Disk Explorer Professional


Premium Member
Feb 24, 2017
Reaction score
Disk Explorer Professional v3.60.06


Программа для каталогизации коллекции CD, DVD, Floppy, ZIP, сетевых дисков и др.
Она позволяет просканировать различные источники информации, будь-то cd-диск, жесткий диск, дискета или даже FTP-сервер, с целью создать базу данных, для последующего её просмотра в режиме "оффлайн".
Поддерживается извлечение дополнительной информации из файлов: для mp3 это содержимое ID3-тега, для графических файлов - уменьшенные версии изображения и т.д
В программе реализована достаточно мощная система поиска, что позволяет без труда найти нужный файл.

This application is a powerful tool for catalogizing all CDs, DVDs, floppies, ZIP disks, or other removable media, hard drives, network drives, or even FTP servers on the Internet (they are called volumes). Entire structure of volumes can be catalogized as well as internal structure of various archive files (ZIP, RAR, ARJ, LZH, CAB, TAR/GZIP, ACE, JAR and others) including self-extracting installers (EXE).

The application can automatically include contents of various commonly used files (such as readme.txt, file_id.diz) entirely or just in part into a catalog (called a database). Files can be processed by filters that can extract file summary or even create a thumbnail of the file. The current version is equipped with 17 filters which can extract for example song/interpreter/album name from MP3 or OGG files; size, bit-depth, format and even thumbnail from images of over 40 file formats (JPG, GIF, TIF, PNG, BMP, PCX, CDR etc.); properties of various sound files; obtain title, keywords, author, statistics from office documents (such as MS Word and Excel); title from HTML documents; or just copyright holder, name and version from executables. Comments can be added to any volume or folder. All filters are fully configurable, different file types can be associated to any filter.

The application can work with any type of files, be it programs from the Internet, CD magazines, music collections (e.g. MP3, OGG or WAV), photo-albums, or anything else.

Files and folders can be searched in the database even if the original media (or Internet connection for FTP servers) is not currently available and this works really fast. Using an average computer, you can find your file even faster than you would insert a CD disc into a drive. Searching can be done using various criteria, such as file name wildcards, substring, regular expression, date, time, file attributes. Comments generated by filters can be searched as well.

Disk Explorer Professional can work with several databases at the same time. Volumes can be moved between databases. There is no limit on number of volumes in a single database. Having even hundreds of volumes in a single database does not imply higher memory or CPU speed requirements.

Despite all this features databases are very small. Most of the data is compressed. If you wish to send a database to your friend by e-mail, you may remove all unnecessary data from it, such as included file content or image thumbnails.

User interface of Disk Explorer is very user-friendly and quite similar to Windows Explorer, therefore virtually anybody can learn it very quickly.

Disk Explorer Professional comes with a royalty-free viewer that can be used for free distribution of self-view databases created using a full version of Disk Explorer Professional even to users that do not have a copy of Disk Explorer Professional.







2.8 мг




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Premium Member
Feb 24, 2017
Reaction score
Disk Explorer Professional v3.60.06