How avoid the online register of components Woll2Woll: InfoPower or 1stClass Xe XE2
How avoid the online register of components Woll2Woll: InfoPower or 1stClass : in RAD XE or XE2
Note: No need any crack or .reg, just .exe and password install, and. code source (it's clear!)
Login data: (case sensitive)
User: InfoPower
PW: infopower
Infopower Studio 2012: (XE2) InfoPowerStudio2012.exe = 17.282kb
PassWord install: Tomsawyer
1stClass Studio 2012: (XE2) 1stClassStudio2012.exe = 10.524kb
PassWord install: starstruck
mY InstallDir: C:\Embarcadero\
********************************************* 1stCLASS 2012 Studio installation *********************************************
Note the function these files in the install and use of components W2W:
C:\Embarcadero\fcstudio2012\bin (look the file "RegisterW2W4.exe" = to register online)
C:\Embarcadero\fcstudio2012\Source (look at file "fClass.pas" = function CheckRegistration(...)
C:\Embarcadero\fcstudio2012\Source (look at file "firstclasstrial.pas" = function CheckRegistration(...) for trial version
line 37 (definition of function) => function CheckRegistration: boolean;
line 63 (definition of command D.O.S.) => stat := ShellExecute(Application.handle, 'open', PWideChar(path + '\RegisterW2W4.exe'), PWideChar(cmdLine), nil, sw_shownormal);
line 65 => stat := ShellExecute(Application.handle, 'open', PAnsiChar(path + '\RegisterW2W4.exe'), PAnsiChar(cmdLine), nil, sw_shownormal);
line 97 (definition of procedure Register) => procedure Register;
line 99 (checking registration) => if not CheckRegistration then exit;
So, just "COMMENT" the line 99 and go to NeverLand (he he)
line 99 //if not CheckRegistration then exit;
The file "firstclasstrial" follow the same example... But, when you have the full source, it's not used!
Keys in registry for 1stClass and InfoPower 2012 Studio install .exe
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Embarcadero\BDS\9.0\Known Packages]
"$(BDSBIN)\\dfcstudiowin160.bpl"="Woll2Woll 1stClass Studio 2012"
"$(BDSBIN)\\ipstudiowinclient160.bpl"="Woll2Woll InfoPowerStudio for Midas"
"$(BDSBIN)\\dipstudiowin160.bpl"="Woll2Woll InfoPower Studio 2012/ Win32"
"$(BDSBIN)\\ipstudiowinwordxp160.bpl"="Woll2Woll InfoPower Studio RichEdit for MSWord XP"
- If you desire, delete this key before to execute the Delphi, so, avoid the delay of registration online
- Later, do it the manual installation of the components, or...
1 - Install the suite 1stClass, and follow me...
2 - Don't Uninstall it, just REMOVE (my preference!) or UnMArk this suites in the list of components from Delphi
--> Components -> Install Components -> Woll2Woll <name_components> Studio 2012 (remove)
3 - Now, let's make a new package of installation for the Suite 1stClass
--> File -> New -> Package Delphi -> Save Project Group As... (Ex.: 1stClass_2012_XE2.dproj )
4 - Now, delele the library standart (Package1.bpl) maked by Delphi in the new Package
5 - Ok!, the group is it now "empty", so... Let's work man!
6 - Rigth click and choice the option: "Add Existing Project..."
7 - Search in install dir (C:\Embarcadero\fcstudio2012\bin\xe2), the file "fcstudiowin.dpk" (run-time)
8 - Again, search in install dir (C:\Embarcadero\fcstudio2012\bin\xe2), the file "dfcstudiowin.dpk" (design-time)
9 - Now, we have a new Project Group with 2 files!
10 - Rigth click for "Build all", and, install the "dfcstudiowin.dpk"
********************************************* InfoPower 2012 Studio installation *********************************************
1 - InfoPower DON'T use the same verification as 1stClass, it's quite simple manual installation!
2 - The key is it in file "infopowr.pas", but, it comes in format .dcu (just)
--> this file contain just definition for registration of components W2W-InfoPower, not registration online procedure
look it:
//*********************************** just copy for a new files .pas and ready! ********************************************************//
unit infopowr;
{$R 'Info32.res'}
Classes, DesignIntf, Buttons, Controls, DB,
ipabout, Wwdbgrid, Wwtable, wwdblook, wwidlg, Wwdbdlg, Wwprpedt, Wwquery, Wwkeycb, Wwdotdot, Wwdatsrc, Wwqbe, Wwlocate, Wwdbcomb, Wwdbspin, wwdbedit,
wwfltdlg, Wwintl, wwstorep, wwprpds, Wwdbigrd, wwDataInspector, wwInspectorPrpEdt, wwriched, wwDBNavigator, wwDBNavEdt, wwmonthcalendar, wwdbdatetimepicker,
wwrcdvw, wwrcdpnl, wwcheckbox, wwradiobutton, wwradiogroup, wwimagecombo, wwricheditbar;
procedure Register;
procedure Register;
RegisterComponents('InfoPower Access', [ TwwDataSource, TwwTable, TwwQuery, TwwStoredProc, TwwQBE ] );
RegisterComponents('InfoPower Controls', [ TwwDBGrid, TwwDBNavigator, TwwDBEdit, TwwDBComboBox,
TwwDBSpinEdit, TwwDBComboDlg, TwwDBLookupCombo,
TwwDBLookupComboDlg, TwwKeyCombo, TwwIncrementalSearch,
TwwDBRichEdit, TwwDBMonthCalendar, TwwDBDateTimePicker,
TwwCheckBox, TwwExpandButton, TwwRadioGroup ] );
RegisterComponents('InfoPower Dialogs', [ TwwMemoDialog, TwwSearchDialog, TwwLocateDialog,
TwwLookupDialog, TwwFilterDialog, TwwRecordViewDialog,
TwwIntl ] );
RegisterComponents('InfoPower Controls', [ TwwRecordViewPanel, TwwDataInspector, TwwController,
TwwRichEditBar, TwwImageCombo ] );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwDBGrid, TwwDBGridComponentEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwDBNavigator, TwwDBNavigatorEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwNavButton, TwwNavButtonEditor );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TwwNavButtons ), TwwDBNavigator, '', TwwDBNavigatorButtonsEditor );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwDBGrid, 'ControlType', TSelectedFieldsProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwDBGrid, 'PictureMasks', TSelectedFieldsProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwDBGrid, 'Selected', TSelectedFieldsProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TwwRegexMask ), TwwCustomMaskEdit, '', TwwRegexProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TwwDBPicture ), TwwCustomMaskEdit, '', TwwPictureProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TwwDBPicture ), TwwInspectorItem, 'Picture', TwwObjPictureProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TwwIncrementalSearch, 'PictureMask', TwwPicturePropertyGen );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwDBCustomLookupCombo, 'Selected', TwwDBLookupDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwRecordViewDialog, 'Selected', TwwDBLookupDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwDataInspector, 'Selected', TwwDBLookupDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwRecordViewDialog, 'ControlType', TwwDBLookupDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwRecordViewDialog, 'PictureMasks', TwwDBLookupDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwRecordViewPanel, 'Selected', TwwDBLookupDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwRecordViewPanel, 'ControlType', TwwDBLookupDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwRecordViewPanel, 'PictureMasks', TwwDBLookupDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwCustomLookupDialog, 'Selected', TwwDBLookupDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwCustomLookupDialog, 'ControlType', TwwDBLookupDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwCustomLookupDialog, 'PictureMasks', TwwDBLookupDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwTable{TDataSet}, 'PictureMasks', TwwTableDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwTable{TDataSet}, 'ControlType', TwwTableDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwTable, 'LookupFields', TwwTableDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwTable, 'LookupLinks', TwwTableDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwQuery, 'LookupFields', TwwTableDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwQuery, 'LookupLinks', TwwTableDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwQBE, 'LookupFields', TwwTableDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwQBE, 'LookupLinks', TwwTableDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwStoredProc, 'LookupFields', TwwTableDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwStoredProc, 'LookupLinks', TwwTableDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwDBComboBox, 'Items', TwwComboItemsProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwInspectorPickList, 'Items', TwwComboItemsProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TwwDBPicture ), TwwDBEdit, 'Picture', TwwPictureProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TwwDBLookupCombo, 'LookupField', TwwIndexFieldProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TwwDBLookupComboDlg, 'LookupField', TwwIndexFieldProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwDBLookupComboDlg, 'ControlType', TwwDBLookupDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwDBLookupComboDlg, 'PictureMasks', TwwDBLookupDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TwwLocateDialog, 'SearchField', TwwSearchFieldProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TwwFilterDialog, 'DefaultField', TwwSearchFieldProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TDataSet ), TwwDBCustomLookupCombo, 'LookupTable', TwwDataSetProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TwwTable ), TwwCustomLookupDialog, '', TwwTableProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TwwInspectorItem, 'Caption', TwwMultiLineStringProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TDataSet ), TwwDataSource, 'DataSet', TwwDataSetProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwFilterDialog, 'SelectedFields', TwwFilterFieldsProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwCustomRichEdit, 'Lines', TwwRichEditItemsProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TSpeedButton ), TwwDBGrid, 'IndicatorButton', TwwGridIndicatorProperty );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwDBLookupCombo, TwwDBLookupDisplayComponentEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwDBLookupComboDlg, TwwDBLookupDisplayComponentEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwLookupDialog, TwwDBLookupDisplayComponentEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwSearchDialog, TwwDBLookupDisplayComponentEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwCustomRichEdit, TwwRichEditComponentEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwRichEditBar, TwwRichEditBarComponentEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwDataInspector, TwwObjectViewComponentEditor );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TWinControl ), TwwInspectorItem, 'CustomControl', TwwCustomEditPropertyEditor );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TwwInspectorItem, 'DataField', TwwDataFieldEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwRecordViewPanel, TwwRecordViewPanelComponentEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwRecordViewDialog, TwwRecordViewComponentEditor );
RegisterClasses( [ TwwIButton ] );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TList ), TwwController, 'ControlList', TwwControllerListProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TwwInspectorCollection ), TwwInspectorItem, 'Items', TwwInspectorItemsProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TwwInspectorCollection ), TwwDataInspector, 'Items', TwwInspectorCollectionEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwCheckBox, TwwComponentEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwRadioGroup, TwwComponentEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwDBEdit, TwwComponentEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwDBComboDlg, TwwComponentEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwDBSpinEdit, TwwComponentEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwDBDateTimePicker, TwwComponentEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwKeyCombo, TwwComponentEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwIncrementalSearch, TwwComponentEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwMonthCalendar, TwwComponentEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwIntl, TwwComponentEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwFilterDialog, TwwComponentEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwLocateDialog, TwwComponentEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwMemoDialog, TwwComponentEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwImageCombo, TwwComponentEditor );
3 - You can DELETE all files (as me, he he -
(folder C:\<DIRINSTALL>\ipstudio2012\bin\xe2 <<<<<------- JUST! ok?: Because, the Delphi re-make it again
4 - Pay attencion for file "ipstudiowin.vrc", in this, you'll see the line:
--> MAINICON ICON "C:\\Users\\Roy\\Documents\\Woll2Woll\\ip2012\\bin\\windows\\2012\\ipstudiowin_Icon1.ico"
5 - You can "DELETE" or "EDIT" this file, now, its with you! ( I deleted the file he! he! he! ), or,
you can edit the line for another .ico file of your preference, if you want, delete the line (burn, burn, burn it.... he he he )
6 - Now, make a new package install library (as 1stClass package) and ignore all the error warning! Just, IGNORE ALL and CANCEL. (DONT SAVE IT)
7 - Now, do it again and the errors dont more appears! Save your new package and BUILD ALL! Ok, now install it
Package for 1stClass
1 - fcstudiowin.dpk
2 - dfcstudiowin.dpk (install)
Package for InfoPower
1 - ipstudiowin.dpk
2 - ipstudiowindataset.dpk
3 - ipstudiowinclient.dpk (install)
4 - ipstudiowinWordxp.dpk (only if you use Windows XP and Word XP components in Delphi) read C:\<installdir>\ipstudio2012\readme.htm for more information
5 - dipstudiowin.dpk (install)
Note to Delphi users who are using the InfoPower TwwDBRichEditMSWord component for InfoPower Studio/Win32:
It is important that you install the correlating InfoPower RichEditMSWord package based on the Office automation package you have selected.
For instance, if you install the office xp automation package (Dclofficexp160.bpl) you should use the IPSTUDIOWINWORDXP design-time package.
These packages are located in your \ipstudio2012\bin\windows directory. You will also need change your uses clause in your Pascal source so
that it references wwrichedspellxp, instead of wwrichedspell2000 or wwrichedspell.
How avoid the online register of components Woll2Woll: InfoPower or 1stClass : in RAD XE or XE2
Note: No need any crack or .reg, just .exe and password install, and. code source (it's clear!)
Login data: (case sensitive)
User: InfoPower
PW: infopower
Infopower Studio 2012: (XE2) InfoPowerStudio2012.exe = 17.282kb
PassWord install: Tomsawyer
1stClass Studio 2012: (XE2) 1stClassStudio2012.exe = 10.524kb
PassWord install: starstruck
mY InstallDir: C:\Embarcadero\
********************************************* 1stCLASS 2012 Studio installation *********************************************
Note the function these files in the install and use of components W2W:
C:\Embarcadero\fcstudio2012\bin (look the file "RegisterW2W4.exe" = to register online)
C:\Embarcadero\fcstudio2012\Source (look at file "fClass.pas" = function CheckRegistration(...)
C:\Embarcadero\fcstudio2012\Source (look at file "firstclasstrial.pas" = function CheckRegistration(...) for trial version
line 37 (definition of function) => function CheckRegistration: boolean;
line 63 (definition of command D.O.S.) => stat := ShellExecute(Application.handle, 'open', PWideChar(path + '\RegisterW2W4.exe'), PWideChar(cmdLine), nil, sw_shownormal);
line 65 => stat := ShellExecute(Application.handle, 'open', PAnsiChar(path + '\RegisterW2W4.exe'), PAnsiChar(cmdLine), nil, sw_shownormal);
line 97 (definition of procedure Register) => procedure Register;
line 99 (checking registration) => if not CheckRegistration then exit;
So, just "COMMENT" the line 99 and go to NeverLand (he he)
line 99 //if not CheckRegistration then exit;
The file "firstclasstrial" follow the same example... But, when you have the full source, it's not used!
Keys in registry for 1stClass and InfoPower 2012 Studio install .exe
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Embarcadero\BDS\9.0\Known Packages]
"$(BDSBIN)\\dfcstudiowin160.bpl"="Woll2Woll 1stClass Studio 2012"
"$(BDSBIN)\\ipstudiowinclient160.bpl"="Woll2Woll InfoPowerStudio for Midas"
"$(BDSBIN)\\dipstudiowin160.bpl"="Woll2Woll InfoPower Studio 2012/ Win32"
"$(BDSBIN)\\ipstudiowinwordxp160.bpl"="Woll2Woll InfoPower Studio RichEdit for MSWord XP"
- If you desire, delete this key before to execute the Delphi, so, avoid the delay of registration online
- Later, do it the manual installation of the components, or...
1 - Install the suite 1stClass, and follow me...
2 - Don't Uninstall it, just REMOVE (my preference!) or UnMArk this suites in the list of components from Delphi
--> Components -> Install Components -> Woll2Woll <name_components> Studio 2012 (remove)
3 - Now, let's make a new package of installation for the Suite 1stClass
--> File -> New -> Package Delphi -> Save Project Group As... (Ex.: 1stClass_2012_XE2.dproj )
4 - Now, delele the library standart (Package1.bpl) maked by Delphi in the new Package
5 - Ok!, the group is it now "empty", so... Let's work man!
6 - Rigth click and choice the option: "Add Existing Project..."
7 - Search in install dir (C:\Embarcadero\fcstudio2012\bin\xe2), the file "fcstudiowin.dpk" (run-time)
8 - Again, search in install dir (C:\Embarcadero\fcstudio2012\bin\xe2), the file "dfcstudiowin.dpk" (design-time)
9 - Now, we have a new Project Group with 2 files!
10 - Rigth click for "Build all", and, install the "dfcstudiowin.dpk"
********************************************* InfoPower 2012 Studio installation *********************************************
1 - InfoPower DON'T use the same verification as 1stClass, it's quite simple manual installation!
2 - The key is it in file "infopowr.pas", but, it comes in format .dcu (just)
--> this file contain just definition for registration of components W2W-InfoPower, not registration online procedure
look it:
//*********************************** just copy for a new files .pas and ready! ********************************************************//
unit infopowr;
{$R 'Info32.res'}
Classes, DesignIntf, Buttons, Controls, DB,
ipabout, Wwdbgrid, Wwtable, wwdblook, wwidlg, Wwdbdlg, Wwprpedt, Wwquery, Wwkeycb, Wwdotdot, Wwdatsrc, Wwqbe, Wwlocate, Wwdbcomb, Wwdbspin, wwdbedit,
wwfltdlg, Wwintl, wwstorep, wwprpds, Wwdbigrd, wwDataInspector, wwInspectorPrpEdt, wwriched, wwDBNavigator, wwDBNavEdt, wwmonthcalendar, wwdbdatetimepicker,
wwrcdvw, wwrcdpnl, wwcheckbox, wwradiobutton, wwradiogroup, wwimagecombo, wwricheditbar;
procedure Register;
procedure Register;
RegisterComponents('InfoPower Access', [ TwwDataSource, TwwTable, TwwQuery, TwwStoredProc, TwwQBE ] );
RegisterComponents('InfoPower Controls', [ TwwDBGrid, TwwDBNavigator, TwwDBEdit, TwwDBComboBox,
TwwDBSpinEdit, TwwDBComboDlg, TwwDBLookupCombo,
TwwDBLookupComboDlg, TwwKeyCombo, TwwIncrementalSearch,
TwwDBRichEdit, TwwDBMonthCalendar, TwwDBDateTimePicker,
TwwCheckBox, TwwExpandButton, TwwRadioGroup ] );
RegisterComponents('InfoPower Dialogs', [ TwwMemoDialog, TwwSearchDialog, TwwLocateDialog,
TwwLookupDialog, TwwFilterDialog, TwwRecordViewDialog,
TwwIntl ] );
RegisterComponents('InfoPower Controls', [ TwwRecordViewPanel, TwwDataInspector, TwwController,
TwwRichEditBar, TwwImageCombo ] );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwDBGrid, TwwDBGridComponentEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwDBNavigator, TwwDBNavigatorEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwNavButton, TwwNavButtonEditor );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TwwNavButtons ), TwwDBNavigator, '', TwwDBNavigatorButtonsEditor );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwDBGrid, 'ControlType', TSelectedFieldsProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwDBGrid, 'PictureMasks', TSelectedFieldsProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwDBGrid, 'Selected', TSelectedFieldsProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TwwRegexMask ), TwwCustomMaskEdit, '', TwwRegexProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TwwDBPicture ), TwwCustomMaskEdit, '', TwwPictureProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TwwDBPicture ), TwwInspectorItem, 'Picture', TwwObjPictureProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TwwIncrementalSearch, 'PictureMask', TwwPicturePropertyGen );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwDBCustomLookupCombo, 'Selected', TwwDBLookupDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwRecordViewDialog, 'Selected', TwwDBLookupDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwDataInspector, 'Selected', TwwDBLookupDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwRecordViewDialog, 'ControlType', TwwDBLookupDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwRecordViewDialog, 'PictureMasks', TwwDBLookupDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwRecordViewPanel, 'Selected', TwwDBLookupDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwRecordViewPanel, 'ControlType', TwwDBLookupDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwRecordViewPanel, 'PictureMasks', TwwDBLookupDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwCustomLookupDialog, 'Selected', TwwDBLookupDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwCustomLookupDialog, 'ControlType', TwwDBLookupDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwCustomLookupDialog, 'PictureMasks', TwwDBLookupDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwTable{TDataSet}, 'PictureMasks', TwwTableDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwTable{TDataSet}, 'ControlType', TwwTableDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwTable, 'LookupFields', TwwTableDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwTable, 'LookupLinks', TwwTableDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwQuery, 'LookupFields', TwwTableDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwQuery, 'LookupLinks', TwwTableDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwQBE, 'LookupFields', TwwTableDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwQBE, 'LookupLinks', TwwTableDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwStoredProc, 'LookupFields', TwwTableDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwStoredProc, 'LookupLinks', TwwTableDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwDBComboBox, 'Items', TwwComboItemsProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwInspectorPickList, 'Items', TwwComboItemsProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TwwDBPicture ), TwwDBEdit, 'Picture', TwwPictureProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TwwDBLookupCombo, 'LookupField', TwwIndexFieldProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TwwDBLookupComboDlg, 'LookupField', TwwIndexFieldProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwDBLookupComboDlg, 'ControlType', TwwDBLookupDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwDBLookupComboDlg, 'PictureMasks', TwwDBLookupDisplayProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TwwLocateDialog, 'SearchField', TwwSearchFieldProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TwwFilterDialog, 'DefaultField', TwwSearchFieldProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TDataSet ), TwwDBCustomLookupCombo, 'LookupTable', TwwDataSetProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TwwTable ), TwwCustomLookupDialog, '', TwwTableProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TwwInspectorItem, 'Caption', TwwMultiLineStringProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TDataSet ), TwwDataSource, 'DataSet', TwwDataSetProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwFilterDialog, 'SelectedFields', TwwFilterFieldsProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TStrings ), TwwCustomRichEdit, 'Lines', TwwRichEditItemsProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TSpeedButton ), TwwDBGrid, 'IndicatorButton', TwwGridIndicatorProperty );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwDBLookupCombo, TwwDBLookupDisplayComponentEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwDBLookupComboDlg, TwwDBLookupDisplayComponentEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwLookupDialog, TwwDBLookupDisplayComponentEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwSearchDialog, TwwDBLookupDisplayComponentEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwCustomRichEdit, TwwRichEditComponentEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwRichEditBar, TwwRichEditBarComponentEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwDataInspector, TwwObjectViewComponentEditor );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TWinControl ), TwwInspectorItem, 'CustomControl', TwwCustomEditPropertyEditor );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TwwInspectorItem, 'DataField', TwwDataFieldEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwRecordViewPanel, TwwRecordViewPanelComponentEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwRecordViewDialog, TwwRecordViewComponentEditor );
RegisterClasses( [ TwwIButton ] );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TList ), TwwController, 'ControlList', TwwControllerListProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TwwInspectorCollection ), TwwInspectorItem, 'Items', TwwInspectorItemsProperty );
RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TwwInspectorCollection ), TwwDataInspector, 'Items', TwwInspectorCollectionEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwCheckBox, TwwComponentEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwRadioGroup, TwwComponentEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwDBEdit, TwwComponentEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwDBComboDlg, TwwComponentEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwDBSpinEdit, TwwComponentEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwDBDateTimePicker, TwwComponentEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwKeyCombo, TwwComponentEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwIncrementalSearch, TwwComponentEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwMonthCalendar, TwwComponentEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwIntl, TwwComponentEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwFilterDialog, TwwComponentEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwLocateDialog, TwwComponentEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwMemoDialog, TwwComponentEditor );
RegisterComponentEditor( TwwImageCombo, TwwComponentEditor );
3 - You can DELETE all files (as me, he he -
4 - Pay attencion for file "ipstudiowin.vrc", in this, you'll see the line:
--> MAINICON ICON "C:\\Users\\Roy\\Documents\\Woll2Woll\\ip2012\\bin\\windows\\2012\\ipstudiowin_Icon1.ico"
5 - You can "DELETE" or "EDIT" this file, now, its with you! ( I deleted the file he! he! he! ), or,
you can edit the line for another .ico file of your preference, if you want, delete the line (burn, burn, burn it.... he he he )
6 - Now, make a new package install library (as 1stClass package) and ignore all the error warning! Just, IGNORE ALL and CANCEL. (DONT SAVE IT)
7 - Now, do it again and the errors dont more appears! Save your new package and BUILD ALL! Ok, now install it
Package for 1stClass
1 - fcstudiowin.dpk
2 - dfcstudiowin.dpk (install)
Package for InfoPower
1 - ipstudiowin.dpk
2 - ipstudiowindataset.dpk
3 - ipstudiowinclient.dpk (install)
4 - ipstudiowinWordxp.dpk (only if you use Windows XP and Word XP components in Delphi) read C:\<installdir>\ipstudio2012\readme.htm for more information
5 - dipstudiowin.dpk (install)
Note to Delphi users who are using the InfoPower TwwDBRichEditMSWord component for InfoPower Studio/Win32:
It is important that you install the correlating InfoPower RichEditMSWord package based on the Office automation package you have selected.
For instance, if you install the office xp automation package (Dclofficexp160.bpl) you should use the IPSTUDIOWINWORDXP design-time package.
These packages are located in your \ipstudio2012\bin\windows directory. You will also need change your uses clause in your Pascal source so
that it references wwrichedspellxp, instead of wwrichedspell2000 or wwrichedspell.