Phpfox Konsort V1.6 Beta 2


Mar 8, 2005
Reaction score
Phpfox Konsort V1.6 Beta 2 Nulled

Its Portal it does almost everything as all portal's do
But never the things you want it to do as so many people
Want different things no one person know's how to make a portal
for everyone.
Nulled by Scriptz
Price $300.00

* Gallery
Members can share and display any of their images that they upload. Each image that is added can also be commented on by other members. Each user can select a specific group when they upload their images if they for example only want their friends to view their images or maybe not allow anyone else to see their images.
* Browse
Powerful search tool for members to find other members. One of the most used tools for members to meet other members and for your network to grow.
* Blogs
Everybody has got to have a blog today and with Konsort it gives your members the option to add blogs to their own personal profile, which also will be listed in the main "blog" section. This will allow other members to search other blogs and read up on what their friends are writing about.
* Forum
Community without a forum is not much of a community. One of the key building blocks to any large community is a forum where your members can get together and discuss certain topics that have been created by you or your admins.
* Rate
Images that are uploaded to the "gallery" section will also be added to the "rate" system. This system simply randomizes images when a user visits the section and allow them to rate on any image that comes up from a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest. Fun to do and will surely bring your members back to your site for more.
* Battle
Much like the "rate" section this section gets images from the "gallery" module. Unlike the rate section this displays 2 random images and creates a face-off. Which will allow the user the chance to pick a winner of the 2 images. Each image is then added to the "battle" rank.
* Poll
Another fun section is the "poll" section. This allows your users the chance to create a poll and then allow other members the chance to answer on the poll.
* Groups
In larger communities this might be the most used module of all. This will allow your members to create a community within your large community. They will have their own forum, shoutbox, gallery, members page and main page.
* Classifieds
If your members are looking for a job or want to sell their services this is a great place for them to start.
* Quiz
Members can create and take a quiz created by other members. Much like the "poll" module but instead it allows your users to create a quiz with max 10 questions and will allow other members the chance to answer each of them. It also keeps track on quiz and allows the members that took the quiz the chance to view who got the most answers correct.
* Events
If members have an event like a party or birthday they can add it here so other members can reserve a spot to their party.
* Live Chat
Best way for your members to get in touch with each other is using the live chat.
* Instant Messenger
If your members would like to chat 1 on 1 with another member they can get on the IM to do so.
