Tools/Utilities Утилиты для delphi / utilities for delphi


Feb 26, 2006
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Данная тема предназначена исключительно для публикации утилит, облегчающих жизнь программистам на Delphi. В качестве таких утилит могут выступать различные конверторы, расширения IDE, менеджеры/навигаторы палитры компонент и пр.

Правильно оформленная публикация должна содержать в себе следующее:

1) Название утилиты, производитель
2) Краткое описание утилиты
3) Ссылки на сайт производителя (если есть)
4) Перечисление поддерживаемых версий Delphi
5) Ссылки на скачивание (если заливается отдельно автором публикации, а не скачивается с сайта производителя)
6) Скриншоты (опционально, обязательно в спойлерах!)
7) Дополнительная информация от автора публикации (опционально)

Все сообщения, в которых вышеперечисленные требования не выполняются, будут удалены!


This topic is intended only for the publication of the utilities facilitating the life to programmers on Delphi. Various converters, IDE's expansions, managers/navigators of a components' palette and so forth can act as such utilities.

Correctly issued publication should contain the following:

1) Utility name, the manufacturer
2) The short description of the utility
3) References to a site of the manufacturer (if any)
4) Enumeration of supported Delphi versions
5) References for downloading (if it's filled by the author of the publication, instead of it's downloaded from a site of the manufacturer)
6) Screenshots (optionally, it is obligatory in spoilers!)
7) The additional information from the author of the publication (optionally)

All posts in which the requirements set forth above are not carried out, will be removed!
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Feb 26, 2006
Reaction score
DDevExtensions, © Andreas Hausladen

Расширения IDE для Delphi/C++ Builder, в том числе: удобная навигация по палитре компонент, поиск по названию компонента.

Оф. сайт:

Поддерживаются следующие версии Delphi:

DDevExtensions 1.61: Delphi 5-2007
DDevExtensions 2.0: Delphi 2009,2010

Ссылки на скачивание - на оф. сайте.
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Jun 14, 2008
Reaction score
Peganza Pascal Analyzer v4.6.3
Программа для анализа исходного кода, написанного на Delphi или Borland Pascal.
Создает различные отчеты по работе будущей программы и ее коду. Есть возможность взаимодействия с Delphi IDE. При двойном клике на строку в отчете Pascal Analyzer управление передается Delphi, при котором загружается исходный код модуля и курсор позиционируется в соответствующую строку редактирования. Отчеты могут выдаваться в различных форматах.
Pascal Analyzer parses Delphi or Borland Pascal source code and produces reports that help you understand your source code better. You will also be able to identify potential errors and anomalies. Your code will be more readable and maintainable. Pascal Analyzer can also check how coding standard guidelines are followed. To summarize, Pascal Analyzer can:
- give faster time to market for new products
- improve application quality and reliability
- reduce overall cost of development, support, and maintenance
Home page: _
  • Delphi 1
  • Delphi 2
  • Delphi 3
  • Delphi 4
  • Delphi 5
  • Delphi 6
  • Delphi 7
  • Delphi 8 .NET
  • Delphi 2005 Win32
  • Delphi 2005 .NET
  • Delphi 2006 Win32 (also Turbo Delphi for Win32)
  • Delphi 2006 .NET (also Turbo Delphi for .NET)
  • Delphi 2007 Win32
  • Delphi 2007 .NET
  • Delphi 2009 Win32
  • Delphi 2010 Win32


Sep 19, 2009
Reaction score
Isfahan(Iran) Исфахан (Иран)
CnWizards is a FREE, OPENSOURCE tool. Anyone can use CnWizards freely.

Furthermore, these independent tools are also included in CnWizards:

* CnWizards Configuration Import&Export
* DFM File Convertor
* IDE Config Backup/Restore Tool, including IDE History Cleaner
* Debug Output Unit & Viewer
* ASCII Chart
* IDE External Wizard Management Tool
* Source-Module Relation Analyzer

5. Change List

0.9.6 compared to 0.9.5:
+ Add Feed Reader Wizard.
+ Add Russian and German UI Support. Change Language Files Format to UTF-8.
- Win98 is no longer supported.
* Fix an Import Problem of CnConfigIO under WIN7 / Vista.
* Destination File Name of Project Backup Supports Relative Path.
* Fix a Calling Blocking issue when CnDebugger Opening a New Window.
* Other Bugs Fixed.
CnWizards V0.9.6.569 Installer
CnWizards Source Code Include CnVcl Alpha
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Sep 26, 2005
Reaction score
CnPack IDE Wizards (CnWizards) V0.9.6.569 (01.05.2010)

Change List
0.9.6 compared to 0.9.5:
+ Add Feed Reader Wizard.
+ Add Russian and German UI Support. Change Language Files Format to UTF-8.
- Win98 is no longer supported.
* Fix an Import Problem of CnConfigIO under WIN7 / Vista.
* Destination File Name of Project Backup Supports Relative Path.
* Fix a Calling Blocking issue when CnDebugger Opening a New Window.
* Other Bugs Fixed.


New member
Jun 10, 2010
Reaction score
Castalia 2010.2 for Delphi 5-2010

Thanks goes to DarkRapt0r


Jun 14, 2008
Reaction score
ModelMaker v10.2.1.3999 Pascal edition
The Pascal edition is specifically designed for generating native Delphi code. Delphi's Object Pascal language is fully supported, including most of Delphi for .NET syntax (v1 and v2). ModelMaker Pascal Edition has full reverse engineering capabilities and import existing Delphi code. Delphi IDE Integration experts take care of synchronizing ModelMaker and the Delphi IDE editors.

Design and UML Modeler

You design in the UML modeler and/or the code model views. ModelMaker supports the full set of UML diagrams:

* Class Diagrams - classes can be visualized in many different ways.
* Implementation Diagrams - both Component and Deployment diagrams are supported.
* Package Diagrams - including auto generated (Pascal) Unit Dependency Diagrams.
* Use Case Diagrams - any symbol can be linked to other diagrams and external documents.
* Robustness Analysis Diagrams - a bridge between the use cases and detailed design.
* Sequence Diagrams - methods can be created right in the diagram editor. Check movie with some Sequence Diagram Editor features.
* Collaboration Diagrams and Concurrency Diagrams - to model (real time) dynamics.
* State Chart Diagrams - including composite states and Concurrency.
* Activity Diagrams - including Swimlanes and Object Flow visualization.
* UML 2 Interaction Overview Diagrams - combining Activity and Sequence diagam show high level overviews.
* ISO Flow charts - Very similar to UML Activity diagrams but in ISO 9000 style.
* Mind Map Diagrams - Visually organize your thoughts.

Restructuring and Refactoring

ModelMaker's active modeling engine maintains all relationships between classes and their members. This is the base for ModelMaker's restructuring power. For example: Renaming a class or changing its ancestor immediately propagates to the automatically generated source code. If you change a (virtual) method, the overriding methods are automatically updated and regenerated. Tasks like overriding methods, adding events, properties and access methods are reduced to selecting and clicking in dedicated dialogs.

Many build-in refactorings are available on both structural and code level. For example: Extract Method, Extract Class / Interface, Rename Parameter etc.

Apart from those you'll find that you can drag drop (or copy /paste) almost any entity to copy, rearrange or convert it. For example:

* Copy/Move members to another class.
* Convert local variable or procedure to a field or method.
* Add/Remove a class to/from a module.
* Rearrange classes within modules.
* Create a Delegate from a method.
* Create an Event property or Event handler method from a Delegate.
* Much more included; check the user manual chapter Drag and Drop support.

Seamless transformation to code

The main difference between ModelMaker and other CASE tools is that design is strictly related to and native expressed in the Delphi or C# target code. This way there is a seamless transition from design to implementation as currently not found in any other high level CASE tool. At the same time this approach assures your designs remain down to earth.

The main difference between ModelMaker and other Delphi and C# code generators are it's high level overview and restructuring capabilities letting you deal with complex designs.

Visualizing (existing) code

Use instant code visualization to help you understand structure and design of existing code. Classes and their members are displayed in class diagrams along with their structural relations:

* Member Associations: Composition, Aggregation and Dependency
* Interface Support
* Module containment
* (Pascal) Unit dependencies

Different layouts and preset styles make visualization easy and fast.

* Adjustable Auto maintained compartments show class members to any detail.
* Visualize classes on multiple diagrams with different details to show different roles.
* Drag and drop classes from classes or Modules view onto a diagram. Classes and their relations are instantly visualized.

Documenting design and code

* Embed the professional quality UML diagrams in your documentation.
* Copy and paste diagrams in windows metafile format or export diagrams to file in BMP, PNG and JPG format
* Highly configurable visual appearance using (named) styles.
* Print hard copies auto stretched or on multiple pages.
* Enter Documentation and/or One Liner descriptions for entities. These can be generated and imported into / from source code.
* Create Help Files with the build-in Help File Generator.
* Create your own reports through the ModelMaker ToolsAPI. XML reporter sample included.

Other features

A unique feature is the support for Design patterns. A number of patterns are implemented as 'ready to use' active agents. A ModelMaker Pattern not only inserts Delphi code fragments to implement a specific pattern, but it also stays 'alive' to update this code to reflect any changes made to the design.

Design Critics scan your design for oddities and offer solutions wherever possible. You can add your own critics through the ToolsAPI.

The ModelMaker Tools API is a read/write API allowing you to create your own style reports, wizards, based on iteration on classes, members, diagrams etc. This API also integrates Version Control Systems with ModelMaker.
Homepage: _
Delphi 4-7 and Delphi 2005-2010 IDE integration

ModelMaker Code Explorer v8.0.0.1877
General Features

* Browser and Refactorings are fully Form Designer aware.
* IntelliReplace ™ (optionally) propagates renamed identifiers within module, class etc. Optionally replaces in comments, strings etc.
* Comments and Attributes are copied/moved/rearranged with code entities.
* Property accessors and state fields are created, maintained and deleted where necessary.
* Refactorings work directly on the IDE edit buffers, changes can be undone with the standard IDE Undo/Redo commands.
* New members are (optionally) inserted sorted according to a user definable sorting scheme. Additionally, Methods can be inserted before or after current method.
* IDE editor refactorings available through the MMX menu or keyboard shortcuts apply a refactoring to the entity at cursor position.
* A well chosen set of options let you customize ModelMaker Code Explorer to your preferences.


* Classes view displays classes, interfaces, namespaces etc. in top most module - either arranged by name, code order or by inheritance.
* Optionally immediate ancestors are displayed. Click the shortcut to navigate to the corresponding module and class.
* Optionally supported interfaces are displayed. Click the shortcut to navigate to the interface declaration.
* Optionall Regions inside classes are displayed in the classes view.
* Members view displays contained members and types using filters and various sorting modes.
* Property accessors and state fields appear grouped with properties and can be filtered.
* Local procedures are optionally displayed (pascal).
* Optionally Declaration hints are displayed is a declaration spans multiple lines. Unwrap declaration unwraps the selected declarations into a single line.
* Documentation Pane shows documentation for entity at cursor position. Pascal: includes declaration documentation.

Navigation and History

* Member Search bar for ultra fast finding members.
* Member Favorites help finding back often visited members.
* Class and Global Navigation History help find your way around - and back.
* Go to Next/Previous entity: scrolls to the next/previous entity.
* Find Next / Previous occurrence of identifier, scrolls editor and shows how often an indentifier is used in a module.
* Back to Last Editing Position: positions the editor on the last modified source.

Standard Entity Operations

* Add Class, Interface, Record/Struct, Descendant.
* Add Field, Method, Property, Event, Delegate etc.
* Property completion: Edit entity detects a property without access specifiers and applies the defaults for new properties when showing the Property dialog.
* Property access code is fully customizable using code-snippets.
* Property Access Code for existing access methods can be replaced with a new access code snippets (pascal only).
* Add Delegate from Method, adds a delegate based on a method's signature
* Create Event or Event handler from Delegate with copy and paste or drag drop.
* Add Indexer adds a fully implemented indexer (array) property with just a few clicks. Read Article...
* Add Local Variable: Adds a local variable, taking the word at cursor position as input. Read Article...
* Add Parameter to method at cursor.
* Integrated Parameter Wizard in method dialog Parameter wizard allows structured editing and renaming of parameters. Supports multiple selection copy/paste.
* Edit entity (method, class) at cursor. Dedicated dialogs help selecting and defining declarations and avoid entering illegal modifier combinations.
* Delete (multiple) selected members. Property state field and access methods are automatically maintained.
* Change Visibility: change visibility for multiple selected members.
* Change Modifiers: change modifiers for multiple selected members (C#).


* Cut, Copy, Paste entity at cursor. Includes comments and attributes. Paste converts and corrects for new context.
* Copy to/ Move to copies / moves selected members to a different class.
* Paste Prototype allows changing visibility, method binding and method implementation when pasting / dropping methods.
* Select Token and Copy, Cut, Paste: if no text is selected, Ctrl+C selects the token at cursor position and copies it to the clipboard. Similar Select + Cut (Ctrl+X) and Select + Paste (Ctrl+Shift+V).

Drag and drop support / conversions

* Drag and Drop members to a module or class to copy or move the selected members.
* Pascal: Convert module procedures to method and vice versa by drag drop.
* Create event or event handler by dropping delegate on class.
* Pressing the Alt-key when dropping members invokes Paste Prototype logic.
* Convert members: field to property, method to property etc.

Standard Refactorings

* Extract Method: creates a new method using the selected text as main body.
* Extract Property: similar as Extract Method, but creates a new property with read-access method instead.
* Rename Local: rename an identifier in a method, class, namespace.
* Rename Parameter: renames a method parameter and propagates the new name in the method's source and declaration.
* Introduce Explaining Variable: commonly used to make complex expressions more readible. Read Article...
* Convert Member: Field to Method, Property and Method to Property etc.
* Convert class methods or local procedures to module procedures and vice versa with copy and paste or drag and drop.
* Extract Class, Extract Interface: creates a new class / interface and copies the selected members to it.
* Replace Method with Method Object: creates a new class containing a copy of the selected method plus a backpointer. Inserts code to instantiate and call the new class. The first step to decompose a long method into other methods on the same object.
* Introduce Parameter Object: converts method parameters to a new class with one property for each parameter.
* Create Factory Method: creates a method that returns a new instance of the class.
* Normalize Local vars: sorts and aligns local variables according to customizable schemes.

Sorting and Rearranging

ModelMaker Code Explorer has extended support to Sort and Rearrange Delphi and C# .NET source code:

* Drag-drop rearrange members with Members view Rearrange mode.
* Sort classes with user definable sorting scheme.
* Sort members selected in IDE editor (C# only).
* Highly configurable default sorting scheme
* Custom Rearrange members using predefined sorting schemes.
* Move Entity Up/Down : moves the entity at cursor in front of the previous / after the next entity.
* Sorting hints are emitted for classes violating the default sorting scheme.
* Source Regions are maintained when sorting (moved to top / bottom). Optionally sort within source regions.

String scanning and conversion

ModelMaker Code Explorer comes with an extensive set of tools to help manage locating and converting hard coded strings in Delphi Pascal source files:

* Convert string at editor cursor to resource string or constant: simply press Ctrl+Alt+R to convert a string to a resourcestring. Similar, press Ctrl+Alt+N to convert a string to a constant.
* Live Metrics™ hints are displayed if a unit contains hard coded strings.
* Module String Conversion Wizard: scan entire file for hard code string and allows mass extraction and conversion.
* Multi File String Wizard: used to manage and scan lists of source files for hard coded strings
* Extensive Options to control string scanning and conversion.
* Command Line string scanner to include in automated build processes.


* Synchronize Implementation/ Declaration: synchronizes method declaration header with implementation header, or reverse (pascal). Read Article...
* try..finally wizard: inserts a try .. finally" statement and inserts the code for the finally block based on preceding code. Read Article...
* Surround with Template: inserts text before and after the selected text. Insert for example try /finally statements around existing code. Read Article...
* Default block wizard: surrounds current line or selection with a { } or begin end block and determines indentation on preceding code.
* Creational Wizard: used to insert field and property initialization code snippets in a constructor. Optionally a parameter is added to the constructor parameter list to initialize a field or property. You may select an existing constructor or create a new one. Similar finalization snippets can be inserted in a destructor. Read article.
* Extract Class definitions from Assembly utility. Converts an Assembly to a C# or Pascal source file containing class and interface definitions. Read Article...
* Unit Dependency Analyzer: shows (reverse) dependencies for any set of modules (pascal).
* Linked Module Analyzer list of modules (units) and binary resources that are linked into a compiled project based on .map file. Borland IDEs
* Use Module/ NameSpace: inserts a module to the uses clause or adds a using statement.
* Attributes Wizard: Add an (Delphi.NET or C#) attribute to multiple members at once. Attributes can be picked form presets that can be customized and parameterized using macros.
* Show / Hide non-visual components (Delphi Win32 designer only).
* Flatten Property implements directive: Remove property implements directives and insert wrappers for interface implementing code.
* Show Wired Eventhandlers: lists component events with associated eventhandlers.
* Auto Complete Used Units™ adds referenced units to uses clause (pascal).
* Reverse Assignment: reverses the left and right expressions in an := (pascal) or = (C#) statement.
* Comment selected members.
* Toggle comment selected code.
* Unwrap declaration: unwraps declaration into a single line. Declaration hints are optionally displayed to point at declarations spanning multiple lines.
Homepage: _
Delphi 4-7 and Delphi 2005-2010 IDE integration

ModelMaker v10.2.1.3999 Pascal edition + ModelMaker Code Explorer v8.0.0.1877 = 1 File
Thank to dnvthv
CRC32: 56498332
MD5: 40AABBF929866355B9EB456CB285DBF7
SHA-1: 65DBCDE620464DE949EF5B7ED1E59FAE648D1C68
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ex-Team DUMPz
Aug 20, 2018
Reaction score
Castalia 2010.2 for Delphi 5-2010

Trial Download:

старый но работающий патч:


P.S. Жалоб на работу Castalia после этого патча вроде не было, в отличие от сборки DarkRapt0r.


Jan 25, 2009
Reaction score
ModelMaker Code Explor

А можно ModelMaker Code Explorer v8.0.0.1877 перевыложить?


Jul 19, 2010
Reaction score
Peganza Pascal Analyzer v4.6.4

Программа для анализа исходного кода, написанного на Delphi или Borland Pascal.
Создает различные отчеты по работе будущей программы и ее коду. Есть возможность взаимодействия с Delphi IDE. При двойном клике на строку в отчете Pascal Analyzer управление передается Delphi, при котором загружается исходный код модуля и курсор позиционируется в соответствующую строку редактирования. Отчеты могут выдаваться в различных форматах.
Pascal Analyzer parses Delphi or Borland Pascal source code and produces reports that help you understand your source code better. You will also be able to identify potential errors and anomalies. Your code will be more readable and maintainable. Pascal Analyzer can also check how coding standard guidelines are followed. To summarize, Pascal Analyzer can:
- give faster time to market for new products
- improve application quality and reliability
- reduce overall cost of development, support, and maintenance

• Borland Pascal 7 (or earlier)
• Delphi 1
• Delphi 2
• Delphi 3
• Delphi 4
• Delphi 5
• Delphi 6
• Delphi 7
• Delphi 8 for .NET
• Delphi 2005 for Win32
• Delphi 2005 for .NET
• Delphi 2006 for Win32
• Delphi 2006 for .NET
• Delphi 2007 for Win32
• Delphi 2007 for .NET
• Delphi 2009 for Win32
• Delphi 2010 for Win32

Home page: _

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Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
А можно ModelMaker Code Explorer v8.0.0.1877 перевыложить?

Neo][;552945 said:
Peganza Pascal Analyzer v4.6.4

Программа для анализа исходного кода, написанного на Delphi или Borland Pascal.
Создает различные отчеты по работе будущей программы и ее коду. Есть возможность взаимодействия с Delphi IDE. При двойном клике на строку в отчете Pascal Analyzer управление передается Delphi, при котором загружается исходный код модуля и курсор позиционируется в соответствующую строку редактирования. Отчеты могут выдаваться в различных форматах.
Pascal Analyzer parses Delphi or Borland Pascal source code and produces reports that help you understand your source code better. You will also be able to identify potential errors and anomalies. Your code will be more readable and maintainable. Pascal Analyzer can also check how coding standard guidelines are followed. To summarize, Pascal Analyzer can:
- give faster time to market for new products
- improve application quality and reliability
- reduce overall cost of development, support, and maintenance

• Borland Pascal 7 (or earlier)
• Delphi 1
• Delphi 2
• Delphi 3
• Delphi 4
• Delphi 5
• Delphi 6
• Delphi 7
• Delphi 8 for .NET
• Delphi 2005 for Win32
• Delphi 2005 for .NET
• Delphi 2006 for Win32
• Delphi 2006 for .NET
• Delphi 2007 for Win32
• Delphi 2007 for .NET
• Delphi 2009 for Win32
• Delphi 2010 for Win32

Home page: _

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