Mailing List Deluxe 5.95(Retai)


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Feb 24, 2017
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Mailing List Deluxe 6.0(Retai)

Mailing List Deluxe 6.0(Retail)


Программа массовой рассылки писем.

Программа поддерживает импорт списков из различных источников, редактирование списков и персонификацию сообщений. Вы можете вставлять различные поля в текст сообщений. Программа поддерживает как простые текстовые сообщения, так и комбинированные html письма со встроенной графикой. Таким образом, ваши письма смогут прочитать пользователи любых почтовых программ. Deluxe-версия также поддерживает индивидуальные прикрепления для каждого адресата и имеет встроенный smtp-сервер.

Mailing List Deluxe is a powerful tool in any marketing and communications arsenal. You simply write one message and send it to your whole mailing list. The program's real power, however, is in its ability to personalize your communications. You can address everyone on your list by their first name, if you so choose. Or you can include other details, such as the town or city where they live (so long as you actually have that information in your customer database).

This makes for great customer and client relations - and has been shown to boost sales. Best of all, personalization is done at the click of a button - no tedious copying and pasting.

Mailing List Deluxe is a must-have marketing tool, whatever line of business you're in. It lets you fire out personalized e-mail shots to existing and prospective customers and is ideal for sending out newsletters and ezines. It's also a very powerful PR (public relations) tool - press releases can be whizzed off to the media in minutes.

Mailing List Deluxe has a built-in SMTP server - which means you can send mail directly without the need for an ISP server. This is useful if you are sending mail to large lists of recipients because some ISPs don't allow you to send thousands of messages at any one time

The program supports multi-part html messages with embedded images, combined text and html messages, and has a WYSIWYG html message editor built in. But if you prefer to use your own HTML editor, you can simply paste your work into MailList Deluxe and it will be reproduced seamlessly (which is more than can be said for many similar bulk mailer programs). You can also send custom attachments to each recipient.

MailList Deluxe has many helpful tools to help you manage your lists. These include:
List filtering - exclude and include addresses - handy for separating customers from prospects.
Duplicate deletion - weed out and delete duplicate e-mail addresses in a flash.
Word and character replacement - a big help for cleaning up lists.
Creates lists from different types of text files (such as comma and tab separated).
Exports and imports lists from MS Excel.
Verifies e-mail addresses - checks the e-mails on your list are lives ones.
Supports multiple SMTP/POP3 accounts and has a built-in editor to process list mail recipients.
List Scheduler - send mailing list on given time.

We offer three program options:
MailList Express (Standard Edition)
MailList Express Pro (Professional Edition)
MailList Deluxe (Deluxe Edition)
The Deluxe version can deliver messages much faster than the standard edition by using a number of connections simultaneously. It also has additional mailing list processing capabilities based on error codes and message protocols. You get a delivery report as soon your bulk mailing has been sent.

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Feb 24, 2017
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