ProtonMail for Android is the latest to have its open source


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ProtonMail for Android is the latest to have its open source
Apr 24, 2020 at 16:43

The ProtonMail is a very remembered option for those looking for e-mail more secure services Gmail, and the like. In an effort to make the tool even more reliable and transparent, Proton Technologies decided to transform the ProtonMail Android application into open source software .

This movement is not new. In its official statement , Proton points out that the email service's web application has been open source since 2015. In 2019, ProtonMail for iOS also became open source. Last week, it was the turn of the Bridge app .

ProtonMail for Android - open source

The motivation for these decisions is security. Proton itself explains that open source strengthens the reliability of its applications by allowing the entire IT community to look for vulnerabilities in them. To encourage this work, the organization maintains a rewards program for discovered failures.

As a way to further strengthen the security aspect, Proton hired an SEC Consult audit service to analyze the ProtonMail code for Android. No vulnerabilities remained unresolved in this process. The full audit report is available on the service's website (PDF).

"Our goal is to bring security, privacy and freedom to the internet. That is why we are strong supporters of the open source community," adds the company.

It is worth remembering that, in addition to the aforementioned applications, Proton offers the ProtonVPN encrypted VPN service - whose applications have been open source since January - and launched, at the end of 2019, ProtonCalendar , an encrypted alternative to Google Calendar and the like.