Imagineer Systems Motor (все версии)

Vettal FR

Aug 13, 2015
Reaction score
Imagineer Systems Motor v1.13


Imagineer Systems Motor – система ротоскопинга для кино-видео постпроизводства. Базируется на собственной технологии Imagineer (2.5D planar tracking); в сочетании с простым удобным интерфейсом позволяет создавать высококачественные маски в 3-4 раза быстрее по сравнению с традиционными средствами. Инструментарий, зарекомендовавший себя в объемных проектах, включает весь нужный спектр от базовых форм до размывания движением и переменной ширины ребра. Маски могут быть экспортированы в виде последовательности изображений или в виде форм (shapes) различных форматов файлов...
Основные возможности
- независимость от разрешения – работа с SD, HD и киноматериалом;
- импорт/экспорт Cineon, DPX, TGA, TIF, JPEG, PNG, SGI;
- импорт/экспорт QuickTime для Mac OS X и Windows;
- поддержка до 16 бит на канал;
- прямой доступ к рабочему пространству Quantel generationQ - Windows only;
- экспорт Shake Rotoshapes и Autodesk Discreet GMasks;
- экспорт 2D данных трекинга в системы Autodesk/Discreet, Apple Shake, Adobe After Effects, Avid DS и Digital Fusion.

"When our visual effects designers at BFX Imageworks first tested motor, it was a mind-blowing experience. Projects that were taking days to complete were now turning around in hours. As a rotoscoping tool, motor stands alone with its planar tracker that literally blows all other ��point�� trackers out of the water. It not only tracks X & Y motion, it also tracks perspective, and it does so on entire regions of the frame, without having to isolate individual tracking points. And considering it's tracking regions and not points, we were amazed at how fast it is. We��re convinced that motor will completely pay for itself with the first project you use it on. It is an invaluable tool for our studio and we could not give it a higher recommendation!�� Steven Blasini, visual effects supervisor at BFX Imageworks in Los Angeles
motor is a dedicated rotoscope tool- not part of a compositing application but a special tool dedicated to generating tight mattes quickly. motor uses Imagineer��s Planar Tracker to give the user a way to track scale, position, rotation and even shear and perspective of objects they wish to rotoscope.
motor offers you the ability to rotoscope footage several times faster than with traditional tools and the unique integration between the tracker and the rotoshapes means that higher quality mattes with more detail can be produced. This allows you to stay competitive in a market with shrinking budgets and increasing expectations.
motor complements your existing investment in post production hardware/software by being compatible with most other packages, such as Autodesk Discreet, Avid DS, Adobe After Effects, Quantel generationQ, Apple Shake and other compositing and editing systems.

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Скачать / Download Imagineer Systems Motor v1.12 (Размер / Size: 21898 KB):
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Vettal FR

Aug 13, 2015
Reaction score
Imagineer Systems Motor v1.13
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