Книги по программированию / Programing Ebooks


May 9, 2009
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Pro ASP.NET Web API Security

ASP.NET Web API is a key part of ASP.NET MVC 4 and the platform of choice for building RESTful services that can be accessed by a wide range of devices. Everything from JavaScript libraries to RIA plugins, RFID readers to smart phones can consume your services using platform-agnostic HTTP.

With such wide accessibility, securingyour code effectively needs to be a top priority. You will quickly find that the WCF security protocols you’re familiar with from .NET (WS-* and similar)are less suitable than they once were in this new environment; proving themselves cumbersome and limited in terms of the standards they can work with.

Fortunately, ASP.NET Web API provides asimple robust security solution of its own that fits neatly within the ASP.NET MVC programming model and secures your code without the need for SOAP meaningthat there is no limit to the range of devices that it can work with – if it can understand HTTP then it can be secured by Web API. These SOAP-less security techniques are the focus of this book.

What you’ll learn
Identity management and cryptography
HTTP basic and digest authentication and Windows authentication
HTTP advanced concepts such as web caching, ETag, and CORS
Ownership factors of API keys, client X.509 certificates, and SAML tokens
Simple Web Token (SWT) and signed and encrypted JSON Web Token (JWT)
OAuth 2.0 from the ground up using JWT as the bearer token
OAuth 2.0 authorization codes and implicit grants using DotNetOpenAuth
Two-factor authentication using Google Authenticator
OWASP Top Ten risks for 2013

Who this book is for
No prior experience of .NET-security is needed to read this book. All security related concepts will be introduced from first-principles and developed to the point where you can use them confidently in a professional environment. A goodworking knowledge and experience of C# and the .NET framework are the onlypre-requisites to benefit from this book.

Publisher: Apress (March 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1430257822
ISBN-13: 978-1430257820

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MSDN Magazine - August 2013

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Apr 28, 2010
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Kyaw Aung Sithu, Peters Clifford, Swe Thet Naing. Unity 4.x Game AI Programming


Packt Publishing, 2013, Pages:
232. ISBN: 978-1-84969-340-0,

Language: English
File size: 3.5 MB
File format: PDF

Learn and implement game AI in Unity3D with a lot of sample projects and next-generation techniques to use in your Unity3D projects.

This book fills the gap between artificial intelligence (AI) books designed to learn underlying AI algorithms and general Unity3D books written to cover basic scene setup and scripting in Unity3D. Game AI Scripting in Unity3D covers implementing AI techniques such as flocking, pathfinding,
path following, and behavior trees in Unity3D with example projects. Game AI Scripting in Unity3D will show you how to apply AI techniques to your Unity3D projects using C# as the scripting language. Unlike other AI books and Unity3D books, this book tries to focus more on the application of AI techniques in the Unity3D engine, with sample projects that demonstrate finite state machines (FSMs), pathfinding, steering, navigation graphs, and behavior trees techniques.

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Felicia P. Getting Started with Unity PDF
Felicia P. Getting Started with Unity Packt Publishing, 2013. — 170 p. — ISBN-10: 1849695849, ISBN-13: 978-1849695848.
На англ. языке.

Unity is a game development engine which is fully integrated with a complete set of intuitive tools and rapid workflows used to create interactive 3D content. Unity is best used for making great games that can deploy to numerous platforms.

Getting Started with Unity guides you progressively through the necessary steps to create a survival game using Unity3D’s built-in objects and components, JavaScript, animations with Mecanim, and some basic AI.

In this book, you will be introduced to a wide range of the core features used for games developed with Unity3D, including the user interface and much more. Furthermore, you will also learn about essential aspects like transformations, scripting, navigation, and built-in controllers.

Beginning with an introduction to the user interface, you will learn the necessary skills required to create a survival video game. Each section is a stepping-stone toward the completion of the final game. By the end of the book, you will have created an indoor level with enemies, AI, weapons, objects to collect, and all the logic to control the game.

What you will learn from this book:
Understand the different layouts, windows, and shortcuts, and navigate through scenes.
Use, combine, and transform built-in objects and components including textures, water, GUI elements, controllers, lights, particles, and shapes.
Understand different types of colliders, individualize objects with tags, apply colliders, and manage collisions through scripting.
Learn how to create scripts, understand and use the default functions, and employ the console for debugging purposes.
Access and modify game objects’ properties through scripting.
Create functions, pass and access variables, and call functions between scripts.
Implement basic AI for path-finding or user detection.
Load scenes, navigate through scenes, and create persistent objects across scenes.

Who this book is written for:
Getting Started with Unity is for 3D game developers who would like to learn how to use Unity3D and become familiar with its core features. This book is also suitable for intermediate users who would like to improve their skills. No prior knowledge of Unity3D is required.
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Apr 28, 2010
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Леонов В. Обучение мобильной разработке на Delphi

М.: Embarcadero, 2015. — 332 с. — (Проектное обучение). — IBSN: N/A


Книга посвящена изучению программирования в среде Delphi.
В качестве учебных примеров были выбраны приложения, которые могут быть использованы в проектном обучении.
Материалом книги во многом сформировался в результате реализации программы «Школа реальных дел 2014–2015»
под эгидой Департамента Информационных Технологии Москвы (ДИТ Москвы).



Apr 19, 2010
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ADO.NET - это технология доступа к данным, которая представляет собой набор классов, входящих в состав .NET Framework, и предназначена для обеспечения единообразного доступа к данным в слабо связанных n-уровневых архитектурах приложений, таких как веб-службы. В этом издании собраны рецепты и методы, которые облегчают использование ADO.NET и делают его более продуктивным. Для работы с этой книгой вовсе не обязательно быть опытным .NET-разработчиком; она адресована пользователям всех уровней. Здесь рассмотрены решения проблем, с которыми разработчики сталкиваются каждый день. Все примеры кода функционально закончены, насыщены комментариями и подробно разъяснены, чтобы можно было максимально быстро, легко и эффективно применить их для выполнения собственных задач. ADO.NET позволяет обращаться к разнообразным источникам данных, включая базы данных (Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Microsoft Access), а также источники данных XML, OLE DB и ODBC. В архиве книга и файлы к книге.
Краткое содержание
Глава 1. Подключение к источникам данных
Глава 2. Считывание данных и управление ими
Глава 3. Поиск и анализ данных
Глава 4. Добавление и модификация данных
Глава 5. Копирование и передача данных
Глава 6. Поддержание целостности базы данных
Глава 7. Привязка данных к пользовательским
интерфейсам .NET
Глава 8. Работа с XML
Глава 9. Оптимизация доступа к данным в .NET
Глава 10. Перебор и поддержание объектов базы данных
Приложение. Преобразование от С# к Visual Basic
Алфавитный указатель.
Название: ADO.NET. Сборник рецептов. ADO.NET Cookbook
Автор: Гамильтон Билл
Издательство: СПб.: Питер
Год: 2005
Страниц: 576
ISBN: 5-469-00239-X
Серия: Для профессионалов
Язык: Русский
Формат: djvu
Размер: 25,31 Мб
Качество: хорошее, текстовый слой, оглавление.
книга тут:


Apr 11, 2009
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А есть у кого-нибудь Макконел "Совершенный код"? Не могу найти в электронном виде.