Player Options:
Invincible, Clone Yourself, Super Jump, Infinite Stamina, Restore Health, Never Wanted, Invisible, No Ragdoll, Everyone Ignores
Teleport Options:
Locations are in the menu
Extra Sensory Perception"ESP":
Name & Distance & Health, Just Name, Just Distance, Just Health
Weapons Options:
Infinite Ammunition, One Shot Kill, Triggerbot, Force Gun, Gravity Gun, Delete Dead Clone Gun
Online Options:
Aggressive Clone, Clone Player Horse, Teleport To Player, Spawn Panther
Как запустить чит:
- Полная загрузка Ingame
- Запустить Xenos injector v2.3.2
- Инжекти .dll в игру RDR2.exe
- Нажимайте Insert для открытие и закрытие меню
- Number Pad To Navigate
- Number Pad 0 To Return
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