Arts PDF Split Pro v2.0


Oct 22, 2004
Reaction score
Arts PDF Split Pro v2.0(SCOTCH)

Price: $2995 USD
3596 KB


Use ARTS PDF Split Pro to perform intelligent splitting based on page content, bookmarks, file size and page ranges. ARTS PDF Split Pro is built on an engine with the power to process more than 3000 pages per minute and forms the backbone for enterprise commerce and printing solutions around the world.
ARTS PDF Split Pro is the industry leading solution for splitting large PDF report streams into individual PDF files. For automated processing, documents can be dropped into a watched folder or scheduled via the command line or developer interface.
New to version 2.0
Update navigational elements. Bookmarks, links and named destinations are retained in output files. Large intra-linked PDF documents such as operational manuals and eBooks, can be broken into individual sections while maintaining and updating link actions within table of contents, indexes, bookmark trees and page links. A great way to enhance the usability of large web based documents and improve other business processes.
Support for Unicode fonts. Unicode font encodings are now supported for content and bookmark based splitting. Integrate ARTS PDF Split Pro now with popular reporting and PDF generating systems such as Crystal Reports™.
Major features in depth
Splitting features
Power & performance. ARTS PDF Split Pro is built on a high performance, multi-threaded PDF parsing and splitting engine. With splitting speeds up to over 3000 output files per minute, ARTS PDF Split Pro is aimed at high volume, on-demand workflows. It is designed for monitoring multiple watched folders and deployment on application and web servers and runs unattended.
Content splitting. Split large PDF documents into multiple parts based on text found within a page. This feature is ideal for large invoicing, reporting and payroll systems, where a single output file may contain many thousands of individual records that need to be extracted and distributed. Text within the document can be used to dynamically name output files and extracted to a delimited file for data storage. Content splitting is controlled using a co-ordinate file which contains specific splitting commands and can be created using the ARTS PDF Split Pro Assistant (Acrobat plug-in).
Split by bookmarks. Most applications offer the ability to break documents by first or second level bookmarks only. With ARTS PDF Split Pro, split documents by any bookmark level and retain bookmarks and links in output files.
Split by page ranges. Page ranges and filenames for output files can be defined in tab-delimited text files called control files. Control files can be created programmatically from within your own application or manually using a text editor or application such as MS Excel and configured to run from any of ARTS PDF Split Pro's interfaces.
Split by file size. Specify the size of your PDF fragments and Split Pro will split your PDFs to the closest possible point kilobyte.
Split into single files. The original PDF file is split into single pages.
Watched folders. Integrate ARTS PDF Split Pro into your workflow using watched folders. The specified watched folder may be the output folder from your PDF creation application and the can output to another folder watched by a printing, archiving, optimization or emailing system for complete end-to-end automation. The watched folders function can also be used in conjunction with Control and Coordinate Files, allowing a fully automated, intelligent server-side splitting solution.
Command line. ARTS PDF Split Pro can be executed from the command line and jobs specified via a variety of switches. Splitting can be scheduled via the Windows Scheduler or from a variety of scheduling applications and programming languages (capable of executing batch files from MS-DOS applications).
COM interface. Easily incorporate the splitting power of ARTS PDF Split Pro within your own applications and workflows. The COM object can be used with any scripting language that supports COM, such Visual Basic, Delphi, ASP and PHP. Sample ASP, ASP.NET, Delphi and Visual Basic 6.0 code is included with the installer.