Articles PENTAGON just release UFO footage thanks in part to TOM DELONGE by Aristos Georgiou


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PENTAGON just release UFO footage thanks in part to TOM DELONGE

Video Shows US Navy Jet Tracking Mysterious UFO

The Pentagon has released three declassified videos on Monday of "unidentified aerial phenomena" that were captured by U.S. Navy pilots, thanks in part to former Blink-182 singer Tom DeLonge.

One of the videos was taken in November 2004, while the other two were filmed in January 2015. According to the Department of Defense, the videos have been circulating in the public domain after unauthorized releases in 2007 and 2017.

The videos—which can now be found at the Naval Air Systems Command Freedom of Information Act Reading Room—are known as FLIR.mp4, GOFAST.wmv and GIMBAL.wmv. The clips show strange objects appearing to accelerate rapidly and move at very high speed.

Tom DeLonge: U.S. Has Been Investigating UFOs for Years. Time We Caught Up

The videos were published by To the Stars... Academy of Arts & Sciences—an organization set up DeLonge to investigate UFO sightings—in late 2017 and early 2018.
The New York Times also reported on one of the videos in December 2017 in an article about the Pentagon's secretive Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP,) which began operations in 2007.
"It accelerated like nothing I've ever seen," one of the Navy pilots told the New York Times regarding the 2004 incident, which was filmed over the Pacific about 100 miles off the coast of California.

Documents acquired by Motherboard indicate that the Air Force's Office of Special Investigations launched an investigation into the release of the videos in 2017. And last year, the Navy, which initially did not acknowledge the videos when they surfaced in 2017, confirmed their veracity, vindicating DeLonge's release.

"The Navy designates the objects contained in these videos as unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs)," Joe Gradisher, a Navy spokesperson, told the Black Vault blog in 2019. Gradisher also confirmed to other news outlets that the Navy did indeed capture these videos.

While Gradisher confirmed their veracity, this does not mean the footage shows alien spacecraft, simply that officials cannot explain what is being shown. The spokesperson said the Navy was acknowledging the videos for reasons of safety, and wanted to encourage pilots to come forward if they saw similar objects.

"This is all about frequent incursions into our training ranges by UAPs," Gradisher told CNN in 2019. "Those incursions present a safety hazard to the safe flight of our aviators and security of our operations. For many years, our aviators didn't report these incursions because of the stigma attached to previous terminology and theories about what may or may not be in those videos."


A screenshot taken from the GIMBAL video.DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE

According to the latest statement from the DOD, the Pentagon has decided to release the unclassified videos to address possible misconceptions about them.

"The U.S. Navy previously acknowledged that these videos circulating in the public domain were indeed Navy videos," the DOD statement said. "After a thorough review, the department has determined that the authorized release of these unclassified videos does not reveal any sensitive capabilities or systems, and does not impinge on any subsequent investigations of military air space incursions by unidentified aerial phenomena.

Tom DeLonge

Musician Tom DeLonge speaks onstage at The GRAMMY Museum on October 13, 2015 in Los Angeles, California.REBECCA SAPP/WIREIMAGE

"DOD is releasing the videos in order to clear up any misconceptions by the public on whether or not the footage that has been circulating was real, or whether or not there is more to the videos. The aerial phenomena observed in the videos remain characterized as 'unidentified.'"

DeLonge responded to the Pentagon's official release of the videos, hailing it is a victory for government transparency of the issue of UFO's. "With today's events and articles on my and @TTSAcademy's efforts to get the U.S. Gov to start the grand conversation, I want to thank every share holder at To The Stars for believing in us. Next, we plan on pursuing the technology, finding more answers and telling the stories," he tweeted.

Tom DeLonge

With today’s events and articles on my and @TTSAcademy’s efforts to get the US Gov to start the grand conversation, I want to thank every share holder at To The Stars for believing in us. Next, we plan on pursuing the technology, finding more answers and telling the stories.
1:04 AM - Apr 28, 2020
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Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who was largely responsible for securing funding for the AATIP when it began operations, also tweeted in response to the news.
"I'm glad the Pentagon is finally releasing this footage, but it only scratches the surface of research and materials available," he said. "The U.S. needs to take a serious, scientific look at this and any potential national security implications. The American people deserve to be informed."
