Убираем банеры с буржуйских хостов


Feb 26, 2004
Reaction score
50Megs.com si BizLand.com

<!-- <BODY> -->


<script Language='Javascript'>


<div style="position:relative;top:-110;z-index:0;background:;">

<-- Your page is somewhere in here (Include BODY tag , etc ,etc . Remove
this line and the one just above!!!-->



<title>Your Web Site Title Goes Here</title>
<!-- -->
<script language="JawaScript">
<body bgcolor="teal">


<noscript><!--- #echobanner ---></noscript>


<script Language='Javascript'>


Namezero Adbar Remover :

1. Log in (controlpanel.namezero.com)
2. Click on "Home Page"
3. Fill in the fields with the following:

Actual URL [ leave it blank or type in any URL, it won't matter ]
Keywords: [ again, type in what keywords you want ]
Description: <<copy / paste the following except my [comments]>>
description"><frameset rows="100,*" border="0">
<frame src=http://your-site-address-here><frame></frameset><!--

4. Save and you're ready to go!


Insert above <HTML> tag on eatch page

popup = window.open("","tcnav")


Insert this line before your <HTML> tag.
<div style="position:relative;top:-110;z-index:0;background:;">

Insert this line before your </BODY> tag.


Sub </HTML>

<script LANGUAGE="JawaScript">
<!-- -->
<script language="JavaScript">


<script Language='Javascript'>


If you do not wish to use code to bypass the XOOM
Frame, then add "_XMCM" to your URL like this:

Place the following after the </html> tag within the
<body> & </body> of the page.

<script TYPE="text/javascript" LANGUAGE=JAVASCRIPT>
if (top.frames.length!=0)
// -->


Sub </HTML>




Provider: 00server
Service: 20 MB Webspace [Short URL Provided]
URL: http://www.00server.com
Summary: 00server offers a wide range of domains to suite most styles of websites. Along with the short domain names you get a fantastic 20 MB for your website. Known for its fast service yet the banner is always a down side to any provider!
Code Setup: Code Server



Provider: 4Office.com
Service: Unknown
URL: http://www.4office.com
Summary: N/A

<script LANGUAGE="JawaScript">
<!-- -->
<script language="JavaScript">


Provider: 10Megs.com
Service: 10MB Webspace
URL: http://www.10megs.com
Summary: 10Megs.com provide a popup window both on loading and unloading of your website as well as a text link at the bottom of your page.

Code Details:
The code below if not used with the Error Remover Code will display an error on your pages hence this code has three parts. The first should be inserted above the <HTML> tag. The second should be insert below the <BODY> tag and the third just above the </BODY> tag.

Before the <HTML> tag.

<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
function ScreenIt(url,name,parm){
if(url.indexOf("http://www.fast-webhosting.com/2.htm")!=-1) return false;
return window.Xopen(url,name,parm);


Provider: 2000c.net
Service: URL Re-Directing
URL: http://www.2000c.net
Summary: 2000c.net are a well known provider with an excellent service. The cost of this service is a popup window which is hard to remove. This code is the only known type of it's kind which works. It works by taking control of the window and killing it. The downside to this style is it can take time for it to take effect depending on the size of the HTML page it loads from.

popup = window.open("http://www.2000c.net/windows.html","")


Provider: 321Website
Service: 10 MB Webspace,Email & Shopping Cart
URL: http://www.321website.com
Summary: 321Website is a fantastic provider not only offer Webspace & Email but a free Online Shopping Cart as well! If running a business website try these guys out just for the cart!

<!-- <BODY> -->


Provider: 50megs
Service: 50 MB Webspace
URL: http://www.50megs.com
Summary: 50megs.com is only one of a few providers offering such huge amounts of webspace for free. It comes with other services like Web Polls, counters and much more. If running a warze website check these guys out!

<!-- <BODY> -->


Provider: Above World
Service: 25 MB Webspace [Possible 60 MB of space]
URL: http://www.aboveworld.com
Summary: Above World claim to offer a 100% Free Virtual Domain along with 25 MB of webspace plus chat board and guestbook! When checking the above details on the Above World Website they listed via text they offer 25 MB yet a visible banner said 60 MB. We can provide no further information.

<!-- <BODY> -->

Provider: AFreeHome.com
Service: 50 MB Webspace
URL: http://www.afreehome.com
Summary: AFreeHome.com make out (in a round-about way) they hate Geocities.com! With the huge space they offer and no bandwidth limit they could be one of the best providers to date! They also claim to pay you US$10 for people you get to Sign Up yet this seems a little funny we think. Anyway - try them and inform us of how good/bad they are.

<!-- <BODY> -->


Provider: Angelfire
Service: 30 MB Webspace
URL: http://www.angelfire.com
Summary: Angelfire was at one time noted as the best provider yet in an attempt to attract people back to Angelfire once providers like XOOM offered Unlimited webspace, users found the server speed dropping and it soon became a very bad provider. In the interest of the limit of space, try Angelfire out!

<script language="Javascript">


Provider: anzwers.net
Service: Unlimited Webspace
URL: http://www.anzwers.net
Summary: Claiming a unlimited space account and no bandwidth limit AND server which never fail! Could they be a dream server or a fake server offering fairy like offerings? You tell us!

<!-- <BODY> -->

Provider: Arrive.at
Service: Unknown
URL: http://www.arrive.at
Summary: N/A

<script Language='Javascript'>


Provider: asiafind.com
Service: 10 MB Webspace
URL: http://www.asiafind.com
Summary: N/A

<script Language='Javascript'>


Provider: Atmosphere.be
Service: Webspace [Unlimited?] & 5 MB Email
URL: http://www.atmosphere.be
Summary: No Information

<script Language='Javascript'>


Provider: Banner Club.de
Service: Unknown
URL: http://www.bannerclub.de
Summary: N/A

popup = window.open("banner","snowflake")


Provider: batcave.net
Service: 5 MB Webspace
URL: http://www.batcave.net
Summary: If your using this provider you must be living in the bat cave because of the 5 MB they offer! If it was 10 MB we wouldn't say anything but 5 ! Come on move to something a little better!

<!-- <BODY> -->

Provider: B-City
Service: 5 MB Webspace
URL: http://www.bcity.com
Summary: B-City is designed for anyone wanting to start a Business Website for his or her own company. They do not offer FTP Uploads or CGI Scripts hence it is really a very bad provider! They do however submit your website to major search websites. The only other excellent feature is they have no bandwidth limit unlike other providers.

<script Language='Javascript'>


Provider: Bizland
Service: 25 MB Webspace
URL: http://www.bizland.com
Summary: Bizland was considered one of the best providers at one time yet seems to be going down hill. It offers a great 25 MB of webspace yet server speed can be very slow. In some cases less then 1 KB/sec on a 56kps Modem!

<!-- <BODY> -->


Provider: Chattown
Service: 10 MB Webspace
URL: http://www.chattown.com
Summary: N/A

<!-- <BODY> -->


Provider: Darksites.com
Service: ? MB Webspace
URL: http://www.darksites.com
Summary: N/A

<title>Web Site Title Goes Here</title>
<script language=jawascript>
<!--- Your web site goes here --->


Provider: Dencity
Service: 25 MB Webspace
URL: http://www.dencity.com
Summary: Dencity is a well known provider offering a great 25 MB which is fantastic for any small user. They also offer a range of tools for its members plus a listing of HTML Code to help you along!



Provider: Dog House
Service: Unknown
URL: http://www.doghouse.com/

<!-- <BODY> -->


Provider: Domain DLX
Service: 15 MB Webspace
URL: http://www.domaindlx.com
Summary: The newest entry in high-tech free web hosting. They run Windows NT servers and offer features like ASP, CGI, Perl, SSI, PHP3, and ODBC databases. They are not a homepage host. They host sites with content, not sites about your favorite pet or lover and it is assumed that you have some previous web site experience.

<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
function ScreenIt(url,name,parm){
if(url.indexOf("http://ads.domaindlx.com/_ads.htm")!=-1) return false;
return window.Xopen(url,name,parm);


Provider: DomainValet
Service: 20 MB Webspace [Short URL Provided]
URL: http://www.domainvalet.com
Summary: DomainValet have been around for some time and they offer a very quick and easy to use Sign Up Process which has you up and running in no time at all. They also offer a quick means of getting your own .com, .org, .net address during Sign Up also

<script Language='Javascript'>


Provider: Dreamwater
Service: 50 MB Webspace
URL: http://www.dreamwater.com
Summary: Offer 50 MB, Guestbook, Chat, Form Mailer, Web Templates, Builder, Clip Art, Search Submissions, Subdomain & Short URL, Unlimited Band * no hit limit! Because they offer so much we think they could have a large number of member hence a slow service yet you should test them for yourself

<!-- <BODY> -->


Provider: Dynahost.net
Service: 25 MB Webspace [ 100 MB After Approval ]
URL: http://www.dynahost.net
Summary: Providing a nice amount of space with the option of increasing to 100 MB unlike most providers. Dynahost accounts also come with forums & a guestbook which is all updated able via your Web Browser! We think it seems to be a private operation setup by only a few people yet we could be wrong! However please tell us how you rate this provider.

<!-- <BODY> -->


Provider: easyspace
Service: 25 MB Webspace
URL: http://www.easyspace.com
Summary: N/A

<!-- your homepage goes here -->


Provider: FIBERIA
Service: 11 MB Webspace & Email Accounts
URL: http://www.fiberia.com/
Summary: No Information

<script Language='Javascript'>


Provider: Fortunecity.com
Service: 100 MB Webspace
URL: http://www.fortunecity.com
Summary: N/A

<div style="position:relative;top:-110;z-index:0;background:;">

<-- Your page is somewhere in here (Include BODY tag , etc ,etc . Remove
this line and the one just above!!!-->



Provider: FreeHomePages
Service: 50 MB Webspace
URL: http://www.freehomepages.com
Summary: They claim fast and stable server with offers of chat, form mailer, guestbooks, page builders, unlimited bandwith & unlimited hits to get the visitors in and when they offer this much space why not go for them!

<!-- <BODY> -->


Provider: FreeYellow.com
Service: 20 MB Webspace
URL: http://www.freeyellow.com
Summary: N/A



Provider: geosoft
Service: 15 MB Webspace
URL: http://www.geosoft.org
Summary: Geosoft offer 15 MB which is great for personal webpages plus links to CGI Script Listing on their website plus access to your own Message Board. Worth a look for the space or personal page.


Provider: GoPlay
Service: 20 MB Webspace
URL: http://www.goplay.com
Summary: GoPlay's interface "sucks" and that is the best way we can put it. We advise you to find another provider! If running a Warze site or something of the like then the 20 MB might be handy but don't botter!

<!-- <BODY> -->

Provider: gURLPAGES
Service: 10 MB Webspace
URL: http://www.gurlpages.com
Summary: gURLPAGES is a provided aimed mainly towards women and young girls. Because of this it could be considered as an option for hiding your files on because of the nature of the provider! Well worth a look for women wanting to start out in webdesign!

<!-- <BODY> -->

Provider: here.is
Service: URL Re-Directer
URL: http://www.here.is
Summary: N/A

popup = window.open("","cooldomain")


Provider: Homepage.com
Service: 10 MB Webspace
URL: http://www.homepage.com
Summary: N/A

<title>Your Web Site Title Goes Here</title>
<!-- -->
<script language="JawaScript">
<body bgcolor="teal">


Provider: Hotbot.com
Service: Unknown
URL: http://www.hotbot.com
Summary: N/A

<title>Web Site Title Goes Here</title>

Provider: Hypermart
Service: 20 MB Webspace
URL: http://www.hypermart.com
Summary: Hypermart are known for targeting small business (and big) for its web hosting. They offer 20 MB plus, online builder and unlimited scripting & transfer. The Popup on the other hand is really very big and ugly. You should also know Hypermart seem to change the code they use a lot in order to combat ours hence it can take time for us to make new code. In other words, look at other providers befor going down this road!

<noscript><!--- #echobanner ---></noscript>


Provider: InfoCache
Service: 50 MB Webspace
URL: http://www.infocache.com
Summary: InfoCache offers a fantastic 50 MB of webspace which is great for any small business or personal website. They are now begining to offer Free Email and also offer a range of "pay" service which are very cheap compared to some providers. Worth a look just for the space!

<!-- <BODY> -->

Provider: IntraHost
Service: Unknown
URL: http://www.intrahost.com
Summary: N/A
<script LANGUAGE="Javascript">
if (parent.frames.length)
parent.location.href= self.location;
// --->


Provider: ivillage
Service: Webspace MB Unknown
URL: http://www.ivillage.com
Summary: ivillage is aimed toward women in the fact the whole website is designed for women who want to start a website on the net! Because of this fact we wouldn't think server speed would be large or size yet we can not really comment.

<!-- <BODY> -->
Provider: JustFree.com
Service: 40 MB Webspace
URL: http://www.justfree.com
Summary: Offering 40 MB and no bandwidth limit this should be a good choice in web hosting. They also offer free forums, live support, free guestbook & soon Free Email! We have been unable to test this provider 100% hence comments are welcome!

<!-- <BODY> -->
Provider: My WWW Home
Service: 10 MBWebspace
URL: http://www.mywwwhome.com
Summary: Only offering 10 MB and no FTP Access. They do supply unlimited bandwidth but dont have CGI Access! If you have a few files which you want to dump on a provider, give these guys a go!
<!-- <Body> -->
Provider: Namedemo
Service: .com, .org or .net URL Service
URL: http://www.namedemo.com
Summary: Anyone who has made an account with Namezero and Namedemo will tell you Namdemo are 10 times better yet the down side to either provider is the ugly frame. To remove it insert this script into your website!

<script Language='Javascript'>

Provider: Namezero
Service: Free .com, .net or .org URL
URL: http://www.namezero.com
Summary: Namezero are noted as being the first provider to offer free URL's with endings such as DOT COM! The problem is they insert a huge banner at the bottom which takes up a huge amount of webspace on your page.
Coder: This update in code was made by: TnEtNiX

Namezero Adbar Remover:

1. Log in (controlpanel.namezero.com)
2. Click on "Home Page"
3. Fill in the fields with the following:

Actual URL [ leave it blank or type in any URL, it won't matter ]
Keywords: [ again, type in what keywords you want ]
Description: <<copy / paste the following except my [comments]>>
description"><frameset rows="100,*" border="0">
<frame src=http://your-site-address-here><frame></frameset><!--

4. Save and you're ready to go!

Provider: NetColony.com
Service: 100 MB Webspace
URL: http://www.netcolony.com
Summary: N/A

<!-- <BODY> -->

Provider: Netfirms
Service: 25 MB Webspace
URL: http://www.netfirms.com
Summary: N/A

Insert this line above your <HTML> tag.
<div style="position:relative;top:-105;z-index:0;background:;">
Insert this line directly above your </BODY> tag.

Provider: Netomia
Service: 60 MB Webspace, Online Editor, Counter, Form Mail, Guestbook
URL: http://www.netomia.com
Summary: One of the few providers offering such huge space limits with a string of other great features need for any good website!

<!-- <BODY> -->

Provider: Network 54
Service: Web Board
URL: http://www.network54.com
Summary: N/A

<Insert the next three lines on the SAME LINE. >
if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf('MSIE') !=-1) document.frames
else if (document.images) document.images[0].src = 'blank.jpg';
Provider: Onenet.cc
Service: Webspace Unknown
URL: http://www.onenet.cc
Summary: Onenet are also an Australian Internet & Phone Company now offering webspace and possible other service. During the time of making this page we visited the Onenet.cc website in search of background information and boy did we find it!
Onenet had problems with spammers using their accounts to spam other Internet Users and the host providing the space ( not Onenet ) closed them down without warning. Because Onenet did not own the equipment, they lost ALL members websites and details! These guys could be good but on the other hand what would happen if your a member and this happened again - possible lost in revenue and visitors. Still they hope to be running again soon yet users will have to Sign Up again!

If Onenet decide to keep past advertising methods, the code below should work if not, feel free to request new code.

<!-- <BODY> -->


Provider: Polbox
Service: 2 MB Webspace
URL: http://www.polbox.com
Summary: This service also comes in Polish but even so they only offer 2 MB of webspace! It took us over 10 minutes to find this out also so getting around the Polbox website is really hard because of the bad design. This provider really does seem like a backyard operation in all areas and if the have members, well we wouldn't understand why!

<!-- <BODY> -->

Provider: Qwik Pages
Service: 100 MB Webspace
URL: http://www.qwikpages.com
Summary: N/A

popup = window.open("","_qwik_pages")


Provider: Rootsweb
Service: Unlimited Webspace
URL: http://www.rootsweb.com
Summary: Rootsweb don't seem to be trying to hard when offering webspace for its visitors as they seem to be too busy offering other things also hence offering no limit on webspace could be the answer to the question! They make no mention of bandwidth limits yet if using them or thinking about it you may wish to contact them first!

<!-- <BODY> -->

Provider: Searchalot
Service: 10 MB Webspace
URL: http://www.searchalot.com
Summary: Searchalot claim to be voted the best provider because of its offerings and easy interface - well 10 MB website these days seem to be fewer and fewer with providers offering huge amounts of space just to get people in. Currently Searchalot dont offer much in the way on bonus things like counter yet they say they are on the way!

<!-- <BODY> -->

Provider: Server2000.at
Service: Unlimited Webspace
URL: http://www.server2000.at
Summary: N/A

popup = window.open("","popWin")

Provider: SimplyCities
Service: 30 MB Webspace
URL: http://www.simplycities.com
Summary: Simplycities.com have just had a change in servers hence speed should be and better be at an all time high. On the website they claim to offer Unlimited Bandwidth yet at the end of that they have a little * displaying the fact conditions apply yet we could not find on the page details of this!?! Anyway they could be worth a look if just starting out!

<!-- <BODY> -->

Provider: SitePlace
Service: 7 - 8 MB Webspace
URL: http://www.siteplace.com
Summary: When first researching SitePlace we found on the very first page that the right of screen said 8 MB and the left side of screen 7 MB. If these guys don't know what to offer then why should we say they are good!?! - If your a user, get another provider!

<!-- <BODY> -->

Provider: Smart Redirect
Service: URL Re-Directer
URL: http://www.smartredirect.com
Summary: N/A

<script TYPE="text/javascript" LANGUAGE=JAVASCRIPT>
if (top.frames.length!=0)
// -->

Provider: Spree.com
Service: Unlimited Webspace
URL: http://www.spree.com
Summary: Offering counters, builders, uploaders, HTML guide and a unlimited MB account spree.com could be a great place for junk files. If your running a Warze related website, try these guys out and tell us what you think!

<!-- <Body> -->

Provider: Talkcity
Service: 12 MB Webspace
URL: http://www.talkcity.com
Summary: N/A

popup = window.open("","tcnav")

Provider: timecities.com
Service: 15 MB Webspace
URL: http://www.timecities.com/

<!-- <BODY> -->

Provider: Tripod
Service: 50 MB Webspace
URL: http://www.tripod.com
Summary: N/A

Insert this line before your <HTML> tag.
<div style="position:relative;top:-110;z-index:0;background:;">

Insert this line before your </BODY> tag.

Provider: Tripod.de
Service: ? MB Webspace
URL: http://www.tripod.de
Summary: N/A

Use Tripod.com Code

Provider: TSX
Service: URL Re-Directer
URL: http://www.tsx.org
Summary: N/A

popup = window.open("/frame/index.cfm","216226215132")

Provider: V3 URL Re-Directers
Service: URL Re-Directer
URL: http://come.to
Summary: N/A

<script TYPE="text/javascript" LANGUAGE=JAVASCRIPT>
if (top.frames.length!=0)
// -->

Provider: VDirect
Service: URL Re-Directer
URL: http://www.vdirect.com
Summary: N/A
<script TYPE="text/javascript" LANGUAGE=JAVASCRIPT>
if (top.frames.length!=0)
// -->

Provider: Virtual.Ave
Service: 20 MB Webspace
URL: http://www.virtualave.com
Summary: N/A

<script LANGUAGE="JawaScript">
<!-- -->
<script language="JavaScript">

Provider: visualcities
Service: 10 MB Webspace
URL: http://www.visualcities.com
Summary: No Information

<script Language='Javascript'>
Provider: Web1000
Service: 25 MB Webspace
URL: http://www.web1000.com
Summary: N/A

<script LANGUAGE="Javascript">
if (parent.frames.length)
parent.location.href= self.location;
// --->
Provider: Web.com
Service: URL Re-Directer
URL: http://www.web.com
Summary: N/A

<script LANGUAGE="Javascript">
if (parent.frames.length)
parent.location.href= self.location;
// --->
Provider: WebHostMe
Service: ? MB Webspace
URL: http://www.webhostme.com
Summary: N/A


Provider: WebJump
Service: 25 MB Webspace
URL: http://www.webjump.com
Summary: WebJump is another Small Business Provider offer a huge 25 MB for your website and unlimited bandwidth! Unlike B-City.com WebJump support the use of FTP Updates along with the use of Flash, JavaScript, WAV Files and other things as well. If you like using Email please note WebJump at this time do not offer either POP or Web Based Email Services

<script Language='Javascript'>
Provider: Webprovider
Service: ? MB Webspace
URL: http://www.webprovider.com
Summary: N/A

Provider: Windom's
Service: Webspace MB Unknown
URL: http://www.windoms.com
Summary: Windoms is a Russian provider. We have no other known information about this provider. Please feel free to Email us about them and inform us of the quality of service.

<!-- <BODY> -->
Provider: Worldzone.net
Service: 100 MB Webspace
URL: http://www.worldzone.net
Summary: Offering a fantasic 100 MB why not give them a go! They do not accept Warze & Porn sites so dont try to host your page here if you plan to run such a page. However, because of the amount of space they are offering then would make for a great place to dump your files!

Provider: XODOX
Service: 25 MB Webspace
URL: http://www.xodox.com
Summary: N/A

popup = window.open("","xodox")
Provider: XOOM
Service: Unlimited Webspace
URL: http://www.xoom.com
Summary: XOOM are noted as begin the first provider to offer free and unlimited webspace to its users. XOOM who have just merged with NBCi have increased the size of its AD Frame and really have made it ugly compared to what it was. However they are a good provider with fast server and great tools!

If you do not wish to use code to bypass the XOOM
Frame, then add "_XMCM" to your URL like this:

Place the following after the </html> tag within the
<body> & </body> of the page.

<script TYPE="text/javascript" LANGUAGE=JAVASCRIPT>
if (top.frames.length!=0)
// -->


Provider: Yahoo Geocities
Service: 15 MB Webspace
URL: http://www.geocities.com
Summary: Yahoo Geocities merged with Yahoo some time ago and the changers for the most part have been good. Geocities user found speed slowing yet it has increased over time and is still a good provider apart from the Ad Square!



Provider: Yoogo
Service: 50 MB Webspace
URL: http://www.yoogo.com
Summary: Offering a great 50 MB of space plus other features like Email Forms, Guestbooks and even Message Boards. Funny name I'm sure you will agree yet worth a look because of the nice amount of space!

<!-- <BODY> -->


Jan 22, 2006
Reaction score
как убрать банер с www.addyour.net ?
убрать верхний баннер получилось:
<!-- <BODY> -->

a нижний баннер не удаляеться!


Jul 20, 2006
Reaction score
люди добрые помогите убрать баннер с _www.host.md
вот пример _www.ubuntu.com.md