Articles My five favorite new features in RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney by David I


Dec 26, 2018
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My five favorite new features in RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney
DavidI 5 Jun 2020

My five favorite new features in RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney
DavidI 5 Jun 2020

There are so many great new features in 10.4 Sydney, but when asked for a top five I had to prune my list a lot. Here are my top five favorite new features in RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney.

1) The new TEdgeBrowser component is a great advance for building Windows apps. Even better is the update to the TWebBrowser component that give developers flexibility to select which browser engine you want to use: IEOnly, EdgeIfAvailable, EdgeOnly. The following is a simple C++Builder example using TWebBrowser.


void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
    switch (RadioGroup1->ItemIndex) {
        case 0:  WebBrowser1->SelectedEngine = TWebBrowser::TSelectedEngine::EdgeIfAvailable; break;
        case 1:  WebBrowser1->SelectedEngine = TWebBrowser::TSelectedEngine::EdgeOnly; break;
        case 2:     WebBrowser1->SelectedEngine = TWebBrowser::TSelectedEngine::IEOnly; break;
        WebBrowser1->SelectedEngine = TWebBrowser::TSelectedEngine::IEOnly;

2) I also enjoy the new style selection options that let developers specify styles at the form and component levels. Marco talks about this feature in a recent blog post.

3) For Android development a great new feature is the support for AdoptOpenJDK will relieve developers from Oracle's licensing and support rules. All AdoptOpenJDK binaries and scripts are open source licensed and available for free.

4) The move to a non-ARC unified memory management implementation across all platforms, offering better compatibility with existing code, performance advantages, simpler coding for components, libraries and end user applications. For the C++ compilers this significantly simplifies the compiler and RTL.

5) Finally, installation is simplified by having one installer application that works in both online and offline modes along with an improved GetIt Package Manager.

You can find a longer list of What's New in RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney on the Embarcadero DocWiki.