Okoker Encrypt Folder (все версии)

Vettal FR

Aug 13, 2015
Reaction score
Okoker Encrypt Folder v1.5


Okoker Encrypt Folder - программа, которая позволит защищать паролем и предотвратить несанкционированный доступ к любым, важным для Вас, директориям и их содержанию. Защищенные директории и их содержаниие не смогут быть переименованными, измененными, удаленными, скопированными, перемещенными, или, даже, замеченными на Вашей системе пока не будет введен корректный пароль доступа. Используя Okoker Encrypt Folder, Вы сможете надежно защитить Вашу информацию.

Okoker Encrypt Folder is a secure and easy to use program that lets you password-protect and easily prevent access to your important folders.A protected folder and its contents will be prevented from being renamed, modified, deleted, copied, moved, accessed or even seen on the system.You can only enter the system by using the correct password, which will enable you to view or edit the encrypted folder contents. Wherever, at home, work, or any other environment where you share your computer with others, Okoker Encrypt Folder can really help you secure your files and folders from prying eyes, malicious programs, users, and getting infected by dangerous viruses and unwanted access or accidental damage. The Encrypt Folder interface has been designed to be intuitive and easy to use , and the most important is that the software is human and intelligent .

Super drag and drop to quickly Encrypt or Decrypte your folders.
Automatically encrypt when a folder is added.
It's a intelligent program that can be used easily and quickly.
Encrypte and protect your folders.
A protected folder and its contents will be prevented from being renamed, modified, deleted, copied, moved, accessed or even seen on the system

home http://www.okoker.com/encryptfolder/index.htm

Okoker Encrypt Folder v1.5
2333 KB