TMS Component Pack Использовал на Embarcadero RAD Studio XE3 Update 2. Ссылка для загрузки:
阿斯顿全文蔷薇蔷薇蔷薇蔷薇EurekaLog Professional 23-09-2015.
1)....Added: RAD Studio 10 Seattle support
2)....Added: Performance counters for run-time (internal logging with --el_debug)
3)....Fixed: spawned by ecc32/emake processes now start with the same priority
4)....Fixed: ThreadID = 0 in StandardEurekaNotify
5)....Fixed: Dialog auto-close timer may reset without user input
6)....Fixed: Possible hang when quickly loading/unloading EurekaLog-enabled DLL
7)....Fixed: Possible hang in COM DLLs
8)....Fixed: Removed some unnecessary file system access on startup
9)....Fixed: Possible wrong font size in EurekaLog tools
10)...Fixed: Ignore timeouts from Shell_NotifyIcon
11)...Fixed: Possible failure to handle/process stack overflow exceptions
12)...Changed: VCL/CLX/FMX now will assign Application.OnException handler when low-level hooks are disabled
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