Articles Interesting components - TECNativeMap (VCL, FMX)


Dec 26, 2018
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Interesting components - TECNativeMap (VCL, FMX)
Radek Červinka
June 14, 2020 6:27

Interesting components - TECNativeMap (VCL, FMX)
Radek Červinka
June 14, 2020 6:27

We continue with the list of interesting components with the TECNativeMap package . This is no additional wrapper above the browser for displaying maps, but a full-fledged native map viewer for various data sources written entirely in Delphi based on both VCL and FMX.

What sets it apart from any ordinary map viewer? Firstly, wide support of map data, you can touch it and most importantly it can be in OFFLINE mode and what was my case, in OwnerDraw mode you can slide your data (Tile) that is not public, eg from DB, or in my case read from a proprietary format with non-public data.

And all this without the need for an internet connection or, conversely, for online data, it automatically downloads transparently.

At the same time, the component allows you to optionally create a cache of downloaded images, so you don't have to download anything next time. It's all nimble and you're in control.


Downloading or retrieving data for a map uses a threadpool. The source of maps can be OpenStreetMap, Google, Yandex, TomTom and others, just switch properties and add a key for the service. Or you supply the data yourself.

You can display a minimap, scale, zoom, rotate the map (FMX version), measure directly on the map, add polylines, points and all, layers and other x things I came up with / didn't need.

Data can be imported / exported in GPX, GeoJSON or KML formats.

Website description: tecnativemap , price: 200 EUR per developer including resources, which is a bundle. I'm excited.