- Thread starter
- #581
1. Birkhauser.Agent.based.Supply.Network.Event.Management.Feb.2006.eBook-DDU
2. Intellect.Trends.in.Functional.Programming.Volume.5.Apr.2006.eBook-BBL
3. IRM.Press.Modern.Software.Review.Techniques.and.Technologies.Mar.2006.eBook-DDU
4. John.Wiley.and.Sons.Analog.VLSI.Circuits.for.the.Perception.of.Visual.Motion.May.2006.eBook-DDU
5. Physica.Verlag.Heidelberg.Interorganisational.Standards.Managing.Web.Services.Specifications.for.Flexible.Supply.Chains.Dec.2005.REPACK.eBook-DDU
6. Prentice.Hall.PTR.UNIX.to.Linux.Porting.A.Comprehensive.Reference.Apr.2006.eBook-BBL
7. Que.Launching.Your.Yahoo.Business.Mar.2006.eBook-BBL
8. Springer.Concurrency.Theory.Calculi.an.Automata.for.Modelling.Untimed.and.Timed.Concurrent.Systems.Dec.2005.eBook-DDU
9. Springer.Field.Based.Coordination.for.Pervasive.Multiagent.Systems.Dec.2005.eBook-DDU
10. Springer.The.Variational.Bayes.Method.in.Signal.Processing.Dec.2005.eBook-DDU
11. Springer.Web.Communities.Analysis.and.Construction.Dec.2005.eBook-DDU
12. Wiley.IEEE.Press.Mobile.Wireless.and.Sensor.Networks.Technology.Applications.and.Future.Directions.Mar.2006.eBook-DDU
Agent-based Supply Network Event Management (Whitestein Series in Software Agent Technologies)
Product Details
Author(s): Roland Zimmermann
ISBN: 3764374861
Publisher: Birkhauser
Year: 2006
Pages: 329
Product Description
"Supply Chain Event Management (SCEM)" is one of the major topics in application-oriented Supply Chain
Management. However, many solutions lack conceptual precision and currently available client-server
SCEM-systems are ill-suited for complex supply networks in today's business environment. Agent-based
proactive information logistics promises to overcome existing deficits by providing event-related
information to all participants in the distributed environment. Hence, follow-up costs of disruptive
events are significantly reduced for all network participants and performance of a supply network is
increased. In this book a thorough analysis of the event management problem domain is the starting point
to develop a generic agent-based approach to Supply Network Event Management. The main focus lies on
practical issues of event management (e.g. semantic interoperability) and economic benefits to be
achieved with agent technology in this state-of-the-art problem domain.
eBook:Birkhauser.Agent.based.Supply.Network.Event.Management.Feb.2006.eBook-DDU hash [QMN37d7SOje1gRmlO/8JSwWqHyw]
file:2006_0510_wrz_b-a.b.s.n.e.m.f.2.e.izp [3118] KB
Trends in Functional Programming: Volume 5
Product Details
Author(s): Hans-Wolfgang Loidl
ISBN: 1841501441
Publisher: Intellect L & D E F a E
Year: 2006
Pages: 144
Product Description
Covers all aspects of functional programming, both theoretical and practical, to provide a coherent
overview of research's most recent developments. This book features: language design, proof and transformation,
semantics and models, implementation, applications, type systems, parallelismand distribution,
performance modelling and profiling, education, real time and reactive programming, programming
methodologies. The volume brings together many leading practitioners and contextualises their contributions
through a substantial introduction, appropriate overviews and summaries, and a rich bibliography
and index.
eBook:Intellect.Trends.in.Functional.Programming.Volume.5.Apr.2006.eBook-BBL hash [iXKkxrjwl9DkqaVowXhOoiNCFR0]
file:2006_0510_wrz_i-t.i.f.p.v.a.2.e.izp [833] KB
Modern Software Review: Techniques and Technologies
Product Details
Author(s): Yuk Kuen Wong
ISBN: 1599040131
Publisher: IRM Press
Year: 2006
Pages: 324
Product Description
Software quality is vitally important to the success of a business, as a single undetected error or defect
during the software development process could have disastrous consequences during a business operation.
Software review is one of the methods used to detect defects. This process maintains the quality of the
product by reviewing interim deliverables during development. Modern Software Review: Techniques
and Technologies provides an understanding of the critical factors affecting software review performance
and gives practical guidelines for software reviews.
eBook:IRM.Press.Modern.Software.Review.Techniques.and.Technologies.Mar.2006.eBook-DDU hash [Q/JU3kr5Tz4JnaN+qlzzBKsdHUg]
file:2006_0510_wrz_i-p.m.s.r.t.a.t.m.2.e.izp [2815] KB
Analog VLSI Circuits for the Perception of Visual Motion
Product Details
Author(s): Alan A. Stocker
ISBN: 047085491X
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Year: 2006
Pages: 242
Product Description
Although it is now possible to integrate many millions of transistors on a single chip, traditional digital
circuit technology is now reaching its limits, facing problems of cost and technical efficiency when
scaled down to ever-smaller feature sizes. The analysis of biological neural systems, especially for
visual processing, has allowed engineers to better understand how complex networks can effectively
process large amounts of information, whilst dealing with difficult computational challenges. Analog
and parallel processing are key characteristics of biological neural networks. Analog VLSI circuits
using the same features can therefore be developed to emulate brain-style processing. Using standard
CMOS technology, they can be cheaply manufactured, permitting efficient industrial and consumer applications
in robotics and mobile electronics. This book explores the theory, design and implementation of analog
VLSI circuits, inspired by visual motion processing in biological neural networks. Using a novel approach
pioneered by the author himself, Stocker explains in detail the construction of a series of electronic
chips, providing the reader with a valuable practical insight into the technology. Analog VLSI Circuits
for the Perception of Visual Motion:
analyses the computational problems in visual motion perception;
examines the issue of optimization in analog networks through high level processes such as motion segmentation
and selective attention;
demonstrates network implementation in analog VLSI CMOS technology to provide
computationally efficient devices;
sets out measurements of final hardware implementation;
the similarities of the presented circuits with the human visual motion perception system;
an accompanying website with video clips of circuits under real-time visual conditions and additional
supplementary material. With a complete review of all existing neuromorphic analog VLSI systems for
visual motion sensing, Analog VLSI Circuits for the Perception of Visual Motion is a unique reference
for advanced students in electrical engineering, artificial intelligence, robotics and computational
neuroscience. It will also be useful for researchers, professionals, and electronics engineers working
in the field.
eBook:John.Wiley.and.Sons.Analog.VLSI.Circuits.for.the.Perception.of.Visual.Motion.May.2006.eBook-DDU hash [Z5FFua1HzoUOj+foTngD332xJJM]
file:2006_0510_wrz_j-w.a.s.a.v.c.f.t.p.o.v.m.m.2.e.izp [3475] KB
Interorganisational Standards : Managing Web Services Specifications for Flexible Supply Chains (Contributions to Management Science)
Product Details
Author(s): Ulrich M. Löwer
ISBN: 3790816531
Publisher: Physica-Verlag Heidelberg
Year: 2005
Pages: 294
Product Description
Standards play crucial roles in many different aspects of today’s economy. They can define meanings
of semantics, product interfaces, process steps, or performance levels. Interorganisational standards
are specifications that define business-related semantics and processes, which are made accessible
to other organisations’ information systems. While modular organisation forms such as supply
chain networks demand such standards for higher flexibility, XML-based Web Services offer a relatively
new technological platform to develop such standards. The development of comprehensive interorganisational
standards, however, is far from being completed. This book thus answers the questions, how interorganisational
standards are developed and how different actors should get involved in it. The author uses actor-network
theory to conduct two in-depth case studies on ebXML and RosettaNet. While researchers will find new
explanations for the development of interorganisational standards, managers and executives will
benefit from the strategic implications this book discusses.
eBook:Physica.Verlag.Heidelberg.Interorganisational.Standards.Managing.Web.Services.Specifications.for.Flexible.Supply.Chains.Dec.2005.REPACK.eBook-DDU hash [1ixO1K80H4gCasDvfWmECbkvry4]
file:2006_0510_wrz_p-v.h.i.s.m.w.s.s.f.f.s.c.d.2.r.e.izp [1163] KB
UNIX to Linux(R) Porting : A Comprehensive Reference
Product Details
Author(s): Alfredo Mendoza,Chakarat Skawratananond,Artis Walker
ISBN: 0131871099
Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR
Year: 2006
Pages: 720
Product Description
eBook:Prentice.Hall.PTR.UNIX.to.Linux.Porting.A.Comprehensive.Reference.Apr.2006.eBook-BBL hash [YAT5ZiRr+fQ90H9y3OXgcz93Uh8]
file:2006_0510_wrz_p-h.p.u.t.l.p.c.r.a.2.e.izp [976] KB
Launching Your Yahoo! Business
Product Details
Author(s): Frank F. Fiore,Linh Tang
ISBN: 0789735334
Publisher: Que
Year: 2006
Pages: 288
Product Description
You've made the decision to take your business online, but where do you go from here? Launching Your Yahoo!
Business helps you do everything from creating a business plan to using basic marketing strategies to
promote your business to managing a Yahoo! store. It also includes tips and warnings on how to avoid common
pitfalls, as well as terms and directions to web resources for additional information. This book will
show you how to put the "e" in e-commerce with a successful Yahoo! store.
eBook:Que.Launching.Your.Yahoo.Business.Mar.2006.eBook-BBL hash [LK/t6DNsPDko3xrdAUIcVsciBeo]
file:2006_0510_wrz_q-l.y.y.b.m.2.e.izp [12675] KB
Concurrency Theory : Calculi an Automata for Modelling Untimed and Timed Concurrent Systems
Product Details
Author(s): Howard Bowman,Rodolfo Gomez
ISBN: 1852338954
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2005
Pages: 422
Product Description
The book presents an extensive introduction to LOTOS highlighting how the approach differs from competitor
techniques such as CCS and CSP. The notation is illustrated by a number of running examples and by using
the LOTOS process calculus a spectrum of semantic models for concurrent systems are reviewed. Specifically,
linear-time semantics; based on traces; branching-time semantics; using both labelled transition
systems and refusals, are used to highlight true concurrency semantics using event structures. In addition
to this a simple timed extension to LOTOS is introduced using running examples, allowing consideration
of how the untimed semantic models – traces, labelled transition systems, refusals and event
structures – can be generalised to the timed setting. The authors also generalise the simple communicating
automata notation to yield timed automata with multi-way synchronisation using model-checking verification
methods and new techniques to prevent time-locks from arising.
eBook:Springer.Concurrency.Theory.Calculi.an.Automata.for.Modelling.Untimed.and.Timed.Concurrent.Systems.Dec.2005.eBook-DDU hash [FDQhRxMl6m9MvQmX+N6kQYqDB1A]
file:2006_0510_wrz_s-c.t.c.a.a.f.m.u.a.t.c.s.d.2.e.izp [2146] KB
Field-Based Coordination for Pervasive Multiagent Systems (Springer Series on Agent Technology)
Product Details
Author(s): Marco Mamei,Franco Zambonelli
ISBN: 3540279687
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2005
Pages: 242
Product Description
More and more, software systems involve autonomous and distributed software components that have to
execute and interact in open and dynamic environments, such as in pervasive, autonomous, and mobile
applications. The requirements with respect to dynamics, openness, scalability, and decentralization
call for new approaches to software design and development, capable of supporting spontaneous configuration,
tolerating partial failures, or arranging adaptive reorganization of the whole system. Inspired by
the behaviour of complex natural systems, scientists and engineers have started to adjust their mechanisms
and techniques for self-organization and adaption to changing environments. In line with these considerations,
Mamei and Zambonelli propose an interaction model inspired by the way masses and particles in our universe
move and self-organize according to contextual information represented by gravitational and electromagnetic
fields. The key idea is to have the components’ actions driven by computational force fields,
generated by the components themselves or by some infrastructures, and propagated across the environment.
Together with its supporting middleware infrastructure – available with additional information
under http://www.agentgroup.unimore.it – this model can serve as the basis for a general purpose
and widely applicable approach for the design and development of adaptive distributed applications.
eBook:Springer.Field.Based.Coordination.for.Pervasive.Multiagent.Systems.Dec.2005.eBook-DDU hash [yRtmDMdjxIo2Ru2iSRD+xO+MW9A]
file:2006_0510_wrz_s-f.b.c.f.p.m.s.d.2.e.izp [5914] KB
The Variational Bayes Method in Signal Processing (Signals and Communication Technology)
Product Details
Author(s): Václav Smídl,Anthony Quinn
ISBN: 3540288198
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2005
Pages: 227
Product Description
This is the first book-length treatment of the Variational Bayes (VB) approximation in signal processing.
It has been written as a self-contained, self-learning guide for academic and industrial research groups
in signal processing, data analysis, machine learning, identification and control. It reviews the
VB distributional approximation, showing that tractable algorithms for parametric model identification
can be generated in off-line and on-line contexts. Many of the principles are first illustrated via easy-to-follow
scalar decomposition problems. In later chapters, successful applications are found in factor analysis
for medical image sequences, mixture model identification and speech reconstruction. Results with
simulated and real data are presented in detail. The unique development of an eight-step "VB method",
which can be followed in all cases, enables the reader to develop a VB inference algorithm from the ground
up, for their own particular signal or image model.
eBook:Springer.The.Variational.Bayes.Method.in.Signal.Processing.Dec.2005.eBook-DDU hash [zyI2LhOwFZtSxmTz11P8qAX2bAM]
file:2006_0510_wrz_s-t.v.b.m.i.s.p.d.2.e.izp [3685] KB
Web Communities : Analysis and Construction
Product Details
Author(s): Yanchun Zhang,Jeffrey Xu Yu,Jingyu Hou
ISBN: 3540277374
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2005
Pages: 187
Product Description
Due to the lack of a uniform schema for Web documents and the sheer amount and dynamics of Web data, both
the effectiveness and the efficiency of information management and retrieval of Web data is often unsatisfactory
when using conventional data management techniques. Web community, defined as a set of Web-based documents
with its own logical structure, is a flexible and efficient approach to support information retrieval
and to implement various applications. Zhang and his co-authors explain how to construct and analyse
Web communities based on information like Web document contents, hyperlinks, or user access logs. Their
approaches combine results from Web search algorithms, Web clustering methods, and Web usage mining.
They also detail the necessary preliminaries needed to understand the algorithms presented, and they
discuss several successful existing applications. Researchers and students in information retrieval
and Web search find in this all the necessary basics and methods to create and understand Web communities.
Professionals developing Web applications will additionally benefit from the samples presented for
their own designs and implementations.
eBook:Springer.Web.Communities.Analysis.and.Construction.Dec.2005.eBook-DDU hash [k8dNwAwcsvZTKDV+6IDUmYQUlfI]
file:2006_0510_wrz_s-w.c.a.a.c.d.2.e.izp [1760] KB
Mobile, Wireless and Sensor Networks : Technology, Applications and Future Directions
Product Details
Author(s): Rajeev Shorey,A. Ananda,Mun Choon Chan,Wei Tsang Ooi
ISBN: 0471718165
Publisher: Wiley-IEEE Press
Year: 2006
Pages: 456
Product Description
This publication represents the best thinking and solutions to a myriad of contemporary issues in wireless
networks. Coverage includes wireless LANs, multihop wireless networks, and sensor networks. Readers
are provided with insightful guidance in tackling such issues as architecture, protocols, modeling,
analysis, and solutions. The book also highlights economic issues, market trends, emerging, cutting-edge
applications, and new paradigms, such as middleware for RFID, smart home design, and ""on-demand business""
in the context of pervasive computing.
eBook:Wiley.IEEE.Press.Mobile.Wireless.and.Sensor.Networks.Technology.Applications.and.Future.Directions.Mar.2006.eBook-DDU hash [jrTSPAFDHgAQxMqI4Ky0LtoR510]
file:2006_0510_wrz_w-i.p.m.w.a.s.n.t.a.a.f.d.m.2.e.izp [3160] KB
2. Intellect.Trends.in.Functional.Programming.Volume.5.Apr.2006.eBook-BBL
3. IRM.Press.Modern.Software.Review.Techniques.and.Technologies.Mar.2006.eBook-DDU
4. John.Wiley.and.Sons.Analog.VLSI.Circuits.for.the.Perception.of.Visual.Motion.May.2006.eBook-DDU
5. Physica.Verlag.Heidelberg.Interorganisational.Standards.Managing.Web.Services.Specifications.for.Flexible.Supply.Chains.Dec.2005.REPACK.eBook-DDU
6. Prentice.Hall.PTR.UNIX.to.Linux.Porting.A.Comprehensive.Reference.Apr.2006.eBook-BBL
7. Que.Launching.Your.Yahoo.Business.Mar.2006.eBook-BBL
8. Springer.Concurrency.Theory.Calculi.an.Automata.for.Modelling.Untimed.and.Timed.Concurrent.Systems.Dec.2005.eBook-DDU
9. Springer.Field.Based.Coordination.for.Pervasive.Multiagent.Systems.Dec.2005.eBook-DDU
10. Springer.The.Variational.Bayes.Method.in.Signal.Processing.Dec.2005.eBook-DDU
11. Springer.Web.Communities.Analysis.and.Construction.Dec.2005.eBook-DDU
12. Wiley.IEEE.Press.Mobile.Wireless.and.Sensor.Networks.Technology.Applications.and.Future.Directions.Mar.2006.eBook-DDU

Agent-based Supply Network Event Management (Whitestein Series in Software Agent Technologies)
Product Details
Author(s): Roland Zimmermann
ISBN: 3764374861
Publisher: Birkhauser
Year: 2006
Pages: 329
Product Description
"Supply Chain Event Management (SCEM)" is one of the major topics in application-oriented Supply Chain
Management. However, many solutions lack conceptual precision and currently available client-server
SCEM-systems are ill-suited for complex supply networks in today's business environment. Agent-based
proactive information logistics promises to overcome existing deficits by providing event-related
information to all participants in the distributed environment. Hence, follow-up costs of disruptive
events are significantly reduced for all network participants and performance of a supply network is
increased. In this book a thorough analysis of the event management problem domain is the starting point
to develop a generic agent-based approach to Supply Network Event Management. The main focus lies on
practical issues of event management (e.g. semantic interoperability) and economic benefits to be
achieved with agent technology in this state-of-the-art problem domain.
eBook:Birkhauser.Agent.based.Supply.Network.Event.Management.Feb.2006.eBook-DDU hash [QMN37d7SOje1gRmlO/8JSwWqHyw]
file:2006_0510_wrz_b-a.b.s.n.e.m.f.2.e.izp [3118] KB
Trends in Functional Programming: Volume 5
Product Details
Author(s): Hans-Wolfgang Loidl
ISBN: 1841501441
Publisher: Intellect L & D E F a E
Year: 2006
Pages: 144
Product Description
Covers all aspects of functional programming, both theoretical and practical, to provide a coherent
overview of research's most recent developments. This book features: language design, proof and transformation,
semantics and models, implementation, applications, type systems, parallelismand distribution,
performance modelling and profiling, education, real time and reactive programming, programming
methodologies. The volume brings together many leading practitioners and contextualises their contributions
through a substantial introduction, appropriate overviews and summaries, and a rich bibliography
and index.
eBook:Intellect.Trends.in.Functional.Programming.Volume.5.Apr.2006.eBook-BBL hash [iXKkxrjwl9DkqaVowXhOoiNCFR0]
file:2006_0510_wrz_i-t.i.f.p.v.a.2.e.izp [833] KB

Modern Software Review: Techniques and Technologies
Product Details
Author(s): Yuk Kuen Wong
ISBN: 1599040131
Publisher: IRM Press
Year: 2006
Pages: 324
Product Description
Software quality is vitally important to the success of a business, as a single undetected error or defect
during the software development process could have disastrous consequences during a business operation.
Software review is one of the methods used to detect defects. This process maintains the quality of the
product by reviewing interim deliverables during development. Modern Software Review: Techniques
and Technologies provides an understanding of the critical factors affecting software review performance
and gives practical guidelines for software reviews.
eBook:IRM.Press.Modern.Software.Review.Techniques.and.Technologies.Mar.2006.eBook-DDU hash [Q/JU3kr5Tz4JnaN+qlzzBKsdHUg]
file:2006_0510_wrz_i-p.m.s.r.t.a.t.m.2.e.izp [2815] KB

Analog VLSI Circuits for the Perception of Visual Motion
Product Details
Author(s): Alan A. Stocker
ISBN: 047085491X
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Year: 2006
Pages: 242
Product Description
Although it is now possible to integrate many millions of transistors on a single chip, traditional digital
circuit technology is now reaching its limits, facing problems of cost and technical efficiency when
scaled down to ever-smaller feature sizes. The analysis of biological neural systems, especially for
visual processing, has allowed engineers to better understand how complex networks can effectively
process large amounts of information, whilst dealing with difficult computational challenges. Analog
and parallel processing are key characteristics of biological neural networks. Analog VLSI circuits
using the same features can therefore be developed to emulate brain-style processing. Using standard
CMOS technology, they can be cheaply manufactured, permitting efficient industrial and consumer applications
in robotics and mobile electronics. This book explores the theory, design and implementation of analog
VLSI circuits, inspired by visual motion processing in biological neural networks. Using a novel approach
pioneered by the author himself, Stocker explains in detail the construction of a series of electronic
chips, providing the reader with a valuable practical insight into the technology. Analog VLSI Circuits
for the Perception of Visual Motion:
analyses the computational problems in visual motion perception;
examines the issue of optimization in analog networks through high level processes such as motion segmentation
and selective attention;
demonstrates network implementation in analog VLSI CMOS technology to provide
computationally efficient devices;
sets out measurements of final hardware implementation;
the similarities of the presented circuits with the human visual motion perception system;
an accompanying website with video clips of circuits under real-time visual conditions and additional
supplementary material. With a complete review of all existing neuromorphic analog VLSI systems for
visual motion sensing, Analog VLSI Circuits for the Perception of Visual Motion is a unique reference
for advanced students in electrical engineering, artificial intelligence, robotics and computational
neuroscience. It will also be useful for researchers, professionals, and electronics engineers working
in the field.
eBook:John.Wiley.and.Sons.Analog.VLSI.Circuits.for.the.Perception.of.Visual.Motion.May.2006.eBook-DDU hash [Z5FFua1HzoUOj+foTngD332xJJM]
file:2006_0510_wrz_j-w.a.s.a.v.c.f.t.p.o.v.m.m.2.e.izp [3475] KB

Interorganisational Standards : Managing Web Services Specifications for Flexible Supply Chains (Contributions to Management Science)
Product Details
Author(s): Ulrich M. Löwer
ISBN: 3790816531
Publisher: Physica-Verlag Heidelberg
Year: 2005
Pages: 294
Product Description
Standards play crucial roles in many different aspects of today’s economy. They can define meanings
of semantics, product interfaces, process steps, or performance levels. Interorganisational standards
are specifications that define business-related semantics and processes, which are made accessible
to other organisations’ information systems. While modular organisation forms such as supply
chain networks demand such standards for higher flexibility, XML-based Web Services offer a relatively
new technological platform to develop such standards. The development of comprehensive interorganisational
standards, however, is far from being completed. This book thus answers the questions, how interorganisational
standards are developed and how different actors should get involved in it. The author uses actor-network
theory to conduct two in-depth case studies on ebXML and RosettaNet. While researchers will find new
explanations for the development of interorganisational standards, managers and executives will
benefit from the strategic implications this book discusses.
eBook:Physica.Verlag.Heidelberg.Interorganisational.Standards.Managing.Web.Services.Specifications.for.Flexible.Supply.Chains.Dec.2005.REPACK.eBook-DDU hash [1ixO1K80H4gCasDvfWmECbkvry4]
file:2006_0510_wrz_p-v.h.i.s.m.w.s.s.f.f.s.c.d.2.r.e.izp [1163] KB

UNIX to Linux(R) Porting : A Comprehensive Reference
Product Details
Author(s): Alfredo Mendoza,Chakarat Skawratananond,Artis Walker
ISBN: 0131871099
Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR
Year: 2006
Pages: 720
Product Description
eBook:Prentice.Hall.PTR.UNIX.to.Linux.Porting.A.Comprehensive.Reference.Apr.2006.eBook-BBL hash [YAT5ZiRr+fQ90H9y3OXgcz93Uh8]
file:2006_0510_wrz_p-h.p.u.t.l.p.c.r.a.2.e.izp [976] KB

Launching Your Yahoo! Business
Product Details
Author(s): Frank F. Fiore,Linh Tang
ISBN: 0789735334
Publisher: Que
Year: 2006
Pages: 288
Product Description
You've made the decision to take your business online, but where do you go from here? Launching Your Yahoo!
Business helps you do everything from creating a business plan to using basic marketing strategies to
promote your business to managing a Yahoo! store. It also includes tips and warnings on how to avoid common
pitfalls, as well as terms and directions to web resources for additional information. This book will
show you how to put the "e" in e-commerce with a successful Yahoo! store.
eBook:Que.Launching.Your.Yahoo.Business.Mar.2006.eBook-BBL hash [LK/t6DNsPDko3xrdAUIcVsciBeo]
file:2006_0510_wrz_q-l.y.y.b.m.2.e.izp [12675] KB

Concurrency Theory : Calculi an Automata for Modelling Untimed and Timed Concurrent Systems
Product Details
Author(s): Howard Bowman,Rodolfo Gomez
ISBN: 1852338954
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2005
Pages: 422
Product Description
The book presents an extensive introduction to LOTOS highlighting how the approach differs from competitor
techniques such as CCS and CSP. The notation is illustrated by a number of running examples and by using
the LOTOS process calculus a spectrum of semantic models for concurrent systems are reviewed. Specifically,
linear-time semantics; based on traces; branching-time semantics; using both labelled transition
systems and refusals, are used to highlight true concurrency semantics using event structures. In addition
to this a simple timed extension to LOTOS is introduced using running examples, allowing consideration
of how the untimed semantic models – traces, labelled transition systems, refusals and event
structures – can be generalised to the timed setting. The authors also generalise the simple communicating
automata notation to yield timed automata with multi-way synchronisation using model-checking verification
methods and new techniques to prevent time-locks from arising.
eBook:Springer.Concurrency.Theory.Calculi.an.Automata.for.Modelling.Untimed.and.Timed.Concurrent.Systems.Dec.2005.eBook-DDU hash [FDQhRxMl6m9MvQmX+N6kQYqDB1A]
file:2006_0510_wrz_s-c.t.c.a.a.f.m.u.a.t.c.s.d.2.e.izp [2146] KB

Field-Based Coordination for Pervasive Multiagent Systems (Springer Series on Agent Technology)
Product Details
Author(s): Marco Mamei,Franco Zambonelli
ISBN: 3540279687
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2005
Pages: 242
Product Description
More and more, software systems involve autonomous and distributed software components that have to
execute and interact in open and dynamic environments, such as in pervasive, autonomous, and mobile
applications. The requirements with respect to dynamics, openness, scalability, and decentralization
call for new approaches to software design and development, capable of supporting spontaneous configuration,
tolerating partial failures, or arranging adaptive reorganization of the whole system. Inspired by
the behaviour of complex natural systems, scientists and engineers have started to adjust their mechanisms
and techniques for self-organization and adaption to changing environments. In line with these considerations,
Mamei and Zambonelli propose an interaction model inspired by the way masses and particles in our universe
move and self-organize according to contextual information represented by gravitational and electromagnetic
fields. The key idea is to have the components’ actions driven by computational force fields,
generated by the components themselves or by some infrastructures, and propagated across the environment.
Together with its supporting middleware infrastructure – available with additional information
under http://www.agentgroup.unimore.it – this model can serve as the basis for a general purpose
and widely applicable approach for the design and development of adaptive distributed applications.
eBook:Springer.Field.Based.Coordination.for.Pervasive.Multiagent.Systems.Dec.2005.eBook-DDU hash [yRtmDMdjxIo2Ru2iSRD+xO+MW9A]
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The Variational Bayes Method in Signal Processing (Signals and Communication Technology)
Product Details
Author(s): Václav Smídl,Anthony Quinn
ISBN: 3540288198
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2005
Pages: 227
Product Description
This is the first book-length treatment of the Variational Bayes (VB) approximation in signal processing.
It has been written as a self-contained, self-learning guide for academic and industrial research groups
in signal processing, data analysis, machine learning, identification and control. It reviews the
VB distributional approximation, showing that tractable algorithms for parametric model identification
can be generated in off-line and on-line contexts. Many of the principles are first illustrated via easy-to-follow
scalar decomposition problems. In later chapters, successful applications are found in factor analysis
for medical image sequences, mixture model identification and speech reconstruction. Results with
simulated and real data are presented in detail. The unique development of an eight-step "VB method",
which can be followed in all cases, enables the reader to develop a VB inference algorithm from the ground
up, for their own particular signal or image model.
eBook:Springer.The.Variational.Bayes.Method.in.Signal.Processing.Dec.2005.eBook-DDU hash [zyI2LhOwFZtSxmTz11P8qAX2bAM]
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Web Communities : Analysis and Construction
Product Details
Author(s): Yanchun Zhang,Jeffrey Xu Yu,Jingyu Hou
ISBN: 3540277374
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2005
Pages: 187
Product Description
Due to the lack of a uniform schema for Web documents and the sheer amount and dynamics of Web data, both
the effectiveness and the efficiency of information management and retrieval of Web data is often unsatisfactory
when using conventional data management techniques. Web community, defined as a set of Web-based documents
with its own logical structure, is a flexible and efficient approach to support information retrieval
and to implement various applications. Zhang and his co-authors explain how to construct and analyse
Web communities based on information like Web document contents, hyperlinks, or user access logs. Their
approaches combine results from Web search algorithms, Web clustering methods, and Web usage mining.
They also detail the necessary preliminaries needed to understand the algorithms presented, and they
discuss several successful existing applications. Researchers and students in information retrieval
and Web search find in this all the necessary basics and methods to create and understand Web communities.
Professionals developing Web applications will additionally benefit from the samples presented for
their own designs and implementations.
eBook:Springer.Web.Communities.Analysis.and.Construction.Dec.2005.eBook-DDU hash [k8dNwAwcsvZTKDV+6IDUmYQUlfI]
file:2006_0510_wrz_s-w.c.a.a.c.d.2.e.izp [1760] KB

Mobile, Wireless and Sensor Networks : Technology, Applications and Future Directions
Product Details
Author(s): Rajeev Shorey,A. Ananda,Mun Choon Chan,Wei Tsang Ooi
ISBN: 0471718165
Publisher: Wiley-IEEE Press
Year: 2006
Pages: 456
Product Description
This publication represents the best thinking and solutions to a myriad of contemporary issues in wireless
networks. Coverage includes wireless LANs, multihop wireless networks, and sensor networks. Readers
are provided with insightful guidance in tackling such issues as architecture, protocols, modeling,
analysis, and solutions. The book also highlights economic issues, market trends, emerging, cutting-edge
applications, and new paradigms, such as middleware for RFID, smart home design, and ""on-demand business""
in the context of pervasive computing.
eBook:Wiley.IEEE.Press.Mobile.Wireless.and.Sensor.Networks.Technology.Applications.and.Future.Directions.Mar.2006.eBook-DDU hash [jrTSPAFDHgAQxMqI4Ky0LtoR510]
file:2006_0510_wrz_w-i.p.m.w.a.s.n.t.a.a.f.d.m.2.e.izp [3160] KB