Siemens Mobile Control


Mar 9, 2004
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Тем временем на оффсайте версия 2.2.5
Изменения по сравнению с версией 2.2.2, которая последняя упоминалась в этой теме
2.2.5 5.5.2005
- change in creation of the group for sending of group-SMS. In case
of the selection of contact from addressbook with more phone numbers
is displayed listbox for selection of the required number
- before SMS sending or calling are deleted all spaces from entered
phone number (for example when you copy phone number to SiMoCo from
another source)
- button "New SMS" in main window was the stationary linking to table
of the Phonebooks, button "Call" was the stationary linking to the
SMS table. Change - buttons have linking to table from cursor
before their pressing
- restoring of the minimized program by click to tray icon - previously
- alignment of the Tab order in window Settings
- in window for SMS writing is number of chars displayed as A:B [C:D],
where A is position of cursor, B is total number of chars, C is
number of the particular SMS, D is number of chars in last SMS
(strictly how many chars is necessary delete to reduce number of SMS)
- correction of function Call from Phonebooks table in main window
- at connection to phone is automatically deleted the keyboard lock
- handling of the feature of Siemens USB cable DCA-510 driver
(exception ECommError at extraction of cable from USB-port
in program running)
- resolution of the conflict with driver of the graphic card 3D Blaster
Riva TNT2 ULTRA in Win98 (3dbt2w9x.drv)
2.2.4a 11.4.2005
correction of error (exception) at program start (fixed in Win98)
2.2.4 10.4.2005
- handling of the situation, when in addressbook is at more
contacts the some number in entry Phone - before was problems
in function Call
- in window with incoming call was added button Call back, for
acceleration of response to missed call
- in showing of window Call is focus every on button Dial
- to main window was added button Call with linking to SMS table
- for operating of the loud handsfree is possible enter other
CKPD string for handsfree ON and other for handsfree OFF
- at assignment of the name from addressbook to phone number is
newly tested also number in entry Fax
- correction of the assigning actual date to sent SMS from phone
- program automatically create the subfolder Backup. To popupmenu
of the received SMS archive and sent SMS archive was added
command "Store back-up duplication to \Backup" - file with
archive RECSMS.SXC or SENTSMS.SXC is after this command stored
to this folder as backup.
Furthermore after each successful reading of the addressbook
from phone is to this folder stored file AdrbookBackup.csv,
which contains of the addressbook backup - possible restore
addressbook from this file by function "Restore from file".
- double click on entry in table Received SMS = Respond, double
click in table Sent SMS = Forward
- added Ukrainian
2.2.3 20.3.2005
- in Settings possibility select method of the SMS reading from phone:
a) all SMS together by command AT+CMGL (that works all previous
b) sequent browsing of the single SMS memory positions by commands
AT+CMGR. This method is useful for phones, that have a problem
in firmware at reading of long SMS list (for example tripping
CX65 connected with IrDA)
- possibility set phone ringing to "beep only" at connection - for
case, if you have set playing of the sounds in computer on incoming
call or SMS
- increase of the max. number SMS in PC archive - you must suit to
performance of your computer, at many SMS in archive can be a problems
with time-processing
- possible minimize Explorer and window with the time progress
- in Addressbook and Calendar handling of the "impatient" actions -
entering of the new action before completion of the previous
И самое главное: то, что работало, работает до сих пор (поблагодарим еще раз уважаемого Mishanya!)


Jul 25, 2004
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Siemens Mobile Control v2.2.6

Changes in 2.2.6 19.12.2005:
- modification in Explorer for detection of free memory in model CF62
- in Settings: at "Number of archived SMS" is possible to enter number 0, in this case SMS from mobile are not transfered to PC archive
- in window "Incoming SMS" was added confirmation of the button "No archiving - Delete - Close"
- in window "Call" was added button "Give me a missed call" with optional ringing duration
- in Explorer:
* possibility directly enter the name of folder, whose content we want to display (after mouse click to folder name in title)
* displaying of the total number and size of files in folder and number and size of the selected files
- in Addressbook is possible to assign the picture to every contact. Pictures must be stored in the same folder, folder is optional. Format is BMP, GIF, JPG. Size is 128x96 pixels, larger pictures will be transformed to this size
- program is no more restricted to one instance, it is possible to run the program from different folders with different settings to different ports and at the same time work with several phones

Качаем: _ (953 Кб).


Jul 25, 2004
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Siemens Mobile Control v2.2.7a
В шапке темы.
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Reactions: rvr


Feb 14, 2006
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Patrick said:
SiMoCo - Siemens Mobile Control v2.2.7a

Работает с памятью телефона, как с жестким диском; возможна связь с телефоном как по кабелю, так и через ИК-порт.

Чтобы эта прога работала через ИК, нужен специальный драйвер. Его можно взять, например, здесь:


Nov 4, 2005
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Надеюсь, все заметили, что эта программа стала FREEWARE!!!! :)
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