amazon gift card

Aug 4, 2019
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right so as we all know Kobe has passed away (RIP) and I'm here making this thread to tell some of you people who have spare live amazon gift cards (carded or not) to take this opportunity and allow me to use them. Reason being is because my little cousin wants an expensive Kobe shirt from amazon for his birthday coming up (February 16th) and well I wanna treat him. mostly because he's been such a big fan of Kobe as I introduced him to the player and due to his recent passing he's been grieving ever since as he was such a big idol to him. can somebody please who has even a £10 - £50 amazon gift card laying around or if anyone can card me one legitimately allow me to buy him this shirt. it would mean a lot for him.
Sorry for sounding like a beg.

my ICQ-