Native Instruments FM7 VSTi DXI RTAS (все вер.)

Vettal FR

Aug 13, 2015
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Native Instruments FM7 VSTi DXI RTAS v1.1.3.4


Native Instruments FM7 VSTi DXI RTAS - Данный программный продукт произвёл революцию в мире электронных музыкантов, работающих на PC, впрочем это относится и к другим продуктам NI. До FM7, большинство людей считало, что нельзя абсолютно точно эмулировать работу \"железячного\" синтезатора, кроме этого многие считали, что даже если это будет сделано, на нём нельзя буде приемлемо играть \"на живую\", а в это время сотрудники создали программу FM7, которая перевернула наше сознание с ног на голову. Они смогли полностью перенести алгоритмы синтезаторов Yamaha DX7, DX7-II, DX11, TX81Z, TX7, DX21, DX27, DX100, TX802. Задержка при игре \"живьём\" при наличии хорошего компьютера, звуковухи и midi клавиатуры, составляет около 2mc.

The FM7 takes the legendary soundof FM synthesis to a newlevel. Not only does the FM7 read thecomplete sound library from the classicFM synths, but it goes far beyond emulation. It adds distortion and filter
operators, extensive modulationcapabilities, a comprehensiveeffects section, audio input and much more to the traditional FMarchitecture.
The user interface of the FM7 makes it comfortable and easy toexplore the fascinating new possibilities of FM ?Native style.

Reproducing the FM classics

The lively and punchy FM sounds were a breakthrough in soundsynthesis when they were first introduced in the early eighties. Nowadays,their specialaestheticsarestillhighlyappreciatedbymusicians and producersworldwide. FMsounds complementthe sounds of analogand virtual analog synthesizersvery well. TheFM7 can readall programs from the originalDX7, DX7-II, DX11,TX81Z, DX21, DX27,DX100, TX802 and reproduce the sounds of these machines exactly.

Extended sound processing and effects

TheFM7 ismore thanan emulation.Enjoy theauthenticity ofthe classic presets, and then transform them into something completely new. For example,each ofthe operatorsof theFM7 offers many waveforms
besides sine.Additionally, adistortion operatorwith noiseand an analog filter operator complementthe waveform operators andincrease the sonic range of the FM7, far beyond classic FM synthesis. Unlike the
classic, FM routing can be setfreely ?you are not limitedto preset algorithms. The effectsection of theFM7 offers highquality stereo chorus, flanging and delay effects.

Graphical editing

The advanced graphical editors of the FM7 offer intuitive access toFM synthesis. It never beenthat easyto discoverthe enormous sound potential of frequency modulation.

Top Features

Powerful FM synthesizer

Extended sound architecture for new possibilities with FM synthesis

Includes 512 excellent presets (FM7 Sounds Vol. 1 included)

Reads and faithfully reproduces sound programs of the FM classics (DX7,
DX7-II, DX11, TX81Z, DX21, DX27, DX100, DX200, TX802)

Full matrix frequency modulation with 8 operators, no fixed algorithms

6operatorswith manywaveformsplus distortionandanalog filter

Sophisticated graphical editors with many convenient edit functions

Flexiblegraphicalenvelopeswithunlimitednumberofstages and

Stereo effectssection withchorus, flangerdelay, canbe usedfor
external audio signals

Runs either as stand-alone or as a plug-in on Windows

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ex-Team DUMPz
Professional Carder
Oct 12, 2014
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Native Instruments Battery VSTi DXi RTAS v2.15

Direct, Distinctive, Drums BATTERY 2 is the ultimate drum sampler for creating and fine-tuning all of the percussive elements in any production. With a streamlined design for fast and intuitive control, generate perfect drums and percussion every time. From the smoothest grooves to the most rugged rhythms - BATTERY 2 is the professional choice. BATTERY Re-born The latest version offers an even more intuitive user-interface with a larger, customizable matrix. Every sample-cell is armed with a powerful compressor and multi-mode filter, an LFO, freely assignable envelope, mapping editor managing 128 sample-layers per cell, re-sampling effect and an extended Loop section. Incisive and Instinctive The cell matrix is as fast as it is easy to use. Simply load your various sounds into the 72 sample cells and create whole new drum kits in a matter of seconds. Rearrange the cells or the matrix itself, group cells together or mute and solo cells or groups for easy management. BATTERY 2’s intuitive interface truly is a case of plug and play. Sculpt Your Sound BATTERY 2 will bring your drums and percussion to life and lend them a unique flavor. Every sample cell has an individual and comprehensive set of powerful sound-shaping tools: compressors, filters, saturation, bit-reduction, modulation including freely assignable envelopes and LFOs, an extended Loop section and much more afford you the creative power to sculpt distinctive rhythm tracks.
