Delphi компоненты / Delphi components #7

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Dec 19, 2007
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Durres, Albania
Raize Components 6.1.9 Full Source D2009-XE6 Retail


- Added support for Embarcadero RAD Studio XE6 Update 1.

Note: Because of an interface change introduced
in Embarcadero RAD Studio XE6 Update 1,
the Raize Components 6 design package for XE6
will NOT load into XE6 without Update 1 installed.

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Dec 19, 2007
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Durres, Albania
Delphi ModBusTCP library XE6 and Older

Version 1.6.2 - April 16, 2014
- Added support for Delphi XE6.
- Added missing component flags to enable design-time use
of the components in mobile targets (iOS and Android).

We are developing a set of Delphi components to communicate
with a ModBus PLC over TCP/IP. The library provides components
to implement both a ModBus master and a Modbus slave, and is
based on the Indy component set (both Indy 9 and 10 are supported).

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Apr 3, 2009
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Cindy v6.74

Packages with 71 components for all delphi versions (since D7) to build Windows 32/64 bit applications:
VCL controls (labels, buttons, panels, Edits, TabControls, StaticText) with features like background gradient, colored bevels, wallpaper, shadowText, caption orientation etc...
TcyCommunicate and TcyCommRoomConnector allows communication between applications running in same computer session.
TcySearchFiles and TcyCopyfiles allow respectively search and copy files with pause/resume/abort features.
TcyResizer allow move and resize components at run-time like delphi 2009 does.
Advanced DB Express components (tested with mySQL) for easy table data handling (tcyDbxTable or TcyDbxSimpleTable), schema modifications (TcyDbxUpdateSql), reconcile handling (TcyDBXReconcileError) and table creation (cyDbxImportDataset1).
TcyMathParser can parse matematical expressions.
TcyWebBrowser allows view/edit html documents.
TcyDbAdvGrid is a DBGrid with advanced feature rendering like gradient fixed cells, multiselection handling, embedded graphic and memo fields etc ...
TcyDocER extract document information (mail, phone, amounts etc ...) using OCR results from any source like Tesseract (open source) or Transym (comercial but cheap, fast, easy and powerful).
TcyBook allow to see images in a virtual book with turn page effect and pages handling.

Almost each component demo (code sources and executables) avaible here:

- TcyBevel: multi colored bevels.
- TcyPanel: runtime resize feature, multi colored bevels, gradient and shadow feature.
- TcyAdvPanel: like TcyPanel plus wallpaper feature.
- TcyFlowPanel: runtime resize feature, multi colored bevels, gradient and shadow feature.
- TcyAdvFlowPanel: like TcyPanel plus wallpaper feature.
- TcyGridPanel: runtime resize feature, multi colored bevels, gradient and shadow feature.
- TcyAdvGridPanel: like TcyPanel plus wallpaper feature.
- TcyPaintbox: multi colored bevels, gradient.
- TcyAdvPaintBox: like TcyPaintBox plus wallpaper feature.
- TcyLabel: caption orientation, gradient, shadow and indent caption.
- TcyHotLabel: like TcyLabel with different views for each component state (like mouse hover).
- TcyEdit: like TEdit, with chars rules
- TcyEditInteger: TEdit for integer values
- TcyEditFloat: TEdit for float values
- TcyEditDate: TEdit for date values
- TcyEditTime: TEdit for time values
- TcySpeedButton: colored speedButton with lot of features like jpeg/png glyph, imagelist option.
- TcyAdvSpeedButton: Like TcySpeedButton with different views for each component state (like mouse hover).
- TcyBitBtn: colored BitBtn with lot of features like jpeg/png glyph, imagelist option.
- TcyAdvButton: Like tcyBitBtn with different views for each component state (like mouse hover).
- TcySkinButton: non rectangular button with an image for each state.
- TcySkinArea: create multiple non rectangular buttons in a single component with different states for exemple a virtual keyboard.
- TcyLed: simple led with multi-colored feature and shape.
- TcyAdvLed: a Led with a picture for each state.
- TcySimpleGauge: a gauge with (float precision) orientation feature, transparency and personalizable view.
- TcySplitter: advanced splitter gradient background, grip and wallpaper features. Can move/resize its parent control.
- TcyColorMatrix: 2 dimensions colors grid representation, very fast.
- TcyColorGrid: pick a color from the list. Totally personalizable.
- TcyStatusBar: StatusBar that accept controls at design time.
- TcyBook: See images in a virtual book with turn page effect and pages handling.
- TcyTabControl: TabControl with visual features.
- TcyPageControl: PageControl with visual features.
- TcyStaticText: StaticText with gradient background, colored border, caption orientation, ellipsis mode, caption layout, wordwrap and glyph/imageList
- TcyAdvStaticText: StaticText with gradient background, wallpaper, colored border, caption orientation, ellipsis mode, caption layout, wordwrap and glyph/imageList
- TcyIniForm: save your users size and position form without code in file or registry, allows custom load/save information.
- TcySearchFiles: retrieve files from directory with a lot of options like file mask/file exclude mask etc ... you can also pause/resume or abort, has a lot of events to personalize.
- TcyCopyFiles: herited from TcySearchFile, use it to copy files.
- TcyFlyingContainer: show any control in front of others (in a floating form) and hide it when it lose focus.
- TcyModalContainer: show any control in a Modal form.
- TcyResizer: move and resize components at run-time like delphi 2009 does, very easy to use.
- TcyVirtualGrid: create a virtual grid, see demo program.
- TcyProgressionPanel: show a animated panel information on blocking long process with determined several steps. Cancel button feature.
- TcyAdvProgressionPanel: show a threaded animated panel information on undetermined time blocking single process.
- TcyCommRoomConnector: create/connect to an in memory virtual room for TcyBaseComm base components (like TcyCommunicate) to be seen and communicate each other. with each other.
- TcyCommunicate: allows communication between applications running in same computer session.
- TcyAppInstances: avoid application (or a group of application) multiple instances. You can also catch passed parameters.
- TcyRunTimeResize: move and resize a single component at run-time.
- TcyClipboard: handle clipboard formats.
- TcyDDECmd: open/register an extension for your application.
- TcyMathParser: parse matematical expressions.
- TcyDebug: check code entering/leaving ocurrances, speed and average by adding tags on your code.

- TcyDBLabel: DB Control herited from TcyLabel.
- TcyDBHotLabel: DB Control herited from TcyHotLabel.
- TcyDBEdit: TDBEdit with embedded parser feature.
- TcyDBLed: DB control herited from TcyLed.
- TcyDBAdvLed: DB control herited from TcyAdvLed.
- TcyDBRadioButton: DB control herited from TRadioButton.
- TcyDBSpeedButton: DB control herited from TcySpeedButton.
- TcyDBAdvSpeedButton: DB control herited from TcyAdvSpeedButton.
- TcyDBSimpleGauge: DB control herited from TcySimpleGauge.
- TcyDBGrid: advanced DBGrid with lot of features (checkboxes for each record, auto client column, multi-record selection made easy etc ...)
- TcyDBAdvGrid: based on TcyDBGrid, added gradient, embedded graphic/memo fields rendering etc ...
- TcyBookmarks: bookmark records with this independant bookmark list.
- TcyFieldLink: connect a non DB Control (for exemple a TDateTimePicker) to a field.

- TcyWebBrowser: Herited from TWebBrowser, allows easy load/save/edit html documents.

- TcyDocER: read document information (mail, phone, amounts etc ...) using text extractor tools (QuickPdf) or OCR results from any source like Tesseract (open source) or Transym (comercial but cheap, fast, easy and powerful).

- TcyDBXSQLUpdate: based from DBExpress components, it allows easy table creation/modification etc ...
- TcyDBXTable: based on TClientDataset component, allows automatic server side updates in order to simplify SQL table records handling.
- TcyDBXSimpleTable: based on TSimpledataset component (provider and dataset built-in and accessible), allows automatic server side updates in order to simplify SQL table records handling.
- TcyDBXReconcileError allows reconcile error definitions/handling. You can attach a TcyDbxReconcileError to one or more TcyDbxTables/TcyDbxSimpleTables.
- TcyDBXImportDataset Create/ alter SQL table based on attached TDataset or directly filling Fields property.
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Oct 3, 2008
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DevExpress v14.1.2 D7-DXE6 Full Sources and Installation guide

The archive below contains only the project files for DevExpress 14.1.2 for Delphi XE6 and XE5. The project files are prepared to be used for both personalities Delphi and CBuilder.

Download 14.1.2 Full Source Code ,Demos and Help!2IISCL6A!2IJeQ_4ZHwXRp6nBXM9qlDtUG2iSsUzBO1TXjhttRoA

Download Project Codes for XE5 and XE6 HERE!LV40lbwR!oiIFIXObNx8nrcYa7BJVYlQ8U7hmNwC2DQ5YUnuhGvo

rar pass : delphifan
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Oct 3, 2008
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EMS Advanced Data Import VCL v3.9.1.1 Full Source

Advanced Data Import VCL is a component suite for Borland Delphi and C++ Builder that allows you to import data from files of the most popular data formats to the database. You can import data from MS Excel, MS Access, DBF, XML, TXT, CSV, ODF and HTML. There will be no need to waste your time on tiresome data conversion - Advanced Data Import will do the task quickly, irrespective of the source data format.!GZwUhA6Z!8brhqDfBjP8nG8ua3oAoWMTY8L5peXsbFOMgOy67HLU

Password :
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Oct 3, 2008
Reaction score
EMS Advanced Query Builder VCL v3.9.3.1 Full Source

Advanced Query Builder is a powerful component suite for Borland® Delphi® and C++ Builder® intended for visual building SQL statements for the SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE clauses. It allows you to build new queries visually and/or graphically represent the existing queries in your own applications. The suite includes components for working with standard SQL, MS SQL, InterBase/Firebird, MySQL, PostgreSQL and many more dialects. Advanced Query Builder enables users to make up large and complicated SQL queries with unions and subqueries for different servers without any knowledge of the SQL syntax.!CMRBybhB!B4sd0oNKyzMjFPzOrN7sKkZIjDoxnJbbfOMH8P5vCYU


Advanced Data Export VCL is a component suite for Borland Delphi and C++ Builder that allows you to save your data in the most popular data formats for the future viewing, modification, printing or web publication. You can export data into MS Access, MS Excel, MS Word (RTF), Open XML Format, Open Document Format (ODF), HTML, XML, PDF, TXT, DBF, CSV and more! There will be no need to waste your time on tiresome data conversion - Advanced Data Export will do the task quickly and will give the result in the desired format.!WQhBFDBA!y7YDtGVFTqjDGj2dpTeh7rcygAjbQXs37vA8h2etkKA

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