Кстати, в Devках версии 18.2.1 на RAD 10.3 Rio в TcxTreeList выделенная нода теряет бекграуд, в 16.1.2 на RAD XE8 тот же самый код, такого эффекта не давал.
Не знаю, то ли ранее была бага, и в этой она исправлена, то ли сейчас образовалась бага, то ли вообще поведение было изменено и нужно делать дополнительные настройки
DevExpress ended in "1" is as "beta"
see more info in b4a thread about it
anybody already did post to v18.2.3 but i dont have points to see the link... then if anybody here can catch it...
InstantObjects is a RAD technology that enables creation of applications based on persistent business objects. It simplifies the process of realizing ideas into products; shortens time-to-market, and helps keep business focus.
Even though it is still a bolted-on technology, InstantObjects integrates with the Delphi IDE and Object Pascal in a simple, flexible and intuitive manner. There are no sophisticated environments that have to be comprehended before application development can begin.
ZeroMQ is high-speed, distributed messaging library for building scalable communication apps using smart patterns like pub-sub, push-pull, and router-dealer