Articles Massive Update With Tons Of Fixes For Delphi 10.4 Firemonkey On Android, IOS, MacOS, Windows, And Linux


Dec 26, 2018
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Massive Update With Tons Of Fixes For Delphi 10.4 Firemonkey On Android, IOS, MacOS, Windows, And Linux

Massive Update With Tons Of Fixes For Delphi 10.4 Firemonkey On Android, IOS, MacOS, Windows, And Linux

RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney (Delphi + C++Builder) has been released with some significant enhancements to the Firemonkey framework. 10.4 includes new Metal API support on macOS and iOS and it brings significant performance improvements. Additionally, there is a new TBufferedLayout control which will cache painting of controls contained inside of it. The product itself received over 1000 updates and fixes across the IDE, RTL, VCL, and FMX. There are a ton of updates and new features in this release which makes it difficult to catalog them all!

Items from the release that are related to cross platform Firemonkey are:

  • Apple’s new launch screen storyboard requirement.
  • Delphi memory management is now unified across all supported platforms – mobile, desktop, and server.
  • New styled TMemo component on the Windows platform.
  • FMXLinux integration for building Linux GUI applications in Enterprise and Architect.
  • TWebBrowser control for iOS is now implemented using the WKWebView API
  • macOS implementation of Media Player control now used AVFoundation
  • Expanded HTTP and REST Client libraries with additional HTTPS features
  • LiveBindings Performance and Features Enhancements
The list of fixes applied to FireMonkey 10.4 are as follows:

TListView OnUpdatingObjects event handler not synch with datasourceData, Data\LiveBindings, FireMonkeyRSP-16014
Live Bindings Master/ Detail problem in FireMonkeyData, Data\LiveBindings, FireMonkeyRSP-16255
Access violation in dclbindcomp250.bpl when opeing a projectData, Data\LiveBindings, FireMonkeyRSP-18445
FMX relationship TClientDataSet TGrid programData, Data\LiveBindings, FireMonkeyRSP-23224
Column index,1 out of boundsData, Data\LiveBindings, FireMonkeyRSP-23941
Error formatting the TDateColumn with LiveBindings on Mac Os 64 bitData, Data\LiveBindings, FireMonkeyRSP-27237
When using BindingsList, The number in the edit box is not inserted or updated after submission when the mouse clicks the up or down button of TUpDown (FMX / TSpinBox)Data, Data\LiveBindings, FireMonkey, VCLRSP-21412
Interaction of Swipe gestures with button clicksFireMonkeyAP-208
fmx client align apparently ignores system toolbar at bottom of screenFireMonkeyAP-209
Exception when setting the text property of a TLabel if the text contains a line feed characterFireMonkeyRSB-1753
Integer overflow in FMX.InertialMovement (TAniCalculations FUpdateTimerCount)FireMonkeyRSB-2555
Move some TControl3D methods from private section to protectedFireMonkeyRSB-2724
Can’t upload MacOS-64-App to AppStore because of deprecated API usageFireMonkeyRSB-3037
iOS 13 Dark mode – switch eventFireMonkeyRSB-3357
Video playback fails on CatalinaFireMonkeyRSB-3375
iOS missing property list keys for Bluetooth LE developmentFireMonkeyRSB-3428
access to macOS Documents folder is missing from the entitlements listFireMonkeyRSB-3468
Audio recording is not working even though entitlement is setFireMonkeyRSB-3469
DateEdit onEnter called too lateFireMonkeyRSB-3486
CameraControl freezes on all windowsFireMonkeyRSP-11625
FMX HintFireMonkeyRSP-13220
Disabling FMX Border Icon cause tips to not be displayedFireMonkeyRSP-13663
Create double buffered FMX controlsFireMonkeyRSP-15576
Hints not shown when BorderIcons maximize is disabled.FireMonkeyRSP-16240
TGrid: move Tcolumn.Layout property to publicFireMonkeyRSP-16415
TTetheringAppProfile.SendStream() doesn’t return false if the transmission failed everytimeFireMonkeyRSP-16430
TEdit ValidChars doesn’t work on AndroidFireMonkeyRSP-16585
Delphi 10.1 Berlin FireMonkey (Mobile platform) – English and Chinese characters arrangement probleFireMonkeyRSP-16590
OpenGL we always recreate the shared context just after the form is createdFireMonkeyRSP-16602
Memory Leak in TTextLayoutNG from FMX.TextLayout.GPUFireMonkeyRSP-16664
Toggling Active state of TCameraComponent causes app to crashFireMonkeyRSP-16812
TCheckCell.DrawCell should place CheckBox image into center of cellFireMonkeyRSP-17083
Pan and Zoom gestures cannot be used simultaneously in AndroidFireMonkeyRSP-17835
Push Notifications from FCM in an Android Service and iOSFireMonkeyRSP-18006
Regarding Hint problem againFireMonkeyRSP-18265
[Windows] FMX TEdit Component Error!!!FireMonkeyRSP-18276
Regarding Control’s ClipChildren propertyFireMonkeyRSP-18795
TBindNavigator::Visible property does not compile in C++FireMonkeyRSP-19037
Hint on TSpeedButton Result Segmentation FaultFireMonkeyRSP-19306
Firemonkey Slow Paint [BUFFER IS THE SOLUTION]FireMonkeyRSP-19432
GDI Leaks at FMX.Memo.WinFireMonkeyRSP-19474


Dec 26, 2018
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SharedHint Issue/Crash on mobile devicesFireMonkeyRSP-19479
Add TToolbar ShowHint & ParentShowHintFireMonkeyRSP-19507
The size of the TTextLayout text displayed by TTextLayout::ConvertToPath and TTextLayout::LenderLayout is different.FireMonkeyRSP-19590
Please change visibility of StyledMemo methodFireMonkeyRSP-19944
TCurrencyColumn for TGrid does not work properlyFireMonkeyRSP-20095
Cant get Caret position from mouse in TMemoFireMonkeyRSP-20112
TGrid.OnSetValue evoke twice when click TCheckCellFireMonkeyRSP-20125
VisualBindings is Slow, should be improvedFireMonkeyRSP-20325
Add IIsChecked interface to TRadioButtonFireMonkeyRSP-20374
Add IIsChecked interface to TMenuItemFireMonkeyRSP-20410
Add IIsChecked interface to TSpeedButtonFireMonkeyRSP-20411
Multi-point gradients failFireMonkeyRSP-20497
Androidapi.JNIBridge source appears to be misaligned with binariesFireMonkeyRSP-20651
Using Metal instead of OpenGL on Mac / iOSFireMonkeyRSP-20667
TListView onChange called twiceFireMonkeyRSP-20828
FMX.Canvas.TextToPath() on Android behaves differently to WindowsFireMonkeyRSP-21137
wrong behave of OnClick in TLabel (Firemonkey)FireMonkeyRSP-21187
OnResize event is triggered before (Frame)Create is completeFireMonkeyRSP-21188
Can’t link xcode9.4 build Static Library framework in firemonkeyFireMonkeyRSP-21247
Invalid assumption in TTextLayoutNG.CreateFrameFireMonkeyRSP-21249
TGestureEventInfo.Distance wrong on multimonitor systemFireMonkeyRSP-21326
TFrame.Enabled problemFireMonkeyRSP-21447
TPushDeviceTokenData must contain the NSData of the tokenFireMonkeyRSP-21539
Dont remove “Translation Tools” (FireMonkey TLang)FireMonkeyRSP-21641
Ignoring value TComboTrackBar.DecimalDigits in runtimeFireMonkeyRSP-21821
TakeFotoFromCameraAction property Editable doesn’t workFireMonkeyRSP-21921
FMX.Listbox.TComboBox Sort ignores comparerFireMonkeyRSP-21924
Changes to FMX.Memo.Style.pasFireMonkeyRSP-22406
dbl-click on TEdit doesn’t select last wordFireMonkeyRSP-22876
IF UIFileSharingEnabled is true/YES Application Loader rejects iOS-App because of type mismatchFireMonkeyRSP-22926
TMemo crash triggered by EndUpdate during destructionFireMonkeyRSP-22948
Hints stop displaying after form’s handle recreationFireMonkeyRSP-23062
“ld” exited with code 1 when adding TetheringManager to project (Android)FireMonkeyRSP-23073
TTimer can suddenly die without any notificationFireMonkeyRSP-23114
FMX.ListView.OnChange fires even if item doesn’t changeFireMonkeyRSP-23188
Rio officially only support Android 5+ but minSDK is 19 (4.4) which has problemsFireMonkeyRSP-23219
Android TNumberbox: onExit gets wrong valueFireMonkeyRSP-23299
Visibility of TFont.FFontSvc: IFMXSystemFontServiceFireMonkeyRSP-23757
Tooltips and hints do not function for controls placed on layout containersFireMonkeyRSP-23835
procedure TCustomForm.PaintBackground; must be set as virtualFireMonkeyRSP-23841
Calendar causing crashesFireMonkeyRSP-23873
Popup menu closes when clicking on item separator and on disabled items.FireMonkeyRSP-23890
FMX [ANDROID] unable to use NDK API beyond 22 – App Crash on 23+FireMonkeyRSP-24016
MapView.OnMarkerDragEnd does not give new positionFireMonkeyRSP-24168
Access violation on TEdit when TEdit.ShowHint=True and there is text in TEdit.Hint and you tap on itFireMonkeyRSP-24246
TCalendar OnDateSelected trigger loopFireMonkeyRSP-24324
Inner borders drawn on TEdit, TCombo, TButton, TLabel ……FireMonkeyRSP-24392
AV in TFMXViewBase.insertTextFireMonkeyRSP-24409
miss the declaration of UIAlertController/UIAlertAction in iOSApi.uiKitFireMonkeyRSP-24740
Usage descriptions that could be added for macOSFireMonkeyRSP-25593
Tab Stops do not follow Tab OrderFireMonkeyRSP-25964
fmx gpu rendering text property bugFireMonkeyRSP-25974
TPopup and TScrollBox is not working wellFireMonkeyRSP-26042
Implement automatic dark mode switchingFireMonkeyRSP-26110
TCurrencyColumn wrong displayFireMonkeyRSP-26184
TCalendar wrong resizing with FireMonkey stylesFireMonkeyRSP-26332
TDateEdit IsEmpty is not persistentFireMonkeyRSP-26353
TLayout Size 0 is not persistentFireMonkeyRSP-26361



Dec 26, 2018
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TBitmapCodecManager.SaveToFile raises AVFireMonkeyRSP-26363
FireMonkey scaling of PopupMenu subitems doesn’t workFireMonkeyRSP-26572
[macOS 64] Crash due to a tap with three fingersFireMonkeyRSP-26642
Android 64 bit app crashes when calling TInAppPurchase.QueryProductsFireMonkeyRSP-27140
Any iOS app cannot start without debuggerFireMonkeyRSP-27146
FMX.Tmediaplayer.Duration is negative.FireMonkeyRSP-27166
Firemonkey App compiled with Rio 10.3.3 is not usable on a MacbookPro with macOS10.13FireMonkeyRSP-27197
InAppPurchase.QueryProducts crash App in Android64FireMonkeyRSP-27228
Wrong Decimals in NumberBox when Value is greater than 32767FireMonkeyRSP-27282
incorrect declaration export function JSStringCreateWithUTF8CStringFireMonkeyRSP-27340
NSLocale missing a number of methodsFireMonkeyRSP-27353
FMX.TListBoxGroupHeader – default FALSE value in TextSettings.WordWrap not worksFireMonkeyRSP-27470
Firemomkey – android. Onkeyup event not calledFireMonkeyRSP-27496
Support newer Android NDK than 17FireMonkeyRSP-27509
Bad TLabel text rendering quality on some Android devicesFireMonkeyRSP-27520
TTreeView expanding items during begin update does not workFireMonkeyRSP-27739
InputQuery on iOS should not show first prompt as message when using two promptsFireMonkeyRSP-27777
ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage UIWebView warning from AppleFireMonkeyRSP-27902
Bug in rendering ListView itemsFireMonkeyRSP-27917
TNumberCell. Shortcoming in the validation of valid charactersFireMonkeyRSP-28057
FMX and VCL default exception handlers produce uninformative error messages with EAggregateException (as raised by ITask.Wait etc.)FireMonkeyRSP-9539
Circular references when using 3D controlsFireMonkey, FireMonkey\3D ComponentsRSP-9785
FMX Hint Cannot display if the form is transparentFireMonkey, FireMonkey\ComponentsRSP-12907
C++Builder 10 Seattle – Hint function will failFireMonkey, FireMonkey\ComponentsRSP-13065
Hint is not shown if there is no Maximize button in form frameFireMonkey, FireMonkey\ComponentsRSP-13218
classes.dex contains superfluous gingerbread dialog classesFireMonkey, FireMonkey\RuntimeRSP-13159
TApplicationEvent.WillBecomeInactive is called after TApplicationEvent.EnteredBackground for the Android platformFireMonkey, FireMonkey\RuntimeRSP-18686
provider_paths.xml is missing entriesFireMonkey, FireMonkey\RuntimeRSP-26950
Performance optimizations – TStyledControl.FindStyleResourceFireMonkey, FireMonkey\StylesRSP-10814
LongTap gesture event in Android has no TInteractiveGestureFlag.gfEndFireMonkey, IDERSP-23806
BannerAd header error on Windows targeted android projectFireMonkey, InstallRSP-20929
TNotificationCenter.PresentNotification not working on iOS10 devices (for R104)FireMonkey, RTLRSP-16762
Multi-platform App crashes on OSX when Abort is called and ‘posix.stdlib’ is in ‘uses’ sectionFireMonkey, RTL, RTL\DelphiRSP-19307
GLHasAnyErrors is a little useless as it’s not show the error codeFireMonkey, RTL, RTL\DelphiRSP-21577
The iOS framework interface for NSNotification is missing ‘object’ propertyFireMonkey, RTL, RTL\DelphiRSP-24206
Light and dark theme flag for VCL and FMX stylesFireMonkey, VCLRSP-21531
Replace Internet Explorer based TWebBrowser with IWebView2FireMonkey, VCLRSP-27543

Head over and check out the full list of updates for Delphi 10.4 Firemonkey.