linux Programming, you will learn from the authors' real-world knowledge and experience of developing software for Linux; you'll be taken through the development of a sample 'DVD Store' application, with 'theme' chapters addressing different aspects of its implementation. Meanwhile, individual 'take-a-break' chapters cover important topics that go beyond the bounds of the central theme. All focus on the practical aspects of programming, showing how crucial it is to choose the right tools for the job, use them as they should be used, and get things right first time.

Who is this book for?

Experienced Linux programmers and aspiring developers alike will find a great deal of practical information in this book on libraries, techniques, tools and applications. You should be familiar with a simple Linux system, have a good working knowledge of programming in C, and a basic understanding of object-oriented programming with C++ for the Qt/KDE chapters.

What does this book cover?

Data storage in Linux - including coverage of PostgreSQL, MySQL and XML
Implementation of Linux GUIs - covering both KDE and GNOME
Web-based interfaces - using the PHP module for Apache
Python - including extending and embedding the language
Using RPC and CORBA to construct distributed object-based applications
Versioning (with CVS), documentation, internationalization and project distribution
Distributed hardware solutions such as diskless Linux and Beowulf clustering



ex-Team DUMPz
Jun 23, 2004
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Professional Xml : 2nd Edition
by Nikola Ozu, Jon Duckett, Andrew Watt, Stephen Mohr

Professional XML is aimed toward seasoned Web or general application developers as a guide for developing sophisticated, real-world XML solutions. It successfully meets the most pressing need for programmers new to XML by putting all of the various component technologies into clear context.

The near boundless potential of XML also means there is much ground to cover, and this book cuts no corners in taking the reader through the network of technologies, exploring both the presentation and data exchange applications of XML. This second edition represents the current state of the ever-evolving set of XML standards, particularly the momentum toward XML Schemas.

The first couple of chapters compose an excellent XML introduction and the basic language syntax. Then the various authors delve into the individual components of XML such as document type definitions (DTD), XML Schemas, XPath, and XSLT. Most of the chapters include some concrete examples of how to implement the techniques in question. Late in the book, a full-fledged case study serves as an excellent compilation of several aspects of XML.

The book goes beyond the basics of XML to give the reader a glimpse of the still unknown potential of the technology. A fascinating chapter on Schema Based Programming (SBP)--an experimental coding technique--adds a degree of excitement to the learning process and is sure to spark innovation in any creative programmer.

Professional XML is another seminal work from Wrox. It should be required reading for anyone looking to become an XML guru. --Stephen W. Plain

Topics covered:
XML introduction
Document type definitions
XML Schemas
XML-Data Reduced (XDR)
Validation tools
Document Object Model (DOM)
Simple API for XML version 2 (SAX2)
Schema Based Programming (SBP)
Data modeling
XML data binding
Microsoft BizTalk and B2B solutions

Book Description
XML has made a major impact in almost every aspect of software development. Designed as an open, extensible, self-describing language, it has become the standard for data and document delivery on the web. The panoply of XML-related technologies continues to develop at breakneck speed, to enable validation, navigation, transformation, linking, querying, description, and messaging of data.

This is the new edition of Professional XML, updated to cover the latest developments in XML. This book provides a thorough and practical grounding in the core XML technologies and shows some of the key applications of XML in computing, from presenting and adding meaning to information on the Web, through using it as a data interchange format, to enabling open business-to-business computing.

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ex-Team DUMPz
Jun 23, 2004
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Beginning XML, 2nd Edition
by David Hunter, Kurt Cagle, Chris Dix, Roger Kovack, Jonathan Pinnock, Jeff Rafter

What is this book about?

Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a rapidly maturing technology with powerful real-world applications, particularly for the management, display, and organization of data. Together with its many related technologies it is an essential technology for anyone using markup languages on the web or internally.

This book teaches you all you need to know about XML — what it is, how it works, what technologies surround it, and how it can best be used in a variety of situations, from simple data transfer to using XML in your web pages. It builds on the strengths of the first edition, and provides new material to reflect the changes in the XML landscape — notably SOAP and Web Services, and the publication of the XML Schemas Recommendation by the W3C.

What does this book cover?

Here are just a few of the things this book covers:
XML syntax and writing well-formed XML
Using XML Namespaces
Transforming XML into other formats with XSLT
XPath and XPointer for locating specific XML data
XML Validation using DTDs and XML Schemas
Manipulating XML documents with the DOM and SAX 2.0
SOAP and Web Services
Displaying XML using CSS and XSL
Incorporating XML into tradition databases and n-tier architectures
XLink and XPointer for linking XML and non-XML resources

Who is this book for?

Beginning XML, 2nd Edition is for any developer who is interested in learning to use XML in web, e-commerce or data-storage applications. Some knowledge of mark up, scripting, and/or object oriented programming languages is advantageous, but not essential, as the basis of these techniques are explained as required.

Примеры из книги: _http://media.wiley.com/product_ancillary/46/07645439/DOWNLOAD/5598.zip


ex-Team DUMPz
Jun 23, 2004
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Professional Java Tools for Extreme Programming: Ant, XDoclet, JUnit, Cactus, and Maven
by Richard Hightower, Warner Onstine, Paul Visan, Damon Payne, Joseph D. Gradecki, Kate Rhodes, Robert Watkins, Erik Meade

What is this book about?

The Extreme Programming (XP) methodology enables you to build and test enterprise systems quickly without sacrificing quality. In the last few years, open source developers have created or significantly improved a host of Java XP tools, from XDoclet, Maven, AntHill, and Eclipse to Ant, JUnit, and Cactus. This practical, code-intensive guide shows you how to put these tools to work — and capitalize on the benefits of Extreme Programming.

Using an example pet store application, our expert Java developers demonstrate how to harness the latest versions of Ant and XDoclet for automated building and continuous integration. They then explain how to automate the testing process using JUnit, Cactus, and other tools, and to enhance project management and continuous integration through Maven and AntHill. Finally, they show you how to work with XP tools in the new Eclipse IDE.

Complete with real-world advice on how to implement the principles and practices of effective developers, this book delivers everything you need to harness the power of Extreme Programming in your own projects.

What does this book cover?

Here are some of the things you'll find out about in this book:
How to automate the building of J2EE apps and components with Ant and XDoclet
Techniques for automating Java testing using JUnit
Procedures for automating servlet, JSP, and other J2EE testing using Cactus
Ways to automate Swing testing with Jemmy, JFCUnit, and Abbot
How to manage projects using Maven
Techniques for automating continuous integration with AntHill and Cruise Control
How to harness plugins for JUnit, Cactus, and Ant in the Eclipse IDE
Ways to implement Extreme Programming best practices

Who is this book for?

This book is for enterprise Java developers who have a general familiarity with the XP methodology and want to put leading Java XP tools to work in the development process.

Примеры из книги: _http://media.wiley.com/product_ancillary/77/07645561/DOWNLOAD/ProJavaTools.zip
Бонус: _http://media.wiley.com/product_ancillary/77/07645561/DOWNLOAD/Pet_Store_and_HelloWorld_Apps.zip


ex-Team DUMPz
Jun 23, 2004
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Professional Assembly Language
by Richard Blum

What is this book about?

Unlike high-level languages such as Java and C++, assembly language is much closer to the machine code that actually runs computers; it's used to create programs or modules that are very fast and efficient, as well as in hacking exploits and reverse engineering

Covering assembly language in the Pentium microprocessor environment, this code-intensive guide shows programmers how to create stand-alone assembly language programs as well as how to incorporate assembly language libraries or routines into existing high-level applications

Demonstrates how to manipulate data, incorporate advanced functions and libraries, and maximize application performance

Examples use C as a high-level language, Linux as the development environment, and GNU tools for assembling, compiling, linking, and debugging

Примеры из книги: _http://media.wiley.com/product_ancillary/10/07645790/DOWNLOAD/code.tgz

*За предоставление книги спасибо участнику gavrik


ex-Team DUMPz
Jun 23, 2004
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Beginning SQL
by Paul Wilton, John Colby

What is this book about?

* Taking readers through the basics of the language, right up to some more advanced topics, this book is a practical, hands-on resource and aims to keep the reader involved at all times

* Focuses on the SQL standard and is loaded with detailed examples and code; each chapter includes practice exercises that readers can challenge themselves with before looking at the sample solutions in the appendix

* Paul Wilton is a successful Wrox "Beginning" book author and is an ideal author to write for those who want a firm grasp of standard SQL before learning the details specific to a particular database product

* SQL is an international standard for manipulating data in databases and is used by database programmers in all major database systems: Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, MySQL, and many others

Примеры из книги: _http://media.wiley.com/product_ancillary/28/07645773/DOWNLOAD/577328_BeginningSQL_DatabaseScripts.zip

*За предоставление книги спасибо участнику gavrik


ex-Team DUMPz
Jun 23, 2004
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SQL Functions Programmer's Reference
by Arie Jones, Ryan K. Stephens, Ronald R. Plew, Robert F. Garrett, Alex Kriegel

What is this book about?

Gives programmers two-in-one coverage, with both a "how-to" on SQL functions and a complete SQL functions reference

SQL is the standard language for database queries; this book's advanced coverage helps programmers write their own SQL functions

Covers both the internationally standardized SQL 99 functions and the hundreds of additional functions introduced by vendors, including the subtle variations required to successfully migrate or interoperate between vendor products

Covers the latest versions of the major relational database management system (RDMS) applications: Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, IBM DB2, and MySQL


*За предоставление книги спасибо участнику StDragon


ex-Team DUMPz
Jun 23, 2004
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Professional JavaScript for Web Developers
by Nicholas C. Zakas

What is this book about?

*Dispels the myth that JavaScript is a "baby" language and demonstrates why it is the scripting language of choice used in the design of millions of Web pages and server-side applications

* Quickly covers JavaScript basics and then moves on to more advanced topics such as object-oriented programming, XML, Web services, and remote scripting

* Addresses the many issues that Web application developers face, including internationalization, security, privacy, optimization, intellectual property issues, and obfuscation

* Builds on the reader's basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and the Web in general

Примеры из книги: _http://media.wiley.com/product_ancillary/88/07645790/DOWNLOAD/579088CodeExamples.zip

*За предоставление книги спасибо участнику StDragon


ex-Team DUMPz
Jun 23, 2004
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Beginning PHP5
by Dave Mercer et al.

What is this book about?

eginning PHP5 is a complete tutorial in PHP5's language features and functionality, beginning with the basics and building up to the design and construction of complex data-driven Web sites. Fully functioning applications are developed through the course of the book. Other features of the book include installation guide and troubleshooting tips, introduction to relational databases, practical working examples and applications, and a detailed language reference.

Here are the new topics in this edition:
*Error handling with try/catch

Примеры из книги: _http://media.wiley.com/product_ancillary/31/07645578/DOWNLOAD/BegPHP5Code.rar


ex-Team DUMPz
Jun 23, 2004
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Professional CSS: Cascading Style Sheets for Web Design
by Christopher Schmitt, Mark Trammell, Ethan Marcotte, Dunstan Orchard, Todd Dominey

Professional CSS Cascading Style Sheets for Web Design

As the preferred technology for Web design, cascading style sheets (CSS) enable Web designers and developers to define consistent styles on multiple pages. Written by leading CSS authors who are also professional programmers and designers, this is the first book to showcase examples of high-profile, real-world Web sites created by world-famous designers using CSS.

Each chapter offers an exploratory look at each designer's process from start to finish and how he overcame each site's unique set of challenges. You'll learn what each designer would have done differently as well as various CSS tips and techniques that were used for each site. This is a resource to which you can turn regularly for more know-how and insights into designing large-scale, professional-level Web sites with CSS.

What you will learn from this book
* The preliminaries you need to iron out before you begin a site in order to avoid problems later
* How to tackle browser-compatibility issues
* Best practices for using XHTML with CSS
* How to successfully integrate Flash content into an XHTML and CSS site
* Using drop shadows, drop-down menus, bounding boxes, and rollovers
* Ways to develop a site that can reliably handle constant streams of up-to-date information

Who this book is for

This book is for designers who understand CSS at an intermediate to advanced level, but who are looking to learn how to effectively develop CSS-enabled designs at a professional level.

Wrox Professional guides are planned and written by working programmers to meet the real-world needs of programmers, developers, and IT professionals. Focused and relevant, they address the issues technology professionals face every day. They provide examples, practical solutions, and expert education in new technologies, all designed to help programmers do a better job.

Примеры из книги: _http://media.wiley.com/product_ancillary/38/07645883/DOWNLOAD/0764588338-Ch09-Code.zip


ex-Team DUMPz
Jun 23, 2004
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Professional SQL Server Reporting Services
by Paul Turley, Todd Bryant, James Counihan, George McKee, Dave DuVarney

What is this book about?

SQL Server Reporting Services is the customizable reporting solution for report designers and programmers. This hands-on guide will get you up to speed quickly. You can create powerful reports without programming knowledge and extend reporting solutions using VB, C#, and ASP.NET.

Packed with detailed examples of building reports, designing report solutions, and developing deployment strategies for interacting with various platforms, this book prepares you to take full advantage of a revolutionary new tool.

What does this book cover?

Here are just some of the things you'll learn in this book:
Details of programming reports and report scripting
Advanced report design, including drill-down reports, nested lists, drill-through, links, and dynamic content
How to manage reports using Report Manager or program code
High-level strategies for business support systems
Rendering reports using .NET code, .NET IO namespace classes, and URL rendering
Deployment strategies to handle hardware, software, and platform considerations, licensing issues, and scaling options

Who is this book for?

This book is for developers and report designers using VB, C#, and ASP.NET who need to tie into SQL Server to build customized reports or to integrate reports into Windows or Web-based applications.

Примеры из книги: _http://media.wiley.com/product_ancillary/87/07645687/DOWNLOAD_COMBINED/568787_code_bundle.zip


Nov 6, 2004
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Kiev, Ukraine
Серия: Programmer.To.Programmer (продолжение)

Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development

Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development
by Rod Johnson ISBN:0764543857
Wrox Press © 2003 (742 pages)
Drawing on the author's experience of designing successful high-volume J2EE applications and salvaging failing projects, this text guides you through the complexity of the J2EE services and APIs to enable you to build the simplest possible solution.

Ivor Horton's Beginning Java 2, JDK 5 Edition

ISBN: 0-7645-6874-4
December 2004
1512 pages
This book is a comprehensive introduction to the Java programming language, updated thoroughly (more than 35% new and updated) for the latest SDK 1.5 release. This book shows readers how to build real-world Java applications using the Java SDK. No previous programming experience is required. The author uses numerous step-by-step programming examples to guide readers through the ins and outs of Java development. In addition to fully covering new features of SDK 1.5, such as generic types, the author has also added new chapters on Java database programming with JDBC and Java programming with XML.

JavaScript Programmer's Reference

Javascript Programmer's Reference
by Cliff Wootton
ISBN: 1861004591
Publisher: Springer-Verlag New York Inc
Date: 2001
Pages: 1000

Professional Apache Tomcat

Professional Apache Tomcat
by Chanoch Wiggers, Ben Galbraith, Vivek Chopra, Sing Li, Debashish Bhattacharjee, Amit Bakore, Romin Irani, Sandip Bhattacharya, Chad Fowler
ISBN: 0-7645-4372-5
October 2002
552 pages
Tomcat is an open source web server that processes JavaServer Pages and Java Servlets. It can run as a stand-alone server or be integrated with Apache. Like Apache, the core Tomcat program is relatively simple, but there are many enhancements that can be added to make it much more complex.

Professional Jakarta Struts

Professional Jakarta Struts
by James Goodwill and Richard Hightower ISBN:0764544373
Wrox Press © 2004 (429 pages)
This text presents the technical and conceptual information you need to design, build, and deploy sophisticated Struts 1.1 applications, as well as the Struts Model 2 architecture and the process for building model, view and controller components.

Professional Oracle Programming

Professional Oracle Programming
by Rick Greenwald, Robert Stackowiak, Gary Dodge, David Klein, Ben Shapiro, Christopher G. Chelliah
ISBN: 0-7645-7482-5
June 2005
790 pages
- One of the only Oracle books to focus exclusively on database programming rather than administration
- Oracle owns sixty percent of the commercial database market
- Provides full coverage of the latest Oracle version, 10g-including new features such as regular expressions and the MODEL SQL clause-as well as versions 8, 8i, and 9i
- The authors are well-known as Oracle gurus-Greenwald is the author of Oracle in a Nutshell and the coauthor, with Stackowiak, of Oracle 9 Essentials
- Shows how to use Oracle data and data structures to build robust, scalable database applications using Java, SQL, and PL/SQL

Professional XML Databases

Professional XML Databases
by Wrox Author Team
This book is for database and XML programmers wanting to learn more and work more on the practical implementation of XML and data driven web content. Covering traditional relational databases as well as object databases this book will provide readers with everything needed to know on this powerful and rapidly expanding technology.

Professional XML Development with Apache Tools

Professional XML Development with Apache Tools: Xerces, Xalan, FOP, Cocoon, Axis, Xindice
by Theodore W. Leung ISBN:0764543555
Wrox Press © 2004 (519 pages)
If you need in-depth information to help you assemble a workable toolbox for developing sophisticated XML-based applications, you'll find it in this volume. This code-intensive guide provides Java developers with the most relevant tools.

Professional IBM WebSphere 5.0 Application Server

Professonal IBM WebSphere 5.0 Application Server
by Tim Francis et al. ISBN:0764543660
Wrox Press © 2003 (756 pages)
Written by key personnel in the IBM development team, this text details how to develop, deploy and manage enterprise applications for version 5.0 of IBM's WebSphere Application Server.

2Heralt: Если сочтешь нужным, перекинь мой пост в свою тему, а эту удали. И если надо, то могу и на фтп залить.
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ex-Team DUMPz
Jun 23, 2004
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Сегодня ЗДЕСЬ, а завтра ТАМ

Expert One-on-One Microsoft Access Application Development
by Helen Feddema

What is this book about?

If you are developing databases for your own use, the process need not be complicated. But when you build databases for clients, many of whom may not be familiar with Access or comfortable with databases in general, you have a lot more work to do. Expert One-on-One Microsoft Access Application Development makes that process easier.

In these pages, you discover how to set up tables and relationships to ensure that the database is properly normalized. Then you write VBA code to create the connective tissue that turns a bunch of tables, queries, forms, and reports into a complete and coherent application. You also find out about the important but often inadequately documented area of Automation code, which is used to communicate with other Office applications.

Over years of working with Access, the author has created some add-ins to save time when developing applications. She shows you how to use them to create a main menu for an application, automatically apply a naming convention to database objects, and ensure a consistent and professional appearance of the application’s forms.

This book helps you write VBA code that unites database components into an application that works.

What does this book cover?

Here's what you'll discover in this book:
How to build integrated Access-based applications that support multiple clients and databases
Tips for streamlining application creation
Maintenance required throughout an application’s life cycle, including migrating data from legacy systems and upgrading Office
How to use Automation code to exchange data among Office components and even some non-Office programs
Ways to avoid glitches when building Access applications that work with Excel, Word, and Outlook

Who is this book for?

This book is for experienced Access users who are familiar with creating Access objects and writing VBA code, but who need help transitioning from competent users/programmers to full-fledged Access developers.


Примеры из книги:

Files for Chapters 1-3
Files for Chapters 4-5
Files for Chapter 6
Files for Chapter 7
Files for Chapters 8-14


ex-Team DUMPz
Jun 23, 2004
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Сегодня ЗДЕСЬ, а завтра ТАМ

Beginning JavaServer Pages
by Vivek Chopra, Jon Eaves, Rupert Jones, Sing Li, John T. Bell

JSP is one of the core technologies for server-side Java applications and the 2.0 release, which this book covers in detail, makes JSP an even more powerful tool
Walks Java programmers and Web developers through JSP fundamentals, including JSP syntax and directives, JSP Expression Language, JSP Tag libraries, JSTL, and techniques for testing and debugging
Shows how to use JSP in real-world Web applications along with open source frameworks such as Struts, WebWork, and Turbine, software design methodologies, and developer tools like Ant, jUnit, and CVS, as well as popular IDEs (integrated development environmnents)
Each chapter has an exercise section with solutions on the companion Web site

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ex-Team DUMPz
Jun 23, 2004
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Сегодня ЗДЕСЬ, а завтра ТАМ

Accessible XHTML and CSS Web Sites: Problem - Design - Solution
by Jon Duckett

Shows Web developers how to make the transition from HTML to XHTML, an XML-based reformulation of HTML that offers greater design flexibility

Demonstrates how to work with CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)-now supported by ninety percent of browsers and integral to new site-building tools from Macromedia and others-and implement a consistent style throughout and entire site

Explains how to make a site accessible to people with impaired vision, limited hand use, dyslexia, and other issues-now a legal requirement for many sites in the U.S. and the U.K.


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