- Thread starter
- #861
1. ActualTests.Microsoft.070-225.Exam.Q.and.A.02.15.07-DDU
2. ActualTests.Microsoft.070-299.Exam.Q.and.A.02.16.07-DDU
3. Apress.Beginning.Microsoft.Word.Business.Documents.Sep.2006.eBook-BBL
4. Apress.Pr
5. Apress.Pro.XML.Development.with.Java.Technology.Sep.2006.eBook-BBL
6. FriendsofED.Rails.Solutions.Ruby.on.Rails.Made.Easy.Jan.2007.eBook-BBL
7. Manning.Windows.PowerShell.in.Action.Feb.2007.eBook-BBL
8. Microsoft.Press.Microsoft.Office.Visio.2007.Step.by.Step.Feb.2007.eBook-BBL
9. Microsoft.Press.Windows.Vista.Administrators.Pocket.Consultant.Dec.2006.eBook-BBL
10. Microsoft.Press.Windows.Vista.Plain.and.Simple.Jan.2007.eBook-BBL
11. OReilly.PowerPoint.2007.for.Starters.The.Missing.Manual.Jan.2007.eBook-BBL
12. OReilly.The.OpenBSD.4.0.Crash.Course.Jan.2007.eBook-BBL
13. OReilly.Windows.Vista.for.Starters.The.Missing.Manual.Jan.2007.eBook-BBL
14. Packt.Publishing.Learn.OpenOffice.org.Spreadsheet.Macro.Programming.Dec.2006.eBook-BBL
15. Packt.Publishing.Mastering.TypoScript.Dec.2006.eBook-BBL
16. Syngress.Publishing.Developers.Guide.to.Web.Application.Security.Jan.2007.eBook-BBL
17. Syngress.Publishing.Secure.Your.Network.for.Free.Jan.2007.eBook-BBL
eBook:ActualTests.Microsoft.070-225.Exam.Q.and.A.02.15.07-DDU hash [69xGbEo8Y9iLwMePhZWxtdt+zDY]
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eBook:ActualTests.Microsoft.070-299.Exam.Q.and.A.02.16.07-DDU hash [MH3DGmq/a8A3r7mkVfUKhMCSYYE]
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Beginning Microsoft Word Business Documents (Beginning: from Novice to Professional)
Product Details
Author(s): James J. Marshall
ISBN: 1590597281
Publisher: Apress
Year: 2006
Pages: 216
Product Description
Beginning Microsoft Word Business Documents is filled with practical applications of Word's many features.
It walks you through the creation of professional documents such as business plans, legal documents,
newsletters, and grants. You'll also learn how to use surveys and forms to gather information.
chapter of the book may be read on its own--so you can navigate your own learning path. This book focuses
on streamlining the document creation process, and timesaving tips will help you work with large documents
and use existing documents to create future documents. An intermediate-level knowledge of Word is assumed.
eBook:Apress.Beginning.Microsoft.Word.Business.Documents.Sep.2006.eBook-BBL hash [uKa/XWLlnScErhq95JG807WTOG0]
file:2007_0218_wrz_apr-beg.mic.wor.bus.doc.sep.200.ebo.bbl.izp (9457) KB
Pro OGRE 3D Programming (Pro)
Product Details
Author(s): Gregory Junker
ISBN: 1590597109
Publisher: Apress
Year: 2006
Pages: 312
Product Description
Pro OGRE 3D Programming is your detailed guide to utilizing the OGRE 3D engine, one of the best-in-breed
3D rendering libraries available. You'll learn what OGRE is, and more importantly, what it is not. OGRE
gives you an object-oriented interface to render 3D scenes independent of the implementation, such
as Direct3D or OpenGL. OGRE is available on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. It can be utilized to create a variety
of 3D-based applications and is commonly used in game creation.
This book covers OGRE from obtaining
the source to polishing the final product. If you are an aspiring game programmer with beginner/intermediate-level
knowledge of game design practices and intermediate-level knowledge of the C++ language, this is the
book for you. Familiarity with open source project management tools such as CVS and Subversion will also
help you to digest the material. Included with the book is a ready-to-use Utility Toolkit class library
useful for jumpstarting OGRE-based programs. You'll also find discussion of OGRE's capabilities from
the perspective of a content creator, not just a programmer.
The content of this book was reviewed prior
to publication by Steve Streeting, founder and lead developer of the OGRE 3D project.
GRE.3D.Programming.Sep.2006.eBook-BBL hash [HeAqwc3ea8RLrVbkSJ2HW29JmEA]
file:2007_0218_wrz_apr-pro.ogr.3d.pro.sep.200.ebo.bbl.izp (10499) KB
Pro XML Development with Java Technology
Product Details
Author(s): Ajay Vohra,Deepak Vohra
ISBN: 1590597060
Publisher: Apress
Year: 2006
Pages: 472
Product Description
Pro XML Development with Java Technology has been written to help you, the professional Java developer
who needs a practical hands-on guide to marrying these technologies together effectively. There are
a lot of books out there, but none really explore the combination deeply, and they are largely theoretical.
The main objective here was to consolidate the theory and practice of XML and Java technologies in a single,
up-to-date source, that is firmly grounded in underlying XML concepts, and can be consulted time and
again to rapidly speed up enterprise application development!
It covers all the essential XML topics,
including XML Schemas, addressing of XML documents through XPath, transformation of XML documents
using XSLT stylesheets, storage and retrieval of XML content in native XML and relational databases,
web applications based on Ajax, and SOAP/HTTP and WSDL based Web Services. These XML topics are covered
in he applied context of up-to-date Java technologies, including JAXP, JAXB, XMLBeans, and JAX-WS.
You will find this book useful in building contemporary, service-oriented enterprise applications.
eBook:Apress.Pro.XML.Development.with.Java.Technology.Sep.2006.eBook-BBL hash [BCJ2RHBGRkn5jk+PhpVGPGQTBck]
file:2007_0218_wrz_apr-pro.xml.dev.wit.jav.tec.sep.200.ebo.bbl.izp (9715) KB
Rails Solutions: Ruby on Rails Made Easy (Solutions)
Product Details
Author(s): Justin Williams
ISBN: 1590597524
Publisher: friends of ED
Year: 2007
Pages: 288
Product Description
In this book you'll learn:
How to develop web applications quickly and easily with the Ruby on Rails framework
The basics of programming principles and Ruby syntax, so you can begin to understand what's going on
under the hood
How to implement must-have web application features, such as user accounts, data validation,
sending e-mail, image uploading, and more
How to use Ajax techniques with Rails and when not to use them
How to implement other Web 2.0 features in Rails, such as tag clouds and microformats If you're a web designer
or developer who thinks that the coding involved in developing dynamic web applications is too difficult,
think again. This book, and the framework it covers, is the perfect solution to your needs. Ruby on Rails
provides an easy-to-use method for quickly developing web applications, simplifying potentially
complicated subjects such as web architecture, JavaScript, and SQL/database creation. The simplicity
of Rails belies its power, though--this technology is used by major companies such as 37Signals and Google.
The book provides an introduction to Ruby on Rails with the web designer in mind. Instead of focusing on
the intricate syntax of each method, the book focuses on the tasks you'll want to perform on your website
and then walks you through how to implement that functionality with Rails. Design and usability are kept
in mind throughout, ensuring that your site both looks and works great. The book begins by covering how
to set up your computer as a Rails development environment (including the MySQL database) and then follows
with an introduction to Ruby and the basics of the Rails framework. Next, you are taken through several
practical examples that work together to build up a complete modern web application, covering essential
and useful website features such as user login, adding and editing data, data validation, image uploading,
and much more. The book even covers more-advanced Rails topics such as the Rails test suite, plug-ins
and components, debugging techniques, and deploying your web applications using Capistrano. Summary
of Contents:
Chapter 1: Introduction to Ruby on Rails
Chapter 2: Installing Rails
Chapter 3: Ruby
for Rails Developers
Chapter 4: Getting Started with Rails
Chapter 5: More Advanced Rails
6: Formatting Data
Chapter 7: Introduction to Ajax
Chapter 8: Bringing Forms to Life with Ajax
9: Uploading Files and Sending Attachments
Chapter 10: User Authentication and Session Management
Chapter 11: Customizing Rails Views
Chapter 12: Using Rails Plug-ins and Engines
Chapter 13: Deploying
with Capistrano
Appendix A: Caching Your Content
Appendix B: Testing Rails
eBook:FriendsofED.Rails.Solutions.Ruby.on.Rails.Made.Easy.Jan.2007.eBook-BBL hash [aaPRXQx6E8pqkdFOSbDq5L707iw]
file:2007_0218_wrz_fri-rai.sol.rub.on.rai.mad.eas.jan.200.ebo.bbl.izp (4331) KB
Windows Powershell in Action
Product Details
Author(s): Bruce Payette
ISBN: 1932394907
Publisher: Manning Publications
Year: 2007
Pages: 456
Product Description
PowerShell replaces cobbled-together assemblies of third-party management tools with an elegant
programming language and a powerful scripting shell for the Windows environment. In the tradition of
Manning's ground breaking "In Action" series, this book comes from right from the source. Written by
Bruce Payette, one of principal creators of PowerShell, Windows PowerShell in Action shows you how to
build scripts and utilities to automate system tasks or create powerful system management tools to handle
the day-to-day tasks that drive a Windows administrator's life. Because it's based on the .NET platform,
PowerShell is also a powerful tool for developers and power users. Windows PowerShell in Action was written
by Bruce Payette, one of the founding members of the Windows PowerShell team, co-designer of the PowerShell
language and the principal author of the PowerShell language implementation. The book enables you to
get the most out of the PowerShell environment. Using many examples, both small and large, this book illustrates
the features of the language and environment and shows how to compose those features into solutions,
quickly and effectively. This book is designed for anyone who wants to learn PowerShell and use it well.
Rather than simply being a book of recipes to read and apply, this book gives you the deep knowledge about
how PowerShell works and how to apply it.
eBook:Manning.Windows.PowerShell.in.Action.Feb.2007.eBook-BBL hash [SssGiYeoi/pl4gInwK//Kt3A+Bg]
file:2007_0218_wrz_man-win.pow.in.act.feb.200.ebo.bbl.izp (4173) KB
Microsoft Office Visio 2007 Step by Step (Step By Step (Microsoft))
Product Details
Author(s): Judy Lemke
ISBN: 0735623570
Publisher: Microsoft Press
Year: 2007
Pages: 350
Product Description
The smart way to learn Microsoft Office Visio 2007one step at a time! Work at your own pace through the easy
numbered steps, practice files on CD, helpful hints, and troubleshooting tips to master the fundamentals
of working with the latest version of Office Visio. Youll discover how to create and format shapes and
diagrams, create project schedules with Gantt charts, create organization charts, and lay out office
spaces. Youll also learn the basics of creating network diagrams, integrating data with your diagrams,
and analyzing data with PivotDiagrams. Youll also master building your own templates as well as integrating
Visio diagrams into other Office documents. With Step by Step, you can take just the lessons you need,
or work from cover to cover. Either way, you drive the instruction!
eBook:Microsoft.Press.Microsoft.Office.Visio.2007.Step.by.Step.Feb.2007.eBook-BBL hash [8UKFVCmoqNFQL12gYidibYtCQUg]
file:2007_0218_wrz_mic-pre.mic.off.vis.200.ste.by.ste.feb.200.ebo.bbl.izp (35855) KB
Windows Vista(TM) Administrator's Pocket Consultant (Pro - Administrator's Pocket Consultant)
Product Details
Author(s): William R. Stanek
ISBN: 0735622965
Publisher: Microsoft Press
Year: 2006
Pages: 576
Product Description
Designed as a quick reference that administrators and support professionals can carry wherever they
go, this pocket consultant focuses on the administrative tasks they perform most often. It covers essential
topics for administering Windows Vista, including installation and updates; desktop configuration
and management; hardware and device driver configuration; wired and wireless networking; mobility
and remote access; desktop, laptop, and data security; Internet security; offline files; disk quotas;
shadow copies; and system troubleshooting. Featuring easy-to-scan tables, step-by-step instructions,
and handy lists, this book offers the streamlined, straightforward information you need to solve problems
and get the job donewhether youre at your desk or in the field!
eBook:Microsoft.Press.Windows.Vista.Administrators.Pocket.Consultant.Dec.2006.eBook-BBL hash [pud6/IxtRpCMAwMgN+l2eKCBiEw]
file:2007_0218_wrz_mic-pre.win.vis.adm.poc.con.dec.200.ebo.bbl.izp (9852) KB
Windows Vista(TM) Plain & Simple (Bpg-Plain & Simple)
Product Details
Author(s): Jerry Joyce,Marianne Moon
ISBN: 073562268X
Publisher: Microsoft Press
Year: 2007
Pages: 352
Product Description
Get the fast answersin full colorthat make learning the new Windows Vista operating system plain and
simple! Windows Vista helps you more effectively use your PCwith simple ways to find and use your information,
enjoy your digital media, and connect to technologies and people. This no-nonsense guide helps you learn
the easy way to navigate this new operating system with numbered steps and concise, straightforward
language that show the most expedient ways to learn a new skill or solve a problem. Youll discover how to
perform everyday tasks and answer your own questions quicklylearning the essentials for customizing
your desktop, setting up a home network, managing digital media, publishing files to the Web, and more.
With Plain & Simple, you dont have to wade through superfluous details.
eBook:Microsoft.Press.Windows.Vista.Plain.and.Simple.Jan.2007.eBook-BBL hash [eyrudK3hskmrdBiqTPaQnw0U2RQ]
file:2007_0218_wrz_mic-pre.win.vis.pla.and.sim.jan.200.ebo.bbl.izp (39482) KB
PowerPoint 2007 for Starters: The Missing Manual
Product Details
Author(s): Emily Moore,E Moore
ISBN: 0596528310
Publisher: O'Reilly Media
Year: 2007
Pages: 318
Product Description
Fast-paced and easy to read, this new book teaches you the basics of PowerPoint 2007 so you can start using
the program right away. This concise guide shows readers how to work with PowerPoint's most useful features
and its completely redesigned interface. With clear explanations, step-by-step instructions, lots
of illustrations, and plenty of timesaving advice, PowerPoint 2007 for Starters: The Missing Manual
will quickly teach you to:
Create, save, set up, run, and print a basic bullets-and-background slideshow
Learn how to add pictures, sound, video, animated effects, and controls (buttons and links) to your
Discover how to incorporate text, spreadsheets, and animations created in other programs The
new PowerPoint is radically different from previous versions. Over the past decade, PowerPoint has
grown in complexity, but its once-simple toolbar has been packed with so many features that not even the
pros could find them all. For PowerPoint 2007, Microsoft redesigned the user interface completely,
adding a tabbed toolbar that makes every feature easy to locate. Unfortunately, Microsoft's documentation
is as scant as ever, so even if you find the features you need, you still may not know what to do with them.
But with this book, you can breeze through the new user interface and its timesaving features in no time.
PowerPoint 2007 for Starters: The Missing Manual is the perfect primer for anyone who needs to create
effective presentations.
eBook:OReilly.PowerPoint.2007.for.Starters.The.Missing.Manual.Jan.2007.eBook-BBL hash [BFVfDbqPZPkjdZJdzR3YFVtHaOM]
file:2007_0218_wrz_ore-pow.200.for.sta.the.mis.man.jan.200.ebo.bbl.izp (5710) KB
eBook:OReilly.The.OpenBSD.4.0.Crash.Course.Jan.2007.eBook-BBL hash [YIfyJXRflLqNOWc5qXZteHzZqbQ]
file:2007_0218_wrz_ore-the.ope.4.0.cra.cou.jan.200.ebo.bbl.izp (141) KB
Windows Vista for Starters: The Missing Manual
Product Details
Author(s): David Pogue
ISBN: 0596528264
Publisher: O'Reilly Media
Year: 2007
Pages: 424
Product Description
Fast-paced and easy to use, this concise book teaches you the basics of Windows Vista so you can start using
this operating system right away. Written by "New York Times" columnist, bestselling author, Emmy-winning
CBS News correspondent and Missing Manuals creator David Pogue, the book will help you:
Navigate the
desktop, including the fast, powerful and fully integrated desktop search function
Use the Media Center
to record TV and radio, present photos, play music, and record all of these to a DVD
Breeze across the Web
with the vastly improved Internet Explorer 7 tabbed browser
Become familiar with Vista's beefed up
security, and much more Windows Vista is a vast improvement over its predecessors, with an appealing,
glass-like visual overhaul, superior searching and organization tools, a multimedia and collaboration
suite, and a massive, top-to-bottom security-shield reconstruction. Every corner of the traditional
Windows operating system has been tweaked, overhauled, or replaced entirely. Aimed at new and experienced
computer users alike, Windows Vista for Starters: The Missing Manual is right there when you need it.
This jargon-free book explains Vista's features quickly and clearly -- revealing which work well and
which don't.
eBook:OReilly.Windows.Vista.for.Starters.The.Missing.Manual.Jan.2007.eBook-BBL hash [ERX6JeO4z+CWdJHxSHdXQCEJY4o]
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Learn OpenOffice.org Spreadsheet Macro Programming
Product Details
Author(s): Mark, Alexander Bain
ISBN: 1847190979
Publisher: Packt Publishing
Year: 2006
Pages: 220
Product Description
Learn how to extend and customize Calc, the OpenOffice.org spreadsheet, using OOoBasic, OOo's built-in
programming language. You don't need to be a developer to create useful and powerful routines and applications.
This well structured and practical tutorial will walk you though every step, and inspire you with great
ways to save time and increase your productivity using Calc. Adding macros to your spreadsheets enables
you to add data processing features to your work, automate repetitive tasks, and even create complete
data-driven programs that use the spreadsheet as their back end. This book teaches the OOoBasic language
and the Calc object model, so that you can manipulate spreadsheets and data from within your programs.
You will also see how to create dialog boxes and windows for friendly user interfaces, and how to integrate
your spreadsheets with other applications, for example writing spreadsheet data to a document, or capturing
data from a database, and using the spreadsheet for generating advanced calculations and reports. Calc
is OpenOffice.org's spreadsheet module. Like the rest of OpenOffice.org Calc can be programmed using
the built-in language OOoBasic. Both simple macros and complex applications can be developed in this
language by controlling Calc through its object model. The book is compatible with the commercial version
of OpenOffice.org, StarOffice, and the StarBasic language. This book will show you: How to create custom
Calc applications Creating worksheet functions, automating repetitive tasks, creating new toolbars,
menus, and dialog boxes A complete guide to the IDE, language, and object model Integrating Calc applications
with other components of OpenOffice.org Internet-based collaborative applications How to understand,
use and adapt the increasing number of freely available Calc Macros A fast, fun, and friendly tutorial.
Full of practical, step-by-step examples and clear explanations of all of the important concepts. You
don't need to be a programmer to use this book, but you do need to be familiar with the concept of a program
and how simple things like a loop might work. If all you have is a taster of simple programs from high school
then you will be fine. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Working with OOo's IDE 2 Libraries, Modules, Subroutines, and
Functions 3 The OOo Object Model 4 Using Macros with Spreadsheets 5 Formatting Your Spreadsheets 6 Working
with Databases 7 Working with Other OOo Documents 8 Developing Dialog Boxes 9 Creating a Complete Application
10 Tips and Tricks
eBook:Packt.Publishing.Learn.OpenOffice.org.Spreadsheet.Macro.Programming.Dec.2006.eBook-BBL hash [t1/YxUbPEy0DKlOglAK/7H2rrqs]
file:2007_0218_wrz_pac-pub.lea.ope.org.spr.mac.pro.dec.200.ebo.bbl.izp (8079) KB
Mastering TypoScript: Typo3 Website, Template, and Extension Development
Product Details
Author(s): Daniel, Koch
ISBN: 1904811973
Publisher: Packt Publishing
Year: 2006
Pages: 404
Product Description
TypoScript is a declarative programming language that offers developers, administrators, and designers
full control over the configuration of TYPO3 and its template engine. Only with a good command of TypoScript
can you leverage the powerful capabilities of the TYPO3 engine, to customize and control all aspects
of your TYPO3 sites. If you're serious about TYPO3 as your content platform, you need to master TypoScript.
Free, open-source, flexible, and scalable, TYPO3 is one of the most powerful PHP content management
systems. It is well suited for creating intranets and extranets for the enterprise. While providing
an easy-to-use web interface for non-technical authors and editors of content, its messaging and workflow
system enable shared authoring and collaboration. TYPO3 provides flexible and powerful interfaces
for both content editors and administrators, giving them full control of the core aspects the system.
However for developers who need to customize the system, TYPO3 offers a powerful configuration language
called TypoScript. Good knowledge of TypoScript is really a prerequisite for implementing complex
applications with TYPO3 and gives developers full control over the configuration of TYPO3 and its template
engine. TypoScript enables the complete output template to be created and manipulated, giving you full
control over the layout of the site. TypoScript also allows you to integrate dynamic contents, JavaScript-based
menus, Flash, Graphics, etc. with ease. You have maximum control over the design of the website and can
control all options that would otherwise be addressed by HTML-simple text output, formatting, and much
more. TypoScript also allows you to generate graphics at run time and display different content dynamically.
Written in a clear, easy-to-read style, the book provides step-by-step instructions on using TypoScript
for TYPO3 website development, template and extension development, and back-end and front-end administration.
Each topic is tackled in a clear and practical way with many examples to develop your skills. This book
is suitable for TYPO3 developers, administrators, and designers who want to develop fully featured
TYPO3 websites using the power of TypoScript. A basic knowledge of TYPO3 is expected, and PHP and MySQL
programming experience is useful, though not essential for using this book. TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY
1. Introduction to TypoScript 2. Getting to Know TypoScript 3. Tools and Editors 4. Design Templates
5. Templates 6. Working with Graphics 7. Menus 8. Frames 9. Forms 10. TypoScript and SQL 11. Extensions
12. Barrier Freedom 13. Fine Tuning 14. Customizing the Back End with TSConfig 15. TypoScript Reference
eBook:Packt.Publishing.Mastering.TypoScript.Dec.2006.eBook-BBL hash [Q2S2gWitB0iZSCyqGz0LRlJoBv4]
file:2007_0218_wrz_pac-pub.mas.typ.dec.200.ebo.bbl.izp (4610) KB
Developer's Guide to Web Application Security
Product Details
Author(s): Michael Cross
ISBN: 159749061X
Publisher: Syngress Publishing
Year: 2007
Pages: 489
Product Description
Over 75% of network attacks are targeted at the web application layer. This book provides explicit hacks,
tutorials, penetration tests, and step-by-step demonstrations for security professionals and Web
application developers to defend their most vulnerable applications.This book defines Web application
security, why it should be addressed earlier in the lifecycle in development and quality assurance,
and how it differs from other types of Internet security. Additionally, the book examines the procedures
and technologies that are essential to developing, penetration testing and releasing a secure Web application.
Through a review of recent Web application breaches, the book will expose the prolific methods hackers
use to execute Web attacks using common vulnerabilities such as SQL Injection, Cross-Site Scripting
and Buffer Overflows in the application layer. By taking an in-depth look at the techniques hackers use
to exploit Web applications, readers will be better equipped to protect confidential.* The Yankee Group
estimates the market for Web application-security products and services will grow to $1.74 billion
by 2007 from $140 million in 2002 * Author Matt Fisher is a highly sought after speaker who regularly delivers
Web Application presentations at leading conferences including: Black Hat, TechnoSecurity, CanSec
West, Shmoo Con, Information Security, RSA Conferences, and more * The Companion Web site will have downloadable
code and scripts presented in the book
eBook:Syngress.Publishing.Developers.Guide.to.Web.Application.Security.Jan.2007.eBook-BBL hash [AMQTtYagN4KzboOKhD87cAUiuGk]
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Secure Your Network for Free
Product Details
Author(s): Eric Seagren
ISBN: 1597491233
Publisher: Syngress Publishing
Year: 2007
Pages: 493
Product Description
This is the only book to clearly demonstrate how to get big dollar security for your network using freely
available tools. This is a must have book for any company or person with a limited budget.Network security
is in a constant struggle for budget to get things done. Upper management wants thing to be secure but doesnt
want to pay for it. With this book as a guide, everyone can get what they want. The examples and information
will be of immense value to every small business. It will explain security principles and then demonstrate
how to achieve them using only freely available software.* Teachers you how to implement best of breed
security using tools for free* Ideal for anyone recomending and implementing new technologies within
the company* Companion Web site contains dozens of working scripts and tools
eBook:Syngress.Publishing.Secure.Your.Network.for.Free.Jan.2007.eBook-BBL hash [vzrXIv9sJUp1940Z/AwC2cBhlo4]
file:2007_0218_wrz_syn-pub.sec.you.net.for.fre.jan.200.ebo.bbl.izp (6562) KB
2. ActualTests.Microsoft.070-299.Exam.Q.and.A.02.16.07-DDU
3. Apress.Beginning.Microsoft.Word.Business.Documents.Sep.2006.eBook-BBL
4. Apress.Pr
5. Apress.Pro.XML.Development.with.Java.Technology.Sep.2006.eBook-BBL
6. FriendsofED.Rails.Solutions.Ruby.on.Rails.Made.Easy.Jan.2007.eBook-BBL
7. Manning.Windows.PowerShell.in.Action.Feb.2007.eBook-BBL
8. Microsoft.Press.Microsoft.Office.Visio.2007.Step.by.Step.Feb.2007.eBook-BBL
9. Microsoft.Press.Windows.Vista.Administrators.Pocket.Consultant.Dec.2006.eBook-BBL
10. Microsoft.Press.Windows.Vista.Plain.and.Simple.Jan.2007.eBook-BBL
11. OReilly.PowerPoint.2007.for.Starters.The.Missing.Manual.Jan.2007.eBook-BBL
12. OReilly.The.OpenBSD.4.0.Crash.Course.Jan.2007.eBook-BBL
13. OReilly.Windows.Vista.for.Starters.The.Missing.Manual.Jan.2007.eBook-BBL
14. Packt.Publishing.Learn.OpenOffice.org.Spreadsheet.Macro.Programming.Dec.2006.eBook-BBL
15. Packt.Publishing.Mastering.TypoScript.Dec.2006.eBook-BBL
16. Syngress.Publishing.Developers.Guide.to.Web.Application.Security.Jan.2007.eBook-BBL
17. Syngress.Publishing.Secure.Your.Network.for.Free.Jan.2007.eBook-BBL
eBook:ActualTests.Microsoft.070-225.Exam.Q.and.A.02.15.07-DDU hash [69xGbEo8Y9iLwMePhZWxtdt+zDY]
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eBook:ActualTests.Microsoft.070-299.Exam.Q.and.A.02.16.07-DDU hash [MH3DGmq/a8A3r7mkVfUKhMCSYYE]
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Beginning Microsoft Word Business Documents (Beginning: from Novice to Professional)
Product Details
Author(s): James J. Marshall
ISBN: 1590597281
Publisher: Apress
Year: 2006
Pages: 216
Product Description
Beginning Microsoft Word Business Documents is filled with practical applications of Word's many features.
It walks you through the creation of professional documents such as business plans, legal documents,
newsletters, and grants. You'll also learn how to use surveys and forms to gather information.
chapter of the book may be read on its own--so you can navigate your own learning path. This book focuses
on streamlining the document creation process, and timesaving tips will help you work with large documents
and use existing documents to create future documents. An intermediate-level knowledge of Word is assumed.
eBook:Apress.Beginning.Microsoft.Word.Business.Documents.Sep.2006.eBook-BBL hash [uKa/XWLlnScErhq95JG807WTOG0]
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Pro OGRE 3D Programming (Pro)
Product Details
Author(s): Gregory Junker
ISBN: 1590597109
Publisher: Apress
Year: 2006
Pages: 312
Product Description
Pro OGRE 3D Programming is your detailed guide to utilizing the OGRE 3D engine, one of the best-in-breed
3D rendering libraries available. You'll learn what OGRE is, and more importantly, what it is not. OGRE
gives you an object-oriented interface to render 3D scenes independent of the implementation, such
as Direct3D or OpenGL. OGRE is available on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. It can be utilized to create a variety
of 3D-based applications and is commonly used in game creation.
This book covers OGRE from obtaining
the source to polishing the final product. If you are an aspiring game programmer with beginner/intermediate-level
knowledge of game design practices and intermediate-level knowledge of the C++ language, this is the
book for you. Familiarity with open source project management tools such as CVS and Subversion will also
help you to digest the material. Included with the book is a ready-to-use Utility Toolkit class library
useful for jumpstarting OGRE-based programs. You'll also find discussion of OGRE's capabilities from
the perspective of a content creator, not just a programmer.
The content of this book was reviewed prior
to publication by Steve Streeting, founder and lead developer of the OGRE 3D project.
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Pro XML Development with Java Technology
Product Details
Author(s): Ajay Vohra,Deepak Vohra
ISBN: 1590597060
Publisher: Apress
Year: 2006
Pages: 472
Product Description
Pro XML Development with Java Technology has been written to help you, the professional Java developer
who needs a practical hands-on guide to marrying these technologies together effectively. There are
a lot of books out there, but none really explore the combination deeply, and they are largely theoretical.
The main objective here was to consolidate the theory and practice of XML and Java technologies in a single,
up-to-date source, that is firmly grounded in underlying XML concepts, and can be consulted time and
again to rapidly speed up enterprise application development!
It covers all the essential XML topics,
including XML Schemas, addressing of XML documents through XPath, transformation of XML documents
using XSLT stylesheets, storage and retrieval of XML content in native XML and relational databases,
web applications based on Ajax, and SOAP/HTTP and WSDL based Web Services. These XML topics are covered
in he applied context of up-to-date Java technologies, including JAXP, JAXB, XMLBeans, and JAX-WS.
You will find this book useful in building contemporary, service-oriented enterprise applications.
eBook:Apress.Pro.XML.Development.with.Java.Technology.Sep.2006.eBook-BBL hash [BCJ2RHBGRkn5jk+PhpVGPGQTBck]
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Rails Solutions: Ruby on Rails Made Easy (Solutions)
Product Details
Author(s): Justin Williams
ISBN: 1590597524
Publisher: friends of ED
Year: 2007
Pages: 288
Product Description
In this book you'll learn:
How to develop web applications quickly and easily with the Ruby on Rails framework
The basics of programming principles and Ruby syntax, so you can begin to understand what's going on
under the hood
How to implement must-have web application features, such as user accounts, data validation,
sending e-mail, image uploading, and more
How to use Ajax techniques with Rails and when not to use them
How to implement other Web 2.0 features in Rails, such as tag clouds and microformats If you're a web designer
or developer who thinks that the coding involved in developing dynamic web applications is too difficult,
think again. This book, and the framework it covers, is the perfect solution to your needs. Ruby on Rails
provides an easy-to-use method for quickly developing web applications, simplifying potentially
complicated subjects such as web architecture, JavaScript, and SQL/database creation. The simplicity
of Rails belies its power, though--this technology is used by major companies such as 37Signals and Google.
The book provides an introduction to Ruby on Rails with the web designer in mind. Instead of focusing on
the intricate syntax of each method, the book focuses on the tasks you'll want to perform on your website
and then walks you through how to implement that functionality with Rails. Design and usability are kept
in mind throughout, ensuring that your site both looks and works great. The book begins by covering how
to set up your computer as a Rails development environment (including the MySQL database) and then follows
with an introduction to Ruby and the basics of the Rails framework. Next, you are taken through several
practical examples that work together to build up a complete modern web application, covering essential
and useful website features such as user login, adding and editing data, data validation, image uploading,
and much more. The book even covers more-advanced Rails topics such as the Rails test suite, plug-ins
and components, debugging techniques, and deploying your web applications using Capistrano. Summary
of Contents:
Chapter 1: Introduction to Ruby on Rails
Chapter 2: Installing Rails
Chapter 3: Ruby
for Rails Developers
Chapter 4: Getting Started with Rails
Chapter 5: More Advanced Rails
6: Formatting Data
Chapter 7: Introduction to Ajax
Chapter 8: Bringing Forms to Life with Ajax
9: Uploading Files and Sending Attachments
Chapter 10: User Authentication and Session Management
Chapter 11: Customizing Rails Views
Chapter 12: Using Rails Plug-ins and Engines
Chapter 13: Deploying
with Capistrano
Appendix A: Caching Your Content
Appendix B: Testing Rails
eBook:FriendsofED.Rails.Solutions.Ruby.on.Rails.Made.Easy.Jan.2007.eBook-BBL hash [aaPRXQx6E8pqkdFOSbDq5L707iw]
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Windows Powershell in Action
Product Details
Author(s): Bruce Payette
ISBN: 1932394907
Publisher: Manning Publications
Year: 2007
Pages: 456
Product Description
PowerShell replaces cobbled-together assemblies of third-party management tools with an elegant
programming language and a powerful scripting shell for the Windows environment. In the tradition of
Manning's ground breaking "In Action" series, this book comes from right from the source. Written by
Bruce Payette, one of principal creators of PowerShell, Windows PowerShell in Action shows you how to
build scripts and utilities to automate system tasks or create powerful system management tools to handle
the day-to-day tasks that drive a Windows administrator's life. Because it's based on the .NET platform,
PowerShell is also a powerful tool for developers and power users. Windows PowerShell in Action was written
by Bruce Payette, one of the founding members of the Windows PowerShell team, co-designer of the PowerShell
language and the principal author of the PowerShell language implementation. The book enables you to
get the most out of the PowerShell environment. Using many examples, both small and large, this book illustrates
the features of the language and environment and shows how to compose those features into solutions,
quickly and effectively. This book is designed for anyone who wants to learn PowerShell and use it well.
Rather than simply being a book of recipes to read and apply, this book gives you the deep knowledge about
how PowerShell works and how to apply it.
eBook:Manning.Windows.PowerShell.in.Action.Feb.2007.eBook-BBL hash [SssGiYeoi/pl4gInwK//Kt3A+Bg]
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Microsoft Office Visio 2007 Step by Step (Step By Step (Microsoft))
Product Details
Author(s): Judy Lemke
ISBN: 0735623570
Publisher: Microsoft Press
Year: 2007
Pages: 350
Product Description
The smart way to learn Microsoft Office Visio 2007one step at a time! Work at your own pace through the easy
numbered steps, practice files on CD, helpful hints, and troubleshooting tips to master the fundamentals
of working with the latest version of Office Visio. Youll discover how to create and format shapes and
diagrams, create project schedules with Gantt charts, create organization charts, and lay out office
spaces. Youll also learn the basics of creating network diagrams, integrating data with your diagrams,
and analyzing data with PivotDiagrams. Youll also master building your own templates as well as integrating
Visio diagrams into other Office documents. With Step by Step, you can take just the lessons you need,
or work from cover to cover. Either way, you drive the instruction!
eBook:Microsoft.Press.Microsoft.Office.Visio.2007.Step.by.Step.Feb.2007.eBook-BBL hash [8UKFVCmoqNFQL12gYidibYtCQUg]
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Windows Vista(TM) Administrator's Pocket Consultant (Pro - Administrator's Pocket Consultant)
Product Details
Author(s): William R. Stanek
ISBN: 0735622965
Publisher: Microsoft Press
Year: 2006
Pages: 576
Product Description
Designed as a quick reference that administrators and support professionals can carry wherever they
go, this pocket consultant focuses on the administrative tasks they perform most often. It covers essential
topics for administering Windows Vista, including installation and updates; desktop configuration
and management; hardware and device driver configuration; wired and wireless networking; mobility
and remote access; desktop, laptop, and data security; Internet security; offline files; disk quotas;
shadow copies; and system troubleshooting. Featuring easy-to-scan tables, step-by-step instructions,
and handy lists, this book offers the streamlined, straightforward information you need to solve problems
and get the job donewhether youre at your desk or in the field!
eBook:Microsoft.Press.Windows.Vista.Administrators.Pocket.Consultant.Dec.2006.eBook-BBL hash [pud6/IxtRpCMAwMgN+l2eKCBiEw]
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Windows Vista(TM) Plain & Simple (Bpg-Plain & Simple)
Product Details
Author(s): Jerry Joyce,Marianne Moon
ISBN: 073562268X
Publisher: Microsoft Press
Year: 2007
Pages: 352
Product Description
Get the fast answersin full colorthat make learning the new Windows Vista operating system plain and
simple! Windows Vista helps you more effectively use your PCwith simple ways to find and use your information,
enjoy your digital media, and connect to technologies and people. This no-nonsense guide helps you learn
the easy way to navigate this new operating system with numbered steps and concise, straightforward
language that show the most expedient ways to learn a new skill or solve a problem. Youll discover how to
perform everyday tasks and answer your own questions quicklylearning the essentials for customizing
your desktop, setting up a home network, managing digital media, publishing files to the Web, and more.
With Plain & Simple, you dont have to wade through superfluous details.
eBook:Microsoft.Press.Windows.Vista.Plain.and.Simple.Jan.2007.eBook-BBL hash [eyrudK3hskmrdBiqTPaQnw0U2RQ]
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PowerPoint 2007 for Starters: The Missing Manual
Product Details
Author(s): Emily Moore,E Moore
ISBN: 0596528310
Publisher: O'Reilly Media
Year: 2007
Pages: 318
Product Description
Fast-paced and easy to read, this new book teaches you the basics of PowerPoint 2007 so you can start using
the program right away. This concise guide shows readers how to work with PowerPoint's most useful features
and its completely redesigned interface. With clear explanations, step-by-step instructions, lots
of illustrations, and plenty of timesaving advice, PowerPoint 2007 for Starters: The Missing Manual
will quickly teach you to:
Create, save, set up, run, and print a basic bullets-and-background slideshow
Learn how to add pictures, sound, video, animated effects, and controls (buttons and links) to your
Discover how to incorporate text, spreadsheets, and animations created in other programs The
new PowerPoint is radically different from previous versions. Over the past decade, PowerPoint has
grown in complexity, but its once-simple toolbar has been packed with so many features that not even the
pros could find them all. For PowerPoint 2007, Microsoft redesigned the user interface completely,
adding a tabbed toolbar that makes every feature easy to locate. Unfortunately, Microsoft's documentation
is as scant as ever, so even if you find the features you need, you still may not know what to do with them.
But with this book, you can breeze through the new user interface and its timesaving features in no time.
PowerPoint 2007 for Starters: The Missing Manual is the perfect primer for anyone who needs to create
effective presentations.
eBook:OReilly.PowerPoint.2007.for.Starters.The.Missing.Manual.Jan.2007.eBook-BBL hash [BFVfDbqPZPkjdZJdzR3YFVtHaOM]
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eBook:OReilly.The.OpenBSD.4.0.Crash.Course.Jan.2007.eBook-BBL hash [YIfyJXRflLqNOWc5qXZteHzZqbQ]
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Windows Vista for Starters: The Missing Manual
Product Details
Author(s): David Pogue
ISBN: 0596528264
Publisher: O'Reilly Media
Year: 2007
Pages: 424
Product Description
Fast-paced and easy to use, this concise book teaches you the basics of Windows Vista so you can start using
this operating system right away. Written by "New York Times" columnist, bestselling author, Emmy-winning
CBS News correspondent and Missing Manuals creator David Pogue, the book will help you:
Navigate the
desktop, including the fast, powerful and fully integrated desktop search function
Use the Media Center
to record TV and radio, present photos, play music, and record all of these to a DVD
Breeze across the Web
with the vastly improved Internet Explorer 7 tabbed browser
Become familiar with Vista's beefed up
security, and much more Windows Vista is a vast improvement over its predecessors, with an appealing,
glass-like visual overhaul, superior searching and organization tools, a multimedia and collaboration
suite, and a massive, top-to-bottom security-shield reconstruction. Every corner of the traditional
Windows operating system has been tweaked, overhauled, or replaced entirely. Aimed at new and experienced
computer users alike, Windows Vista for Starters: The Missing Manual is right there when you need it.
This jargon-free book explains Vista's features quickly and clearly -- revealing which work well and
which don't.
eBook:OReilly.Windows.Vista.for.Starters.The.Missing.Manual.Jan.2007.eBook-BBL hash [ERX6JeO4z+CWdJHxSHdXQCEJY4o]
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Learn OpenOffice.org Spreadsheet Macro Programming
Product Details
Author(s): Mark, Alexander Bain
ISBN: 1847190979
Publisher: Packt Publishing
Year: 2006
Pages: 220
Product Description
Learn how to extend and customize Calc, the OpenOffice.org spreadsheet, using OOoBasic, OOo's built-in
programming language. You don't need to be a developer to create useful and powerful routines and applications.
This well structured and practical tutorial will walk you though every step, and inspire you with great
ways to save time and increase your productivity using Calc. Adding macros to your spreadsheets enables
you to add data processing features to your work, automate repetitive tasks, and even create complete
data-driven programs that use the spreadsheet as their back end. This book teaches the OOoBasic language
and the Calc object model, so that you can manipulate spreadsheets and data from within your programs.
You will also see how to create dialog boxes and windows for friendly user interfaces, and how to integrate
your spreadsheets with other applications, for example writing spreadsheet data to a document, or capturing
data from a database, and using the spreadsheet for generating advanced calculations and reports. Calc
is OpenOffice.org's spreadsheet module. Like the rest of OpenOffice.org Calc can be programmed using
the built-in language OOoBasic. Both simple macros and complex applications can be developed in this
language by controlling Calc through its object model. The book is compatible with the commercial version
of OpenOffice.org, StarOffice, and the StarBasic language. This book will show you: How to create custom
Calc applications Creating worksheet functions, automating repetitive tasks, creating new toolbars,
menus, and dialog boxes A complete guide to the IDE, language, and object model Integrating Calc applications
with other components of OpenOffice.org Internet-based collaborative applications How to understand,
use and adapt the increasing number of freely available Calc Macros A fast, fun, and friendly tutorial.
Full of practical, step-by-step examples and clear explanations of all of the important concepts. You
don't need to be a programmer to use this book, but you do need to be familiar with the concept of a program
and how simple things like a loop might work. If all you have is a taster of simple programs from high school
then you will be fine. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Working with OOo's IDE 2 Libraries, Modules, Subroutines, and
Functions 3 The OOo Object Model 4 Using Macros with Spreadsheets 5 Formatting Your Spreadsheets 6 Working
with Databases 7 Working with Other OOo Documents 8 Developing Dialog Boxes 9 Creating a Complete Application
10 Tips and Tricks
eBook:Packt.Publishing.Learn.OpenOffice.org.Spreadsheet.Macro.Programming.Dec.2006.eBook-BBL hash [t1/YxUbPEy0DKlOglAK/7H2rrqs]
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Mastering TypoScript: Typo3 Website, Template, and Extension Development
Product Details
Author(s): Daniel, Koch
ISBN: 1904811973
Publisher: Packt Publishing
Year: 2006
Pages: 404
Product Description
TypoScript is a declarative programming language that offers developers, administrators, and designers
full control over the configuration of TYPO3 and its template engine. Only with a good command of TypoScript
can you leverage the powerful capabilities of the TYPO3 engine, to customize and control all aspects
of your TYPO3 sites. If you're serious about TYPO3 as your content platform, you need to master TypoScript.
Free, open-source, flexible, and scalable, TYPO3 is one of the most powerful PHP content management
systems. It is well suited for creating intranets and extranets for the enterprise. While providing
an easy-to-use web interface for non-technical authors and editors of content, its messaging and workflow
system enable shared authoring and collaboration. TYPO3 provides flexible and powerful interfaces
for both content editors and administrators, giving them full control of the core aspects the system.
However for developers who need to customize the system, TYPO3 offers a powerful configuration language
called TypoScript. Good knowledge of TypoScript is really a prerequisite for implementing complex
applications with TYPO3 and gives developers full control over the configuration of TYPO3 and its template
engine. TypoScript enables the complete output template to be created and manipulated, giving you full
control over the layout of the site. TypoScript also allows you to integrate dynamic contents, JavaScript-based
menus, Flash, Graphics, etc. with ease. You have maximum control over the design of the website and can
control all options that would otherwise be addressed by HTML-simple text output, formatting, and much
more. TypoScript also allows you to generate graphics at run time and display different content dynamically.
Written in a clear, easy-to-read style, the book provides step-by-step instructions on using TypoScript
for TYPO3 website development, template and extension development, and back-end and front-end administration.
Each topic is tackled in a clear and practical way with many examples to develop your skills. This book
is suitable for TYPO3 developers, administrators, and designers who want to develop fully featured
TYPO3 websites using the power of TypoScript. A basic knowledge of TYPO3 is expected, and PHP and MySQL
programming experience is useful, though not essential for using this book. TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY
1. Introduction to TypoScript 2. Getting to Know TypoScript 3. Tools and Editors 4. Design Templates
5. Templates 6. Working with Graphics 7. Menus 8. Frames 9. Forms 10. TypoScript and SQL 11. Extensions
12. Barrier Freedom 13. Fine Tuning 14. Customizing the Back End with TSConfig 15. TypoScript Reference
eBook:Packt.Publishing.Mastering.TypoScript.Dec.2006.eBook-BBL hash [Q2S2gWitB0iZSCyqGz0LRlJoBv4]
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Developer's Guide to Web Application Security
Product Details
Author(s): Michael Cross
ISBN: 159749061X
Publisher: Syngress Publishing
Year: 2007
Pages: 489
Product Description
Over 75% of network attacks are targeted at the web application layer. This book provides explicit hacks,
tutorials, penetration tests, and step-by-step demonstrations for security professionals and Web
application developers to defend their most vulnerable applications.This book defines Web application
security, why it should be addressed earlier in the lifecycle in development and quality assurance,
and how it differs from other types of Internet security. Additionally, the book examines the procedures
and technologies that are essential to developing, penetration testing and releasing a secure Web application.
Through a review of recent Web application breaches, the book will expose the prolific methods hackers
use to execute Web attacks using common vulnerabilities such as SQL Injection, Cross-Site Scripting
and Buffer Overflows in the application layer. By taking an in-depth look at the techniques hackers use
to exploit Web applications, readers will be better equipped to protect confidential.* The Yankee Group
estimates the market for Web application-security products and services will grow to $1.74 billion
by 2007 from $140 million in 2002 * Author Matt Fisher is a highly sought after speaker who regularly delivers
Web Application presentations at leading conferences including: Black Hat, TechnoSecurity, CanSec
West, Shmoo Con, Information Security, RSA Conferences, and more * The Companion Web site will have downloadable
code and scripts presented in the book
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Secure Your Network for Free
Product Details
Author(s): Eric Seagren
ISBN: 1597491233
Publisher: Syngress Publishing
Year: 2007
Pages: 493
Product Description
This is the only book to clearly demonstrate how to get big dollar security for your network using freely
available tools. This is a must have book for any company or person with a limited budget.Network security
is in a constant struggle for budget to get things done. Upper management wants thing to be secure but doesnt
want to pay for it. With this book as a guide, everyone can get what they want. The examples and information
will be of immense value to every small business. It will explain security principles and then demonstrate
how to achieve them using only freely available software.* Teachers you how to implement best of breed
security using tools for free* Ideal for anyone recomending and implementing new technologies within
the company* Companion Web site contains dozens of working scripts and tools
eBook:Syngress.Publishing.Secure.Your.Network.for.Free.Jan.2007.eBook-BBL hash [vzrXIv9sJUp1940Z/AwC2cBhlo4]
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