Help me please with W2B.Restaurant.v1.02



:help2: Hi,
I'm from Finland and speaking russian too, but I have not the russian keyboard.
Do zdravzdvujet Russkie hackery, hurraaa! :p

can anybody help me with installation (W2B.Restaurant.v1.02.PHP.NULL-DGT.rar)
script? Please, I really need it very, very....

Is it damaged or not full package?
Admin folder is empty and if I want login as admin and password 12345 it is write that database is not exsist.

I was made all mysql tables from REST_ENG.SQL and made some changes in file (Db user, host ... etc.)
What is wrong? There is not installation instruction too, what about chmod?

Please send me some answers, if anybody knows
My e-mail: [email protected]

Best regars,
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