Mobile Secret CodeX (All Links Here)


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Feb 24, 2017
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Mobile Secret Codex V1.35


Mobile Secret CodeX v1.35 - служит для тонкой настройки телефонов

Access to Unlock Code, IMEI, Software Version, Serial Parameters, Full EEPROM Reset, Custom EEEPROM Reset, Battery status (capacity, voltage, temperature), Program status,Change Alarm Buzzer Frequency, Debug screens, Watchdog, EEPROM Error Stack, Trace Watchdog, Change LCD contrast, Jig detect, Memory status, SIM File Size, SIM Service Table, RTK (Run Time Kernel) errors,
Software Version, Test Vibrator, Vocoder Reg, Diag, Reset On Fatal Error, Last/Chk, Yann debug screen, Software version, Changes serial parameters,...

with 50+ model: Alcatel,Bosch,Ericsson,Mitsubishi,Motorola,Nec,Nok ia,Philips,Samsung,Siemens, Sony

::: FAQ :::

1. What is a Group-Graphic?

Nokia 6100 and 8810 support five different Caller groups. You can add names from your phonebook to these groups and if somebody calls, the selected Group-Graphic is displayed. Consult the manual of the phone for more information (also about profiles).

2. What can Group-Graphic Editor do for me?

The editor gives you the possibility to edit these graphics on your PC and upload them via IR to your or via SMS to your or any other phone worldwide. You can also edit Operator-Logos (.NOL format).

3. What other things do I need to get started?

You need a PC with Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows NT 4.0. You also need Msvbvm50.exe, a self-extracting executable file, which installs the latest version of the required Microsoft run-time files, available for download from the Microsoft Software Library (see download-page). Set your Windows color-settings to 16 or 24 bit for best results.

4. Why does the Editor not work and says "Runtime error"?

Because you did not read the previous question and answer. Get the latest version of the run-time files...

5. What can I do with my 5100 / 6100?

For the 5100 / 6100 you need the Nokia Cellular Data Suite with the supplied cable. Without the Data Suite you need an IR-port to upload graphics directly via IR to your own 6100. That's enough for some people. For 6100 with IR (with or without Data Suite) you do NOT need the Microsoft IR-Monitor, you have to disable it in Start / Settings / Control-Panel of Windows if it is installed. If you have bought Data Suite, then you can talk to the 6100 via IR or cable (5100 only via cable) and send graphics to other phones via SMS, store graphics in the SMS-Inbox for later use and also use the phonebook of the phone.

6. Which version of Data Suite do I need?

For the 6100 you need version 1.2, 1.2a or 2.0a, if you just want to send graphics (with another Nokia phone) then some users have reported that also version 1.0x works for them (with its interface disabled). Visit the Nokia Cellular Data Suite homepage for more details. Don't forget to install the 2.0a Upgrade!

7. How do I send graphics with 5100 / 6100 and Data Suite?

Set your virtual serial port in Options / Serial Port (check Start / Settings / Control-Panel / Modem in Windows for port-number, do NOT mix that up with the physical port, where the phone is connected!), enable Data Suite, connect 5100 / 6100 via cable OR activate IR on your 6100 and establish an IR-connection, then click the Send as SMS button.

8. How do I upload directly to 6100 via IR without Data Suite?

Set your physical IR Port in Options / IR Port (in most cases COM2, consult your pc manual), disable the Microsoft IR-Monitor and / or the Data Suite, activate IR on your 6100, then click the Upload via IR to 6100 button. If the transfer stops at 30% or later, then your connection is not strong enough, put the 6100 closer to the IR Port of your PC, make sure that the IR-cover is clean and restart the IR-connection in 6100. This was basically a timing-problem and is fixed in the current release.

9. What can I do with my 8810?

You need an IR-port for the pc, the Nokia 8810.inf modem-driver, the Microsoft IR-Monitor and the installation instructions. With the modem-driver and IR you can send graphics to other phones via SMS, store graphics in the SMS-Inbox for later use and use the phonebook of the phone. No direct upload via IR to own phone possible at the moment. More interesting information about Nokia 8810 with Data Suite and IR is available here.

10. How do I send graphics with 8810?

Set your virtual serial port in Options / Serial Port (in most cases COM4, check in Microsoft IR-Monitor), make sure that the Microsoft IR-Monitor in Start / Settings / Control-Panel is enabled, activate IR on your 8810, then click the Send as SMS button. If transfer to 8810 hangs at 55%, then limit the speed of your IR Port to 19.200 baud or similar.

11. What do I need for sending graphics as SMS?

For sending graphics as SMS you need an 8-bit and User Data Header supporting SMS-Center. If you are not sure about your SMS-Center, then you can ask the hotline of your gsm-provider or try it on your own. Just send a Group-Graphic from your own phone to your own phone by selecting Names / Caller Groups / VIP (or any other) / Group Graphic / Send graphic / Your Own Number. Your phone then should send and receive a SMS and say Group Graphic Received. If it says Message connot be displayed here, then your SMS-Center does not support smart data and you have to use another (maybe foreign) provider. You can also borrow a SIM-card of a provider with compatible SMS-Center and save your logo in your phone. Make sure that you enter all phone-numbers in international format (with country-prefix) in my software. Take a look at the links page for a whole website about SMS-Centers.

12. What known problems do exist?

There exist some other problems, but I can not reproduce most of them here, because I do not have the hardware / software.
- With Data Suite 2.0 the Operator-Logo Uploader may hang while Storing to SMS-Inbox at 55%, fixed in the 2.0a Upgrade. [Rui Costa]
- Users have reported that 6110 with software 4.73 or older trashes pixels in the bottom lines of the graphic if you send more than one and that a workaround for that would be resetting the phone (switch off & on) after every image is sent. [Daniel Lewkovitz]
- Some SMS-Centers trash pixels, that's not a problem in my software but the SMS-Center destroys the binary SMS, please complain at your operator-hotline.
- Users have reported that the implementation of the IR port in most Toshiba notebooks is that it does NOT get assigned to a COM port, so direct upload and use with Data Suite would not work. [Daniel Lewkovitz]

13. How can I upload graphics from phone to PC?

You need John Chang's MS-DOS version (available from the download-page). Then you can upload graphics from phone to PC via IR with a 6100. If you have a 8810, find somebody with a 6100 and send via IR from 8810 to 6100, then to PC. Not possible with Operator-Logo.

14. What is an Operator-Logo?

Nokia 5100, 6100, 8810, 9110, 3210 and 7110 support an Operator-Logo. Usually only one line with the name of your operator is displayed when phone is idle, but it is possible to save exactly ONE logo to the phone, which gets displayed instead of the name of the selected operator. An already existing logo will be overwritten only if you save the new logo. If you go abroad, you will see the normal operator-text there.

15. What can Operator-Logo Uploader do for me?

You can change the the boring line with the operator-name to your very own personal logo with your PC and upload them via IR to your or via SMS to your or any other phone worldwide. Make sure that your operator is set in the Operator-List in the right side. You can also use Group-Graphic files (.NGG format). Please read all questions about Group-Graphic Editor, as they are also valid for Operator-Logo Uploader.

16. How can I get back the original Operator-Text in the phone?

Very easy, just scroll up in the Operator-List (in Operator-Logo Uploader) and send & save the top-most item called "Clear Operator-Logo", then the original name will appear again.

17. How do I use Windows 98 and IR?

That's for advanced users only, detailed information is available here. Brian in Netherlands also has a good website about this, especially with information about Toshiba-Notebooks.

18. Can I use my normal modem or ISDN or internet (TCP/IP)?

No, you can't. You need a direct connection to your mobile phone, via cable and Data Suite or via IR, see also above.

19. How do I use Data Suite with Tekram IRmate 210?

For use with Nokia phones you need Tekram's tool DirectCOMM and Windows 95. Read all information there and also the IRmate 210 homepage. Note: Direct Upload via IR to 6100 works neither with nor without this tool, only SMS via Data Suite is possible.

20. What can I do with my 5100?

The 5100 can receive only Operator-Logos, some very old 5100 can't. It can send Operator-Logos and Group-Graphics. You need Data Suite and cable, see 6100.

21. What can I do with my 9110?

The 9110 can receive only Operator-Logos via SMS. It can not send Operator-Logos and Group-Graphics. You need another phone for sending.

22. What can I do with my 3210?

The 3210 can receive only Operator-Logos via SMS. It can not send Operator-Logos and Group-Graphics, because it does not have a data-interface. You need another phone for sending.



