Windows-Unix Interoperability Products


Sep 23, 2004
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Frontier Technologies SuperTCP 7.1

Пакет включает две самые необходимые вещи : клиент/сервер NFS и X сервер, а также кучу маленьких утилит типа FTP/TFTP server, NTP client, LPR/LPD server, PC-NFS server и так далее.

X Server - даже не знаю как сказать что это такое, получается вроде как графический сервер. Позволяет по X-протоколу выводить графическую информацию (проще говоря окошки) с Unix-систем на машине с Windows. Некий аналог Terminal Services в Windows, только он появился когда Билл еще наверное не знал, что такое графика.

NFS - стандартный в мире Unix протокол для сетевого доступа к файлам. Аналог SMB/CIFS из мира Windows. Опять таки, появился значительно раньше своего W-собрата. Данный пакет включает как клиентскую, так и серверную часть.

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SuperTCP 7.1 Product Details

SuperTCP Suite is a flexible, high-powered, multi-faceted connectivity solution that enables any Win 95, Win 98, Win NT, Win 2000, Win ME and Win XP machine to communicate via the TCP/IP open-system protocol on internal networks and the Internet. SuperTCP Suite has all of the functionality provided by the other SuperTCP Suite products (SuperX, SuperNFS, Remote Configuration and Network Tools) on the SuperTCP Suite CD, plus additional functionality.

SuperTCP Suite is the only connectivity solution that allows administrators to easily maintain an organization's current legacy information technology investments while allowing them to take advantage of new Intranet/ Internet tools.

SuperTCP Suite was awarded an "A" Rating by PC Week For usability and capability.

Flexible Installation – Install what you require
SuperTCP Suite's flexible and intelligent installation options let you install ONLY the application you need for the correct Windows operating system allowing you to easily maintain a small footprint on your client computers.

Main Components

The two main components of the Suite are:

Super X


SuperX allows users to run powerful UNIX based applications from a Win 95, Win 98, Win NT, Win 2000, Win ME and Win XP machine. Options in the SuperX Server define colors, fonts, keyboard remapping, host login and configuration. Icons can be created to save all of these settings. In addition, SuperX provides aliases, substitutions and compilation of fonts. Startup options include rsh, rexec, rlogin and XDMCP.



Super NFS gives users access to machines on the corporate network using the Network File System (NFS) protocol. For example, a user could mount and access a UNIX host's file systems and utilize the UNIX host's files using the NFS protocol. SuperNFS runs on Win 95, Win 98, Win NT, Win 2000, Win ME and Win XP. NFS can be automatically optimized to NFS Version 2 or 3 utilizing either UDP or TCP.

Other Components

The other components and utilities available with Suite are:

Remote Configuration

Remote Configuration allows system administrators to configure, update, and modify applications on user's desktop's from their own computers. No longer do administrators have to leave their desks to configure and update applications on local or remote employees' computers. They can now do all administration from the comfort of their own desktop computer.

Networking Tools

Frontier Technologies had developed a number of networking applications for remote network connectivity across varied networks.
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