Компоненты / components .net

Jul 1, 2011
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.NET Reflector VSPro
* Standalone Windows application
* Microsoft Visual Studio integration
* Debug assemblies without source code

Debug decompiled assemblies in Visual Studio. The professional .NET Reflector add-in for Visual Studio.

Developers use .NET Reflector VSPro to:
* Debug assemblies without source code using the Visual Studio debugger
* Decompile and explore .NET assemblies inside Visual Studio
* Serve as a powerful object browser
* Decompile .NET code to understand how it works
* Learn or teach the complexities of a .NET language
* Provide a better alternative to library documentation
* Recover lost or unavailable source code
* Locate performance issues
* Analyze dependencies
* Check obfuscation

Technical requirements:
* Windows XP or later
* .NET 3.5 or later
* 128 MB RAM
* 16 MB hard disk space
* Visual Studio 2005, 2008, or 2010

Download Red Gate Reflector v7.6.1.824 + keygen by Lz0 and Raj
Net Reflector v7.6.1.824 VSPro cracked by DTCG + 34 addins :

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Thank You datob


Premium Member
Nov 17, 2011
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DevComponents DotNetBar


1.New: Office 2013 / Metro styling updated including new Backstage look and feel
2.New: Added 220 Symbols that can be used on ButtonItem and ButtonX courtesy of FontAwesome
3.New: Symbol and SymbolSize properties added to ButtonItem and ButtonX to allow built-in Symbol usage as an alternation for Image. Image still can be used but setting Symbol overrides it
4.New: SuperGrid: Added new GroupHeaderClicked and GroupHeaderDoubleClicked events.
5.New: SuperGrid: Added new GroupHeaderClicked and GroupHeaderDoubleClicked events.
6.New: SuperGrid: Added GridGroup.PlainText property that will return the plain displayed header text (ie. If Text is MiniMarkup based then it will return the stripped MiniMarkup text. If Text is not MiniMarkup based, then Text will be returned as is).
7.New: AdvTree.SearchBufferAutoClearNotFound property added which indicates whether search buffer is auto-cleared regardless of the expiration timeout if node is not found using current buffer content.
8.New: SuperGrid: Added RowActivating and CellActivating events.
9.New: DotNetBarManager.EnableDockCtrlTabKey property added
10.New: CalendarView: Date selection via code, in previously unselected view, now permits subsequent up/down keyboard navigation.
11.New: CalendarView: Added WeekDayView PageUp/Down keyboard support.
12.New: CalendarView: Added user access to multi-user scrollbars via HScrollBar and VScrollbar properties.
13.New: SuperGrid: Performance tweaks for display rendering.
14.New: SuperGrid: RowAdded event now fires when a new row is automatically added via the InsertRow.
15.New: SuperGrid: RightMouse drag is now supported.
16.New: BubbleBar new tooltip background rendering added
17.New: SuperGrid: Added SelectionGranularity.RowWithCellHighlight to permit row level selection with individual cell highlight on mouse over.
18.New: CheckBoxItem paints key accelerators when on Bar or Menu
19.New: CalendarView: Owner ColorScheme now properly reflected in the associated CalendarModel.
20.New: SuperGrid: FilterEditValueChanged is now raised for Custom filter changes.
21.New: SuperGrid: Added GridPanel.KeepRowsSorted (Gets or sets whether grid rows are kept sorted on row deactivation following a cell's Value change) - default is 'true'.
22.New: On Numeric Keyboard layout create decimal separator based on the current culture
23.New: Center ButtonItem image if button has fixed size and no text or sub-items are visible
24.New: SuperGrid: ComboBox based RenderControl is now utilized for Grouping Text when the DisplayMember is set.
25.New: Added SwitchButton switch on/off text rendering to Metro style switch
26.New: SuperGrid: Custom filter dialog positioning is now multi-monitor friendly.
27.Fixed: SuperGrid: Fixed an issue where column drag operations were being permitted with the right mouse, which could be interrupted and left in an incomplete state by context menu processing.
28.Fixed: SuperGrid: Fixed a group header, mimi-markup, default font color issue.
29.Fixed: SuperGrid: TextRow MimiMarkupTextLink Click processing was not raising the TextRowMarkupLinkClick event under certain circumstances.
30.Fixed: SuperGrid: Fixed a problem where grouping and ungrouping a grid could result in the associated bindings notification being detached.
31.Fixed: BaseItem.Shortcuts.Remove method might not completely remove the shortcut
32.Fixed: SuperGrid:KeepRowsSorted now honors non-interactive (programmatic) cell changes.
33.Fixed: SuperGrid:KeepRowsSorted now honors non-interactive (programmatic) cell changes.
34.Fixed: AdvTree Right arrow keyboard key in Tile view needs to be pressed two times in certain cases to select next node
35.Fixed: SuperGrid: Added EnableGroupHeaderMarkup to GridColumn properties. This, when set to true (default is false), will enable group headers to display markup text (when data is grouped).
36.Fixed: SuperGrid: Restored previous behavior where cell Left-MouseClick deselects all currently selected cells, prior to selecting the currently selected cell.
37.Fixed: SuperGrid: Fixed an issue where the presentation of a ContextMenu during a row resize operation would cause an exception.
38.Fixed: SuperGrid: Restored proper selection handling for right-mouse click cell operations.
39.Fixed: SuperGrid: Fixed a perf introduced exception presented when calling GetContentBounds.
40.Fixed: SuperGrid: ColumnHeaderClick event was being raised for non-content header clicks - this has been corrected.
41.Fixed: SuperGrid: Fixed an issue where an exception could occur when MouseMove/ToolTip processing occurs before a cell has been rendered.
42.Fixed: LabelX with auto-size does not perform internal layout in all usage cases
43.Fixed: SuperGrid: SetSelectedRows() was not properly invalidating its newly selected rows such that, even though they *were* selected, they were not immediately re-rendered in the current selected style.
44.Fixed: SuperGrid: Sorting row data (via column header click, etc) will now leave the currently active grid element selected.
45.Fixed: SuperGrid: Setting the ActiveRow now also sets the last processed item (determines future keyboard selection granularity).
46.Fixed: SuperGrid: Setting the ActiveRow now also sets the last processed item (determines future keyboard selection granularity).
47.Fixed: SuperGrid: Alt+F4 now processed as such.
48.Fixed: ColorCombControl might not clear previous selection visually when SelectedColor property is set
49.Fixed: CheckBox item in radio style and check mark displayed on bottom cuts last line off
50.Fixed: SuperGrid: Setting a GridPanel's ShowInsertRow property to true before the GridPanel is added to SuperGrid control would cause an exception to be thrown (attempt to raise event to set default values).
51.Fixed: SuperGrid: Fixed an issue where setting the check state of a row that had not yet been added to a GridPanel would cause an exception.
52.Fixed: GroupPanel does not consider ampersands when measuring title width
53.Fixed: SuperGrid: Fixed an issue where right-clicking on a selected set of cells when using a BindingSource would heavy-handedly deselect the cells and select the row.
54.Fixed: SuperGrid: Added Group Pre and Post Detail row support.
55.Fixed: SuperGrid: Changes made for better resource release and disposal.
56.Fixed: Centering of ButtonItem image in vertical layout when only image is visible on the face of button
57.Fixed: SuperGrid: Fixed a problem where the calculation for the first and last on screen row could result in an invalid row index.
58.Fixed: SuperGrid: Fixed an issue where changing the cell value during sort operation, via user GetCellValue event, would cause an index bounds exception.
59.Fixed: MonthCalendar DisplayMonth not updated with correct year when Year/Century selector is used to change displayed year
60.Fixed: DateTimeInput Time selector does not preserve PM value when selected and hour value has changed
61.Fixed: SuperGrid: Fixed multi-monitor positioning of custom filter dialog.
62.Fixed: MetroAppForm setting MaximizeBox does not disable the Maximize system menu command
63.Fixed: AdvTree reverted scroll bug regression
64.Fixed: CalendarView: Fixed a 64 bit detent calculation causing the mousewheel to not scroll in the negative direction.
65.Fixed: Empty PageSlider generates an exception if drag & drop is started within its bounds
66.Fixed: SuperGrid: The SuperGrid was "helping" users out a little too much, when an unresolved row get expanded and resolved, causing all previous selections to be cleared.

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Feb 21, 2012
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DevExperience 12.1.7

Can I get full source code from DevExperience 12.1.7?


Sep 15, 2010
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Telerik RadControls 2012 Q3

JustCode 2012.3.1017:
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Extensions for ASP.NET MVC 2012.3.1018:
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OpenAccess ORM 2012.3.1012:
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Reporting Q3 2012.v6.2.12.1017:
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Silverlight 5 2012.3.1017:
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Windows 8 XAML 2012.3.1016:
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Windows Forms 2012.3.1017 + Hotfix 2012.3.1019:
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You need to log in to view the content.

Windows Phone 2012.3.1016:
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WPF 2012.3.1017:
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Web UI (ASP.NET AJAX) 2012.3.1016:
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Premium Member
Nov 17, 2011
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DevComponents DotNetBar


New Releases:
New: ToastNotifications: Allow indefinite toasts that must be manually closed when timeout is set to zero
New: SuperGrid: Deactivation of the InsertRow will now raise the RowSetDefaultValues event with the NewRowContext set to DeactivateRow. This will more easily permit the user to set (or reset) the InsertRow values upon entry and exit as needed.
New: SuperGrid: Regex processing of double-quote literal is now supported. (ie. Regex Filtering for \").
New: SuperGrid: Added GridCell.InvalidateStyle() to permit user invalidation of cached cell style(s) when neither the cell Value nor effective Style properties have changed.
New: ToastNotification.Close method added to close all or specific toast notifications
Fixed: SuperTabControl: Making the selected tab non-visible will now auto-select the next available visible tab.
Fixed: SuperGrid: Fixed an issue where initiating a cell edit in the InsertRow would, upon creation of a new temporary InsertRow, select the entire editing row.
Fixed: SuperGrid: Fixed an issue where SelectAll could attempt to select an n + 1 extended range of values.
Fixed: SuperGrid: Re-fixed GridDoubleInputEditControl and GridIntegerInputEditControl processing of FreeTextEntry exiting keys (enter, tab,...). Last change worked on initial cell change, but not on repeated changes.
Fixed: RichTextBoxEx requires to Tab key presses to enter it
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Premium Member
Nov 17, 2011
Reaction score
DevComponents DotNetBar


New Releases

New: SuperGrid: Added support for Group header row size set to 0.
New: SuperGrid: Added Filter.ActivateFilterEdit(GridColumn column) to enable programmatic activation of the specified column's Filter Edit control.
New: SuperGrid: Added gridPanel.ActivateFilterPopup(GridColumn column) to enable programmatic activation of the specified column's FilterPopup.
New: SuperGrid: Added gridColumn.ActivateFilterPopup() to enable programmatic activation of the column's FilterPopup.
New: SuperGrid: Added IsActiveCell property.
New: Event Source added to Value Change events on SliderItem
Fixed: SuperGrid: Fixed recently introduced mouse cell highlighting issue.
Fixed: SuperGrid: Fixed an issue where inserting a row into a bound DataSource would not take grouped rows into account.
Fixed: SuperGrid: Data binding change to better support linked BindingSources.
Fixed: SuperGrid: GridSwitchButtonEditControl now, by default, utilizes StyleManager.
Fixed: LabelItem with Metro style might use wrong text color when on toolbar
Fixed: Ribbon Backstage tab sizing improved so right and bottom most pixels are not lost after form is restored from maximized state and backstage was open in maximized form state
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Feb 21, 2012
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Добавлено через 54 секунды
DXPerience Universal 12.1.8
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how to get source code from:

If I open EXE with 7zip I see source code in it,
but installer don't extract source code
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Feb 24, 2012
Reaction score
jernejp much as i am not knowledgeable, i might add that the code in the installer might be in a format that we cannot use to modify and recompile successfully? Sometimes the posters release the installer as well as the source code as a package that DevXpress releases.


Sep 15, 2010
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Telerik RadControls for Windows 8 XAML+HTML, RadControls for AJAX 2012.3.1205

Telerik RadControls for Windows 8 XAML 2012.3.1204:
You need to log in to view the content.

Telerik RadControls for Windows 8 HTML 2012.3.1204:
You need to log in to view the content.

Telerik RadControls for AJAX (Web.UI) 2012.3.1205
You need to log in to view the content.