Portable ClipCache Pro


Jan 24, 2008
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ClipCache Pro v3.1.2 Portable


ClipCache is an easy to use and powerful clipboard extender and a whole lot more! It monitors clipboard activity and aids not only in the management of saved clips, but in cleaning up and modifying those clips in many, many useful ways. Now you can copy and store clips from emails or webpages and remove the annoying ">>>>" marks or huge gaps and spaces left when copying from webpages constructed with webtables.

Cools things ClipCache can do for you (new ClipCache 3 features are in bold) :
• Subfolders (folders within folders) let you organize the clips exactly how you want.
• Color Highlights can be assigned to folders and clips.
• The toolbar is customizable.
• Multi-level Undo and Redo.
• Search bar to help you quickly access your clips.
• The Search Results folder contains all the search results in one convenient place.
• An improved Clip Menu provides immediate access to folders and clips via a hotkey or the system tray.
• The ClipCache data file is now a single file driven by a small footprint robust SQL database engine.
• A Recent Clip List allows rapid access the last used clips via a hotkey.
• Favorite Clips are like hotkey clips with the benefit of only having to remember one hotkey.
• PowerPaste quickly pastes a consecutive list of clips, ideal for form filling.
• Capture more clipboard formats than ever before.
• A tabbed Preview Pane lets you see multi-format clips.
• View HTML clips as a web page.
• The imroved Prune options helps maintain the size of folders.
• The customizable Capture Options means you can choose to capture only what you need to capture.
• Unicode support means international languages are supported.
• Text Cleanup has been improved, there are many more cleaners and you can create your own.
• Addressed the issue of ClipCache disconnecting from the Windows Clipboard and not capturing.
• New and improved HTML help assists you in making the most of ClipCache.
• Storing of text clips from applications for reading later or pasting into other applications.
• Copying text and making changes to it prior to pasting.
• Instant retrieval and pasting of frequently used text clips.
• Removing unwanted forwarding indents ">>>>" from emails.
• Removing whitespace and large gaps from text copied from webtables or email.
• Formatting text prior to pasting.
• Assign favorite clips for quick and easy pasting.
• Use as a text editor.
• Fill in web forms.
• Storing of images for later viewing or transferring to an image editor.
• Ideal research tool, for copying information (text/images) from various source.
• Game cheats: visit your favourite game cheat site and copy any cheats to a "cheats" folder, then print them out with ClipCache later.
• Create text clips allows sticky notes useage, which can be pasted any any time.
• The 3 pane view (Folder, Clip and Preview) allows easy management of clips.
• Easy to use explorer style interface.
• Displays clip attributes: Name, Size, Format, Date Added, Date Used, Favorite and Source.
• Sort clips based on any clip attribute.
• Edit clips by typing directly in the preview pane.
• Merge selected clips to a list or with any separators you wish such as commas, semicolons, hyphens, etc.
• Append text to the clipboard, rather than replacing the clipboard.
• Save captured clips to individual files.
• Manage a folders size by using pruning.
• A Deleted Items folder avoids accidental deletion of clips.
• No restriction imposed by ClipCache on number of clips.
• Expanded Search/Find facility with highly effective 'Search and Replace'.
• FormPaste facility pastes selected clip into the most recently used app, and then automatically TABs to the next field.
• QuickSelect hotkey shows a tooltip of the currently selected clip.
• ClipMenu displays captured clips as a popup menu.
• Emptying the Windows clipboard to free up memory.
• Many custom configurations possible.
• Drag & drop clips from the item pane to applications.
• Drag & drop selected text from the preview pane to applications.

What's new in Version 3.1.2:
• Spanish version.
• Check for updates is no longer mandatory after entering a serial number.
• Add option to turn off/on program auto-update checks in Options|Advanced tab.
• Improve HTML clip rendering.

OS: Windows XP/Vista/2003/2000/NT4

size-1373 KB
