Search results

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    csASPZipFile Single Server (SPK100)

    csASPZipFile Single Server v1.1 (SPK100) This component gives a script the ability to build a zip file from files on the server. The resulting archive can be saved on the server or streamed directly to the browser. There is support for creating...
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    csASPUpload Single Server (SPK100)

    csASPUpload Single Server v1.3 (SPK100) This is an ASP component which allows a user to upload files to the server using an html form. It makes use of the "<input type=file.. >" tag, as described in RFC 1867. There are many web...
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    Highway Calendar Pro v1.0 (SPK100)

    Release Date ¦ 2005-06-30 URL/FTP ¦ _ Features at a glance: - User Profiles, set permissions for various levels of access to the Calendar - Email...
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    FastFind PHP Single Web Site (SPK100)

    Release Date ¦ 2005-07-02 URL/FTP ¦ _ FastFind is a complete search engine solution for both static and dynamically driven web sites. It allows anyone to quickly and easily integrate a complete search...
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    ArticleLive PHP 2005 Single Web Site (SPK100)

    Release Date ¦ 2005-07-02 URL/FTP ¦ _ ArticleLive is the only solution you need if you're looking to launch your own customizable content driven web site in an extremely short amount of...
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    mcGallery PRO v2.0 (LOGiC)

    mcGallery PRO v2.0 PHP NULL RELEASE NOTES mcGalleryPRO is made to allow you to easily show your photos and videos on the internet.All used words and sentences are in a single file, easy to translate and adapt. French, english, italian, german, danish, dutch and norwegian are...
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    ePublisher CMS (WST)

    ePublisher CMS v2.0 (Nullified) ePublisher is an easy to use Web content management solution designed for non-technical users. You may edit and manage your website from anywhere in the world. ePublisher contains WYSIWYG editor which makes it easy to edit and upload content. It has a complete...
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    vCard Pro v3.1 Build 4 (WDYL-WTN)

    OVERVIEW: vCard is the most powerful virtual greeting card software available the internet. The match of vCard is become the best postcard software with low cost price. Don't you belive? Check your feature...
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    VotePro v.4 ISP License (DGT)

    [sCripT iNfO] Script name : VotePro v.4 ISP License Supplied by : DGT Nullified by : DGT Tested by : DGT Protection : hotlink Homepage : Release date : 27.01.2005 Release type : PHP Price : $249 Under music : Slipknot \m/ [dEscriptioN] The...
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    Reciprocal Link Checker (DGT)

    [sCripT iNfO] Script name : Reciprocal Link Checker Supplied by : DGT Nullified by : DGT Tested by : DGT Protection : hotlink, base64 c Homepage : Release date : 29.01.2005 Release type : PHP Price : --- Under music : RADi0 =)...
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    Proxy Checker (DGT)

    [sCripT iNfO] Script name : Proxy Checker Supplied by : DGT Nullified by : DGT Tested by : DGT Protection : hotlinks Homepage : Release date : 29.01.2005 Release type : PHP Price : --- Under music : RADi0 =) [dEscriptioN] If you using...
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    Linklokurl (DGT)

    Linklokurl v1.7 [sCripT iNfO] Script name : Linklokurl v1.7 Supplied by : DGT Nullified by : DGT Tested by : DGT Protection : hotlink Homepage : Release date : 29.01.2005 Release type : PHP Price : --- Under music : RADi0 =)...
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    Ip2Country (DGT)

    [sCripT iNfO]---------------------------------------------------- ¦ Script name : Ip2Country ¦ Supplied by : DGT ¦ Nullified by : N/A ¦ Tested by : DGT ¦ Protection : N/A ¦ Homepage : ¦ Release date : 29.01.2005 ¦ Release type : PHP ¦ Price : --- ¦...
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    HTTP Proxy Finder (DGT)

    [sCripT iNfO]---------------------------------------------------- ¦ Script name : HTTP Proxy Finder ¦ Supplied by : DGT ¦ Nullified by : N/A ¦ Tested by : DGT ¦ Protection : N/A ¦ Homepage : ¦ Release date : 29.01.2005 ¦ Release type : PHP ¦ Price ...
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    Critical Update for vBulletin 3.x.x (including 3.0.4)

    Critical Update for vBulletin 3.x.x Всем пользователям форума vBulletin линейки 3.х.х настоятельно рекомендуется обновить версию форума до 3.0.5 в связи с обнаружением очень серьезной уязвимости. vBulletin 3.0.5 включает в себя все последние обновления, выпущенные как часть версии 3.0.4...
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    Уроки Photoshop (ссылки на сайты)

    Из личных закладок :) [Русскоязычные сайты] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [Для тех, кто дружит с английским]...
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    WowBB & WoltLab Burning Board (форумы)

    Скрипт форума WowBB _ Скрипт форума WoltLab Burning Board The WoltLab Burning Board 2 is the forum software for every kind of use. You can change the layout of your forum so that it fits to your homepage, and you can change the range...
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    Предлагаю сваливать сюда ссылки на скриптовые дампы, т.к. ссылки имеют свойство умирать, то лучше завести отдельную тему, чем каждых раз открывать новую тему для конкретного дампа. _http://
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    Visitor Stats v2.0

    OVERVIEW: Super easy, top-notch website tracking software. NEW - improved sales reporting. Track visitors, sales & search engines instantly. Match your statistics to your visitors, so you...
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    ВНИМАНИЕ! Написан червь под phpBB!

    Написан червь, использующий дыру в популярном форумном движке phpBB, который дефейсит все файлы с расширением asp, htm, jsp, php, phtm, shtm. В начале каждой страницы добавляется текст This site is defaced!!! NeverEverNoSanity WebWorm generation Всем владельцам форумов на phpBB рекомендуют...