Компоненты к Delphi (каталог ссылок) 4

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Jun 14, 2008
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Многие обиделись на меня из-за того что я отказал в пароле. Хочу объяснить свою точку зрения. Для нас модераторов данного форума главнее всего требования людей, которые предоставляют эксклюзивный материал, которые тратят свои деньги и рискуют своей лицензией. Мне не понятна обида тех, кто зарегистрирован на этом форуме несколько лет и имеет одно, два сообщения или вообще ноль (как некоторые) однако требует (реже просит) чтобы ему прислали ссылку и пароль. Я понимаю что для некоторых 50 сообщений это много, но у вас было много месяцев, чтобы помогать пользователям нашего форума, отвечая на вопросы, публикуя ссылки на компоненты. 50 сообщений – это показатель того что человек готов помочь, поделится чем-то с другим человеком.
Печально, что некоторые пользователи идут на нарушения, вместо того, чтобы честно набрать нужное количество сообщений.
Получили предупреждения shum44 и claudiodefranca.
А пользователь cwrulez получает двухнедельный бан.
Спасибо всем, кто честно получив свои пароли сообщил о нарушениях другими пользователями.

К сожалению, до конца недели меня не будет в online, раздачу паролей продолжит ONIM.

deligeldi - имея 0 сообщений и спамить меня просьбой дать ссылку и пароль - все равно что дергать крокодила за хвост - могу и забанить.
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Apr 3, 2010
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MySQL DAC v5.90.0.57

MySQL Data Access Components v5.90.0.57 [FullSource] (Delphi 5-2010) (thanks kostin_000)

English: Data Access Components for MySQL (MyDAC) is a VCL/VCL.NET/CLX component library for fast direct access to MySQL from Delphi, C++Builder, and Kylix. MyDAC is heavily performance- and stress-tested to provide the fastest available native connectivity to MySQL. MyDAC features full support for all MySQL data types and features, including support for locking, SET and ENUM types.

- Direct access to server data. Does not require installation of other data provider layers (such as BDE and ODBC)
- In Direct mode does not require MySQL client software and works directly through TCP/IP
- Full support for the latest versions of MySQL and support for all MySQL data types
- Disconnected Model with automatic connection control for working with data offline
- Local Failover for detecting connection loss and implicitly reexecuting certain operations
- All types of local sorting and filtering, including by calculated and lookup fields
- Automatic data updating with TMyQuery, TMyTable, and TMyStoredProc components
- Unicode and national charsets support
- Supports many MySQL-specific features, such as locking, SET and ENUM types
- Advanced script execution functionality with TMyScript component
- Support for using macros in SQL
- Integration with MySQL Developer Tools for performing advanced database development and administration tasks
- Easy migration from BDE with Migration Wizard
Russian: MySQL Data Access Components (MyDAC) - это расширенная библиотека VCL / VCL DOT NET / CLX компонентов для быстрого прямого доступа к серверам MySQL из Delphi, C++Builder и Kylix. MyDAC тщательно протестирован на производительность и стабильность для обеспечения наиболее быстрого соединения по сетевому протоколу с MySQL.

- Прямой доступ к данным сервера. Не требует установки других средств доступа к данным (таких как BDE и ODBC).
- В Direct режиме не требует клиента MySQL, а работает напрямую через TCP/IP.
- Полная поддержка последних версий MySQL и всех типов данных MySQL.
- Disconnected Model с автоматическим контролем соединения для работы с данными в режиме offline.
- Local Failover для обнаружения потери соединения и перевыполнения определенных операций.
- Все типы локальной сортировки и фильтрации.
- Автоматическое обновление данных с помощью компонентов TMyQuery, TMyTable и TMyStoredComponents.
- Поддержка Unicode и национальных кодировок.
- Поддержка специфических для MySQL типов данных и функций, таких как блокировка, типы данных SET и ENUM.
- Расширенная функциональность выполнения скриптов при помощи компонента TMyScript.
- Поддержка макроподстановок в текстах запросов.
- Интеграция с MySQL Developer Tools для решения сложных задач разработки и администрирования баз данных.
- Простая миграция с BDE с помощью Migration Wizard.
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Oct 19, 2009
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DevExpress VCL v50 Full Source

DevExpress VCL v50 Full Source with setup (©DarkRapt0r)

ExpressQuantumGrid Suite
With the ExpressQuantumGrid Suite, you can create visually stunning interfaces and deliver incredible features/flexibility to your end-users – without writing a single line of code.
From standard two-dimensional tables to runtime grouping and column customization; from master/detail relationships, to card views; from XP themes to unbound mode… the ExpressQuantumGrid Suite has been engineered to fully address your development requirements without compromise or hassles.

ExpressPivotGrid Suite
The ExpressPivotGrid Suite was engineered from the ground-up to radically improve the way in which data-centric applications deliver information to end-users.
With its data architecture, the ExpressPivotGrid is able to slice and dice information efficiently and provide customers with an extremely intuitive end-user experience.
It delivers numerous layout customization options with total end-user control over each individual on-screen report.
Regardless of the perspective, data can be rendered to answer business questions – and best of all – it allows you to focus on business rules rather than creating dozens and dozens of reports.

ExpressQuantumTreeList Suite
Because the ExpressQuantumTreeList was written from the ground up, you will no longer be at the mercy of Microsoft’s commctrl and the inherent performance and usability restrictions therein.
In fact, the ExpressQuantumTreeList completely redefines use of tree structures within an application.
The ExpressQuantumTreeList is a multi-purpose data visualization system that can operate as a TREE or a LIST.
The unique synergy between a traditional grid and traditional tree-views allows you to create cutting-edge and visually appealing application interfaces for your users.
The ExpressQuantumTreeList can be used in 3 different data access modes: Data-Aware, Unbound and Virtual.
Whichever mode you choose to use, the QuantumTreeList employs a DataController library to obtain and save data at high speeds.
In virtual mode, the QuantumTreeList does not persist data and so displaying hundreds of thousands of nodes on screen occurs instantaneously.

ExpressVerticalGrid Suite
ExpressVerticalGrid Suite is an “inverted” grid control for Delphi and C++Builder.
With the ExpressVerticalGrid Suite, you will no longer have the traditional hassles associated with positioning and alignment of field labels.
Once you start using the ExpressVerticalGrid, you only need to drop a single control on your form, add the appropriate rows, and instantly create a consistent, flexible, and uniform UI across your entire application.

Like other Developer Express technologies, the ExpressSpreadSheet offers you power and simplicity of use.
With only a few property settings, you can enable a wealth of features and give your end-users an incredible degree of control – the same control they have come to expect from full featured spread sheet products such as MS Excel.
From a vast array of built-in functions to runtime customization – from cell merging to multiple display styles – the ExpressSpreadSheet has all the capabilities you’ve been looking for in a cross-platform spread sheet control.

ExpressMasterView is a 100% native VCL grid component and is specifically designed for Delphi and C++Builder developers who need to represent multiple datasets in a hierarchical manner within a single grid control.
With ExpressMasterView, you can finally give your end-users a way to view master/detail and self-referencing data in an intuitive manner in one elegant component.

ExpressBars Suite
The ExpressBars Suite allows you to bring the user interface elements and customization features available in today’s most popular applications and platforms, easily and without hassles.
Whether you prefer the use of a traditional toolbar/menu system or the Microsoft Office Ribbon UI, the ExpressBars Suite has a solution to fit your needs now and the demands of your end-users.

The ExpressNavBar Suite gives you everything you need to create easy to use applications with sophistication and elegance.
Via its advanced design time editor, you can quickly setup and create the look and feel of choice without writing a single line of code.
ExpressNavBar even allows you to include shortcuts and other visual controls within it with ease.
From the look and feel of MS Office and VS .NET, to Windows XP, the ExpressNavBar Suite offers you a myriad of interface options, so you can write less code and deliver more.

ExpressLayout Control
ExpressLayout represents a way for Delphi and C++ Builder programmers to design and manage the layout of Windows forms.
At the heart of the ExpressLayout Control lies a basic concept – You place controls within its ‘groups’ – the equivalent of container controls such as TPanel or TGroupBox.
This in turn automatically gives your applications unique design time and runtime customization capabilities via a docking metaphor similar to the Delphi/C++ Builder IDE.
With the ExpressLayout Control, you are freed from manual, pixel-by-pixel positioning of individual controls and liberated from runtime screen resolution problems so common in Delphi/C++ Builder applications.
By linking the controls on your form – such as your grids, page controls, editors, etc – to the Layout Control, you immediately provide your products with highly sophisticated layouts, which end-users can manipulate as desired at runtime.

ExpressOrgChart Suite
The ExpressOrgChart is a fully functional VCL component (both data-aware and non data-aware), designed for the display and editing of hierarchical tree data structures such as the contents of a book or file system on a disk.
Each node of the chart can have a limitless number of children, displayed horizontally, directly below a given node.
The ExpressOrgChart Suite enables an incredibly wide number of possibilities to manage the contents and appearance of both the entire chart structure as well as each individual node.

ExpressFlowChart Suite
The ExpressFlowChart is designed to help you present charts, schemes, hierarchies, and graphs of any complexity with minimal coding and programming effort.
From complex charts, to equations and even cityscapes.
The ExpressFlowChart Suite offers all the necessary tools and elements to create dazzling interfaces limited only by your imagination and the needs of your end-users.

ExpressScheduler Suite
ExpressScheduler will help you build scheduling applications that mimic the UI of Microsoft Outlook.
With ExpressScheduler, you will not have to spend any unnecessary time on customization options or inadequate visual elements.
Designed to be a cohesive and integrated solution to address the needs of software developers like yourself, ExpressScheduler will help you solve your business requirements without frustration.

The ExpressSpellChecker provides you with a straightforward way to add Microsoft® Office® style spell checking capabilities into your next Windows® application and offers you built in spelling correction forms that replicate corresponding forms found in Microsoft Word® and Outlook®.
Because these forms were built using the ExpressEditors Library, they will seamlessly integrate into any application powered by Developer Express components.

ExpressSkins Library
The ExpressSkins Library was inspired by technology found in Windows XP Themes, but it has a significant advantage compared to painting via operating system methods.
Your application clients don’t need to have Windows XP installed on their machines to experience the same freedom in look and feel customization.

ExpressPrinting System
The ExpressPrinting System is an advanced data rendering and printing system specifically designed to bring your UI to the printed page.
Via its Report Link technology, the ExpressPrinting System allows you to output the contents of VCL controls such as the ExpressQuantumGrid and ExpressVerticalGrid – as well as many others – to paper, while giving you and your users control over print attributes such as Font, Color, Headers, and Footers.

ExpressDBTree Suite
Add recursive data display functionality to you applications.
ExpressDBTree Suite provides you with a series of powerful and easy-to-use tree controls for the display of recursive data in an application.
Features such as smart-record loading improve the performance and flexibility of the control to a point that these structures no longer have an adverse performance impact.
Intelligent field propagation insures that your data is correct during drag and drop events and when creating nodes.

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Apr 1, 2009
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DevArt UniDAC v. Full Source

DevArt UniDAC v. Full Source

It Not Compatible IBDAC v3.10.0.15 and PgDAC v1.20.0.18

* Fixed bug with ODBC provider and Nexus DB that generates the “Option 5 not supported” message
* Fixed bug with ODBC provider when long strings were read with excess zeros (#0 char) inside.
* Fixed bug with the UNSIGNED BIG INT data type for SQLite database: now the UNSIGNED BIG INT data type is represented by TLargeintField
* Fixed bug with processing UniSQL in the TUniConnection.ExecProc method
* Fixed problem with processing TBCDField for SQL Server

Исправлена ошибка с ODBC провайдер и Nexus DB, который генерирует
"Вариант 5 не поддерживается" сообщений
* Исправлена ошибка с ODBC провайдер при длинных строк читались с избытком нулей
(# 0 символов) внутри.
* Исправлена ошибка с UNSIGNED BIG INT тип данных для базы данных SQLite: теперь
UNSIGNED BIG INT тип данных представляет TLargeintField
* Исправлена ошибка с обработкой UniSQL в методе TUniConnection.ExecProc
* Исправлена проблема с обработкой TBCDField для SQL Server

The All-in-one Bundle Package (69Mb)
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May 11, 2009
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Thanks to ulascetin
Extended MAPI in DELPHI 5.5
Home Page:
The Extended MAPI is one of the first COM technologies provided by Microsoft. Extended MAPI is core API for Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft Outlook, CDO, messaging, etc.
We provide lots of examples, which demonstrates how inside DELPHI you can get the Extended MAPI power in your hands. They are grouped as "package" of simple applications and library. Our "library" includes "one file" ExtendedMAPI unit, some useful utility functions which you can find inside MAPIUtils.pas, and unique translation of EDK (Exchange Development Kit). You will have in your hands, more that 70 Interfaces, few hundreds procedures and functions, thousands constants, structures, etc - all of them described inside MSDN or PSDK. For most of them, you can use shipped with Delphi help (excluding EDK). We strongly recommends MSDN as the primary help system for Extended MAPI and EDK.
Install with password included
only rar with no password
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Sep 14, 2009
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Hi, Dear All..
I found a blog distributing some powerful libraries and components, built under MPL/MIT & other opensource licences.

1) PDF Libraries

2) BigTable: "An open source Delphi unit for very fast data storage and access. If you just need to save raw data on disk, and retrieve it with an unique ID number, you can use this unit, which is much faster than any database engine." [By Delphi Torry Pages ...]

3) SQLite3 Framework: An opensource framework which helps SQLite3 work as an RDBMS.

And many more...
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Apr 3, 2009
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Free Cindy components V3.2 for all delphi versions for windows applications.

Download source and demos here:

New components:
TcyAppInstances - avoid multiple instances of your applications
TcyCommunicate and TcyComRoomConnector - communicate between applications

Cindy Pack Components list:
- TcyBevel: multi colored bevels.
- TcyPanel: runtime resize feature, multi colored bevels, gradient and shadow feature.
- TcyAdvPanel: like TcyPanel plus wallpaper feature.
- TcyPaintbox: multi colored bevels, gradient.
- TcyAdvPaintBox: like TcyPaintBox plus wallpaper feature.
- TcyLabel: caption orientation, gradient, shadow and indent caption.
- TcyHotLabel: like TcyLabel with different views for any state (like mouse hover).
- TcyDBLabel: DB Control herited from TcyLabel.
- TcyDBHotLabel: DB Control herited from TcyHotLabel.
- TcyIniForm: save your users size and position form without code in file or registry, allows custom load/save information.
- TcyFlyingContainer: show any control in front of others and hide it when it lose focus.
- TcyFieldLink: connect a non DB Control (for exemple a TDateTimePicker) to a field.
- TcySearchFiles: retrieve files from directory with a lot of options like file mask/file exclude mask etc ... you can also pause/resume or abort, has a

lot of events to personalize.
- TcyCopyFiles: herited from TcySearchFile, copy files with the same options.
- TcyBookmark: bookmark records with this independant bookmark list.
- TcyVirtualGrid: define a virtual grid, see demo program.
- TcySkinButton: non rectangular button with an image for each state.
- TcyResizer: move and resize components at run-time like delphi 2009 does.
- TcyRunTimeResize: move and resize single component at run-time.
- TcySkinArea: create multiple non rectangular buttons in a single component with different states for exemple a virtual keyboard.
- TcyColorGrid: pick a color from the list. Totally personalizable.
- TcyColorMatrix: 2 dimensions colors grid representation, very fast.
- TcyLed: simple led with multi-colored feature and shape.
- TcyDBLed: DB control herited from TcyLed.
- TcyAdvLed: a Led with a picture for each state.
- TcyDBAdvLed: DB control herited from TcyAdvLed.
- TcySimpleGauge: a gauge with orientation feature, transparency and personalizable view.
- TcyDBSimpleGauge: DB control herited from TcySimpleGauge.
- TcyProgressionPanel: show a animated panel information on blocking long process with determined several steps. Cancel button feature.
- TcyAdvProgressionPanel: show a threaded animated panel information on undetermined time blocking single process step.
- TcyDBgrid: advanced DBGrid with checkbox feature for each record, multi-record selection made easy et ...
- TcyAdvDBgrid: more Advanced DBGrid with embedded graphic/memo fields rendering...
- TcySpeedButton: colored speedButton with lot of features, imagelist option.
- TcyAdvSpeedButton: advanced colored speedButton
- TcyBitBtn: colored BitBtn with lot of features, imagelist option.
- TcyAdvButton: advanced colored TButton
- TcySplitter: advanced splitter gradient background and wallpaper features.
- TcyAppInstances: avoid application (or a group of application) multiple instances.
- TcyCommunicate: communication between applications for stream/string exchange.
- TcyCommRoomConnector: create/connect to a virtual room for TcyBaseComm components (like TcyCommunicate) to be seen and communicate with each other.

cindy Internet Explorer component list:
- TcyWebBrowser: Herited from TWebBrowser, allows easy load/save/edit html documents.

Go to for weekly updates and news.
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Dec 14, 2007
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TscExcelExport 3.9

TscExcelExport 3.9 with full source code
Version 3.9 (October 2009) - freeware for non-commercial use - Delphi VCL
- Export to Excel
- Save worksheet as XLSX (Open XML), XLS, HTML, XML or CSV
- Show print preview

This TscExcelExport component is an advanced, powerful but easy to use component which enables you to export all records of a dataset from Borland/Codegear/Embarcadero Delphi to Microsoft Excel. Many features are provided to change the layout, use conditional formatting, to add totals, to create groups, to set a filter, ... The component works in Delphi 5, 6, 7, 2006, 2007, 2009 and 2010 and it supports Excel 97, 2000, XP, 2003 and 2007.

прямая ссылка на скачивание, 3.1Mb


Jan 18, 2009
Reaction score
BSF Version 8.42 (5 July, 2010)
improved: form updating when you change SkinData.ShowLayeredBorders property in real time (with full layered border)
added: some small improvements in SkinBuilder
added: optimizations in source code
added: demonstration of global font changing when loading skin in "MainDemo"

DSFVersion 11.42 (5 July, 2010)
improved: form updating when you change SkinData.ShowLayeredBorders property in real time (with full layered border)
added: some small improvements in SkinBuilder
added: optimizations in source code
added: demonstration of global font changing when loading skin in "MainDemo"

Password = faru@thisboard



Enjoy Your Life.



Jan 18, 2009
Reaction score
Direct Oracle Access v4.1.22
Direct Oracle Access supports many Oracle specific features. Besides the features mentioned above, it supports Oracle8 and Oracle8i features like LOB Locators, Objects & References, XMLTYPE, Timestamps, Scrollable Queries, Password Expiration, External Procedure development, and the Oracle Services for MTS.

April 2, 2010 - Version Supported IDE:
- Delphi 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 2005
- C++Builder 3, 4, 5, 6
- Borland Developer Studio 2006 (Delphi 2006, C++Builder 2006)
- RAD Studio 2007 (Delphi 2007, C++Builder 2007)
- RAD Studio 2009 (Delphi 2009, C++Builder 2009)
- RAD Studio 2010 (Delphi 2010, C++Builder 2010)

PassWord: 403310096/B-10


New member
Nov 17, 2008
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Fearing some infection ? Use Sandboxie

Troj/QPatch-A by Sophos reported in a patch file.
If some software makes you suspicious, simply run it in Sandboxie (.com) and after patching, copy the patched file out of the sandbox.


Jan 18, 2009
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Old Delphi 5 Simulation Toolkit
In the Golden Age of Delphi there was BaseSim. BaseSim was a Visual Simulation Component suite designed to produce simple or complex Simulation Models in order to carry out 'What if' and 'Just in Time' analysis, or to produce standalone Simulation based applications for Company-wide distribution and use.

Old but still very fun to use, educational and really really fast. Models are dynamics with stats ans uncertainty data!

Pacakge (bpl ans dcu) with demos (air craft assembly, automotive just in time supplier, and customer service) and help.
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