Euklid 2004.3


Aug 11, 2004
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EUKLID 2004.3

EUKLID Forging. A functional overview.
The numerous individual functions of EUKLID Forging provide a solution for every forging-related task, efficiently and conveniently:

Design of flexible removal draughts
Design of the flash line
Design of the flash removal tools
Partial expansion
Partial calibration
Derivation of the preform geometry

Design of flexible removal draughts
The separation of the die block into the upper and lower dies by means of the parting curve is a demanding task when designing the tool.
The separation must be calculated exactly so that the workpiece can be released from the tool after forging and the superfluous material can be removed from the forged component.
This process is complicated, as depending on the nature of the workpiece, the parting curve does not lie in one plane.

EUKLID Forging supports the definition of the removal draughts and thus solves the problem. The removal draughts can be defined to be variable while maintaining a minimum extraction angle and without alignment errors between the parting curve and the appropriate half of the die. The alignment between the parts of the tool can thus be accurately determined.

Design of the flash line
The outflowing of the forging material is controlled in the design by defining the flash line along the parting curve. In order to make an optimum calculation, EUKLID takes into account all specified parameters such as the shape of the cross section, orientation and sizing.
Using EUKLID Forging, complex flash line surfaces with stepped parting lines and variable profile can be created in a short time. If the user wants to change complete surfaces, define new intermediate profiles or change the position of these, EUKLID Forging automatically re-calculates the appropriate flash line. Additional manipulating functions are also available with which the flash surface can be partially optimised.

CAD/CAM-система, мощная, принадлежит к "тяжелому классу" СAD систем, стоит в одном ряду с такими системами, как Cimatron, Unigraphics, CADDS 5, CATIA и Pro/Engineer. Система малоизвестная.

:down: _

ps я не много нашел по данному продукту, у меня нет опыта в использовании его, милости прошу высказываться по теме и обсуждать, только не спрашивайте , что и как , я его первый раз вижу ;)