- Thread starter
- #1,001
1. Auerbach.Comprehensive.Glossary.of.Telecom.Abbreviations.and.Acronyms.Sep.2007.eBook-BBL
2. Auerbach.Implementation.and.Applications.of.DSL.Technology.Oct.2007.eBook-BBL
3. Auerbach.WiMAX.A.Wireless.Technology.Revolution.Oct.2007.eBook-BBL
4. CRC.Press.Process.Engineering.and.Design.Using.Visual.Basic.Oct.2007.eBook-BBL
5. CRC.Press.Programming.ArcObjects.with.VBA.2nd.Edition.Aug.2007.eBook-BBL
6. Digital.Press.Microsoft.SQL.Server.2005.Performance.Optimization.and.Tuning.Handbook.Apr.2007.eBook-BBL
7. Focal.Press.Adobe.Photoshop.Lightroom.1.1.for.the.Professional.Photographer.Oct.2007.eBook-BBL
8. Focal.Press.Creating.Motion.Graphics.with.After.Effects.4th.Edition.Nov.2007.eBook-BBL
9. Focal.Press.Final.Cut.Pro.Workflows.The.Independent.Studio.Handbook.Nov.2007.eBook-BBL
10. Focal.Press.Final.Cut.Studi
11. MIT.Press.Using.OpenMP.Portable.Shared.Memory.Parallel.Programming.Oct.2007.eBook-BBL
12. Newnes.The.RF.in.RFID.Passive.UHF.RFID.in.Practice.Sep.2007.eBook-BBL
13. Newnes.Wireless.Networking.Sep.2007.eBook-BBL
14. Peachpit.Press.Creating.Spreadsheets.and.Charts.in.Microsoft.Office.Excel.2007.for.Windows.Jan.2007.eBook-BBL
15. Peachpit.Press.Moving.to.Microsoft.Windows.Vista.Mar.2007.eBook-BBL
Comprehensive Glossary of Telecom Abbreviations and Acronyms
Product Details
Author(s): Ali Akbar Arabi
ISBN: 1420058665
ISBN-13: 9781420058666
Publisher: AUERBACH
Year: 2007
Pages: 408
Product Description
Abbreviations contribute to enhanced efficiency of writing, reading, and speaking, as well as greater
comprehension of technical and scientific articles, reports, and lectures. They serve to reduce the
time and cost of writing, typing, editing, and composition resetting. They also decrease the space required
for texts, tables, and diagrams. As such, abbreviations are beneficial tools that enhance the dynamics
of technical language. The Comprehensive Glossary of Telecom Abbreviations and Acronyms is a collection
of over 16,000 entries that cover the fields of telecommunications, satellite communications, marine
communications, radar and military communications, avionics, electronics, computer, Internet,
radio and television broadcasting, fiber optics communications, information technology (IT), Information
Communication Technology (ICT), remote sensing, cellular networks, Specialized Mobile Radio (SMR),
and ham radio. It pays particular attention to the abbreviations used in ITU, Intelsat, IMO, IMSO, and
APSCC documents. The glossary also contains abbreviations commonly found in telecom magazines, contracts,
and financial documents. In addition, it includes entries that reflect the common terminology used
by major telecom companies and operators, as well as those used by specialized institutions and standard
organizations such as IEEE, ETSI, IETF, ISO, and GSM. It also includes abbreviations on new technologies.
A thorough and essential reference, the Comprehensive Glossary of Telecom Abbreviations and Acronyms
helps keep engineers, technical writers, technicians, and university students up to speed on the vast
amount of terminology that comes their way.
eBook:Auerbach.Comprehensive.Glossary.of.Telecom.Abbreviations.and.Acronyms.Sep.2007.eBook-BBL hash [1CuTxH5CHwmw70OJzrhwnn7SHuk]
file:2007_1208_1_wrz_aue-com.glo.of.tel.abb.and.acr.sep.200.ebo.bbl.izp (3219) KB
Implementation and Applications of DSL Technology
Product Details
ISBN: 0849334233
ISBN-13: 9780849334238
Publisher: CRC
Year: 2007
Pages: 816
Product Description
This book offers deep industrial insight into the development of DSL technologies and their related
applications in the telecommunications industry. It compiles the expertise of industry specialists
from various perspectives, including chip designers, information theorists, systems engineers,
service providers and more. It addresses in a rigorous manner specific issues that have been fundamental
in the success of DSL technology, including insights into the theory that sustains DSL development,
constraints, and challenges. It also offers a vast array of information not currently in the public domain,
including the results of many years of practical experience that has never before been put to paper.
eBook:Auerbach.Implementation.and.Applications.of.DSL.Technology.Oct.2007.eBook-BBL hash [g3kgXJtgeHsCt2SMHRfql4wSY68]
file:2007_1208_1_wrz_aue-imp.and.app.of.dsl.tec.oct.200.ebo.bbl.izp (10518) KB
WiMAX: A Wireless Technology Revolution
Product Details
Author(s): G.S.V. Radha Krishna Rao,G. Radhamani
ISBN: 0849370590
ISBN-13: 9780849370595
Publisher: AUERBACH
Year: 2007
Pages: 400
Product Description
The demand for broadband connectivity is growing rapidly, but cannot be met effectively by existing
wireline technology. WiMAX has the potential to provide widespread Internet access that can usher in
economic growth, better education and healthcare, and improved entertainment services. Examining
the technology's global development and deployment activities, WiMAX: A Wireless Technology Revolution
presents its unique features and evaluates its revolutionary approach over contemporary technologies.
The book covers the mission, product, and services of WiMAX, as well as specific features such as security
and mobility. It discusses the implementation of the IEEE 802.16 standard and also explores how WiMax
stacks up to 3G and 4G and the economic and opportunity costs. This reference also analyzes the future
prospects of WiMAX and its contribution to the wireless and mobile communication technology field.
It is a must-have resource for those who are either intrigued or involved with this standards-based technology
that has the ability to provide high-throughput broadband connections over long distances.
eBook:Auerbach.WiMAX.A.Wireless.Technology.Revolution.Oct.2007.eBook-BBL hash [gDtDm5nmJsnnUSYYBN5STuMHI6g]
file:2007_1208_1_wrz_aue-wim.a.wir.tec.rev.oct.200.ebo.bbl.izp (5907) KB
Process Engineering and Design Using Visual Basic
Product Details
Author(s): Arun K. Datta
ISBN: 1420045423
ISBN-13: 9781420045420
Publisher: CRC
Year: 2007
Pages: 472
Product Description
Software tools are a great aid to process engineers, but too much dependence on such tools can often lead
to inappropriate and suboptimal designs. Reliance on software is also a hindrance without a firm understanding
of the principles underlying its operation, since users are still responsible for devising the design.
In Process Engineering and Design Using Visual Basic, Arun K. Datta provides a unique and versatile suite
of programs along with simultaneous development of the underlying concepts, principles, and mathematics.
Each chapter details the theory and techniques that provide the basis for design and engineering software
and then showcases the development and utility of programs developed using the material outlined in
the chapter. This all-inclusive guide works systematically from basic mathematics to fluid mechanics,
separators, overpressure protection, and glycol dehydration, providing basic design guidelines
based on international codes. Worked examples demonstrate the utility of each program, while the author
also explains problems and limitations associated with the simulations. After reading this book you
will be able to immediately put these programs into action and have total confidence in the result, regardless
of your level of experience. All nine programs are available on the companion CD-ROM, including a useful
unit conversion tool.
eBook:CRC.Press.Process.Engineering.and.Design.Using.Visual.Basic.Oct.2007.eBook-BBL hash [OffipOJEx5SFO39iCwY0tfggh/M]
file:2007_1208_1_wrz_crc-pre.pro.eng.and.des.usi.vis.bas.oct.200.ebo.bbl.izp (13253) KB
Programming ArcObjects with VBA: A Task-Oriented Approach, Second Edition
Product Details
Author(s): Kang-Tsung Chang
ISBN: 0849392837
ISBN-13: 9780849392832
Publisher: CRC
Year: 2007
Pages: 360
Product Description
If you're ready to take your knowledge of ArcGIS to the next level, then you need to learn how to work with
ArcObjects. But with thousands of objects, properties, and methods, how can you ever hope to sort through
the ArcObjects model diagrams? The first edition of Chang's Programming ArcObjects with VBA: A Task-Oriented
Approach gave us the answer. The author's task-oriented approach shows you how to sort through the massive
ArcObjects collection by examining only the objects, properties, and methods you need to perform specific
tasks. What's new in the second edition? This edition adds macros and explanations for the new Geoprocessing
object introduced in ArcGIS 9.x. Instead of treating this new feature in separate chapters, the author
incorporates Geoprocessing code into the existing chapters. The code appears conveniently in boxes
that allow you to easily compare sample macros. Get Started with Ready-to-Use Code The companion CD-ROM
contains 95 complete ArcObjects macros and 33 Geoprocessing macros, along with datasets to execute
the code. Each program begins with a short usage description and a list of key properties and methods,
followed by the listing and explanation of the code itself. Regardless of your programming experience,
Programming ArcObjects with VBA: A Task-Oriented Approach, Second Edition gives you the key to unlock
the power and versatility of using ArcObjects to help you manage GIS activities.
eBook:CRC.Press.Programming.ArcObjects.with.VBA.2nd.Edition.Aug.2007.eBook-BBL hash [Zr1Zc8HODfMXClu8AYBf2VxgwZ8]
file:2007_1208_1_wrz_crc-pre.pro.arc.wit.vba.2nd.edi.aug.200.ebo.bbl.izp (4330) KB
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Performance Optimization and Tuning Handbook
Product Details
Author(s): Ken England,Gavin JT Powell
ISBN: 1555583199
ISBN-13: 9781555583194
Publisher: Digital Press
Year: 2007
Pages: 520
Product Description
Database professionals will find that this new edition aids in mastering the latest version of Microsofts
SQL Server. Developers and database administrators (DBAs) use SQL on a daily basis in application development
and the subsequent problem solving and fine tuning. Answers to SQL issues can be quickly located helping
the DBA or developer optimize and tune a database to maximum efficiency.Basic questions are easily located
on the topics of filtering, sorting, operators, conditionals, pseudo columns, single row functions,
joins, grouping functions, sub queries, composite queries, hierarchies, flashback queries, parallel
queries, expressions and regular expressions. Assistance on DML, data types (including collections),
XML, DDL for basic database objects such as tales, views and indexes, partitioning, and security is also
considered.* Identifies the most common issues DBAs face day to day for easy reference*Provides DBAs
with solutions actually used by the authors in enterprise environments to resolve common and specialized
problems to optimization issues.* Addresses issues that have been introduced by new features which
can add more control but reduce performance.
eBook:Digital.Press.Microsoft.SQL.Server.2005.Performance.Optimization.and.Tuning.Handbook.Apr.2007.eBook-BBL hash [V8VHNwtKAJM5ambFrdQUIIKX+vw]
file:2007_1208_1_wrz_dig-pre.mic.sql.ser.200.per.opt.and.tun.han.apr.200.ebo.bbl.izp (3777) KB
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 1.1 for the Professional Photographer
Product Details
Author(s): David Huss,David Plotkin
ISBN: 024052067X
ISBN-13: 9780240520674
Publisher: Focal Press
Year: 2007
Pages: 208
Product Description
Delve into the ultimate guide for professional photographers Harness the power and flexibility of the
latest version of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, version 1.1, with this expert guide. Professional photographers
David Huss and David Plotkin show you how to work smarter, faster, and more creatively with their personal
tips, tricks, and techniques that you can incorporate into your own workflow. Adobe Photoshop Lightroom
1.1 is a powerful tool that you can integrate into your existing workflow to increase your productivity
and improve the overall quality of your work. With this ultimate resource by your side, youll learn how
to:Organize, adjust, process, output, and share digital pictures like the top professionalsPersonalize
Lightroom with a custom Identity plateSeamlessly transition between Lightroom and your favorite photo
editorQuickly view and compare multiple shots, pairing selections down to your best work Correct images,
adjust white balance, and fine-tune tone, balance, and exposure, crop and undoall without altering
your originals!Automate your workflow by applying image adjustments to multiple photosOutput proof
and contact sheets Develop, print and display your digital pictures for friends and clients, all the
while saving valuable time Create slide shows and web postings And much more.. As you move from traditional
separate image editing applications to this next generation software that was designed specifically
for photographers, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 1.1 for the Professional Photographer unveils insider
secrets and expert advice in this highly visual guide.David Huss is a professional photographer and
author who has written more than 30 books. His work has been translated into eight languages.David Plotkin
is a technical editor, photographer, and software writer who has written five books and numerous articles.*The
most comprehensive guide available on Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, fully up-to-date with all of the new
features of version 1.1 *Learn how to integrate this powerful software into your own workflow to maximize
your productivity *Written by two industry experts and packed with inspiring images to show you what
you can achieve with Lightroom 1.1 and this handy guide by your side!
eBook:Focal.Press.Adobe.Photoshop.Lightroom.1.1.for.the.Professional.Photographer.Oct.2007.eBook-BBL hash [uU7FmDmnkhsFvro+RY0hXAxeW18]
file:2007_1208_1_wrz_foc-pre.ado.pho.lig.1.1.for.the.pro.pho.oct.200.ebo.bbl.izp (15121) KB
Creating Motion Graphics with After Effects, Fourth Edition: Essential and Advanced Techniques
Product Details
Author(s): Chris & Trish Meyer
ISBN: 0240810104
ISBN-13: 9780240810102
Publisher: Focal Press
Year: 2007
Pages: 704
Product Description
Trish and Chris Meyer share fifteen years of real-world film and video production experience inside
the critically acclaimed Creating Motion Graphics with After Effects. More than a step-by-step review
of the features in After Effects, you will learn how the program thinks so that you can realize your own
visions more quickly and efficiently. This full-color book is jammed full of tips, gotchas, and sage
advice that will help you survive whatever your next project throws at you. Creating Motion Graphics
4th Edition has been heavily revised, reuniting the previous two volumes plus adding detailed coverage
of new features introduced in After Effects 7 and CS3 Professional to form one massive, essential reference.
The enclosed DVD-ROM contains source footage and project files for the numerous exercises which help
reinforce each concept. The DVD also includes over 180 pages of additional information, including lengthy
Bonus Chapters onExpressions and Effects.* Mastering animation through the use of keyframes, motion
paths, and the Graph Editor* Blending imagery using alpha channels, masks, mattes, modes, and stencils*
Building groups and hierarchies through parenting and nested comps* Extended coverage of type animation,
paint tools and 3D space* Advanced subjects such as keying, motion tracking, expressions, and video
issues* Includes over 180 PDF pages of bonus content on the DVD* Extensive coverage of the new CS3 features
including the Shape and Puppet tools, Brainstorm, per-character 3D text, color management, and more!
eBook:Focal.Press.Creating.Motion.Graphics.with.After.Effects.4th.Edition.Nov.2007.eBook-BBL hash [LYNn06fQwQYqYS36gIZj+Dr3jcg]
file:2007_1208_1_wrz_foc-pre.cre.mot.gra.wit.aft.eff.4th.edi.nov.200.ebo.bbl.izp (22823) KB
Final Cut Pro Workflows: The Independent Studio Handbook
Product Details
Author(s): Jason Osder,Robbie Carman
ISBN: 0240810058
ISBN-13: 9780240810058
Publisher: Focal Press
Year: 2007
Pages: 256
Product Description
Today's digital production tools empower the small team to produce multimedia projects that formerly
required large teams. Orchestrating a production requires more than proficiency with the postproduction
tools. Final Cut Pro Workflows: The Independent Studio Handbook offers a cookbook of postproduction
workflows that teams can follow to deliver an array of products to their clients. It describes appropriate
postproduction workflows, team roles and responsibilities, and required equipment for some of the
most common media productions.Combining the wisdom of traditional roles and responsibilities with
an understanding of how FCP facilitates a new flexibility where these roles/responsibilities can be
redistributed, this book sheds light on workflow processes and responsibilities, and includes 7 real-world
workflows from a diverse range of projects:* Money-Saving Digital Video Archive* Long-Form Documentary
with Mixed Sources* Web-Based Viewing and Ordering System* 30-Second Spot for Broadcast* Multi-Part
TV Series with Multiple Editors* DVD Educational Supplement* Music Video with Multi-Cam Editing and
Multiple OutputsThe book also provides access to a companion website that features additional electronic
chapters focusing on Final Cut Server, Apple's powerful new media asset management and workflow automation
software. Written with a unique iconography to better convey key points and applicable to all levels
of FCP users, Final Cut Pro Workflows: The Independent Studio Handbook is a vital reference tool for every
postproduction house.* Real-world workflows and case studies provide blueprints that readers can
follow to efficiently coordinate multimedia projects * Clearly defines team member responsibilities
and details their roles in efficient postproduction workflows* Provides technical and administrative
direction that smoothes the way to expanding a studio's postproduction repertoire
eBook:Focal.Press.Final.Cut.Pro.Workflows.The.Independent.Studio.Handbook.Nov.2007.eBook-BBL hash [5eBtWqrwu+dmrAmQMDTutU1p93o]
file:2007_1208_1_wrz_foc-pre.fin.cut.pro.wor.the.ind.stu.han.nov.200.ebo.bbl.izp (4535) KB
Final Cut Studio On the Spot, Third Edition
Product Details
Author(s): Richard Harrington,Abba Shapiro,Robbie Carman
ISBN: 0240810074
ISBN-13: 9780240810072
Publisher: Focal Press
Year: 2007
Pages: 320
Product Description
Packed with more than 500 techniques, this book delivers what you need to knowon the spot. It is suited
to editors of all experience levels, whether you are:* Migrating from another NLE* Upgrading to Final
Cut Studio 2* Seeking a handy reference to raise your proficiencyNo need to wade through tomes of documentation.
Final Cut Studio On the Spot presents immediate solutions in an accessible format. Step-by-step instruction
by Apple Certified Pros shows you how to:* Optimize system performance* Create impressive titles
with Generators, Motion, LiveType, and Photoshop* Build Commercial-quality transitions* Work
quickly with buttons and keyboard shortcuts* Color correct to save vital shots, and keep them broadcast
legal* Fix and mix for professional-quality audio* Use the compositing tools of master editors* Design
and import graphics seamlessly* Integrate with other applications including Motion, Soundtrack
Pro and Color* Troubleshoot and recover files* Manage media and backup strategies* Export and publish
finished projects to tape, DVD, or the WebKey Features: * 400 time-saving workflow techniques* Concise
presentation is great for as a reference or a casual read* Covers the major Studio toolsets for the editor
n.the.Spot.3rd.Edition.Oct.2007.eBook-BBL hash [mXj/pQ7PCJ8E20OQc3FCyO/DeCY]
file:2007_1208_1_wrz_foc-pre.fin.cut.stu.on.the.spo.3rd.edi.oct.200.ebo.bbl.izp (10025) KB
Using OpenMP: Portable Shared Memory Parallel Programming (Scientific Computation and Engineering)
Product Details
Author(s): Barbara Chapman,Gabriele Jost,Ruud van der Pas
ISBN: 0262533022
ISBN-13: 9780262533027
Publisher: The MIT Press
Year: 2007
Pages: 300
Product Description
"I hope that readers will learn to use the full expressibility and power of OpenMP. This book should provide
an excellent introduction to beginners, and the performance section should help those with some experience
who want to push OpenMP to its limits." --from the foreword by David J. Kuck, Intel Fellow, Software and
Solutions Group, and Director, Parallel and Distributed Solutions, Intel Corporation OpenMP, a portable
programming interface for shared memory parallel computers, was adopted as an informal standard in
1997 by computer scientists who wanted a unified model on which to base programs for shared memory systems.
OpenMP is now used by many software developers; it offers significant advantages over both hand-threading
and MPI. Using OpenMP offers a comprehensive introduction to parallel programming concepts and a detailed
overview of OpenMP. Using OpenMP discusses hardware developments, describes where OpenMP is applicable,
and compares OpenMP to other programming interfaces for shared and distributed memory parallel architectures.
It introduces the individual features of OpenMP, provides many source code examples that demonstrate
the use and functionality of the language constructs, and offers tips on writing an efficient OpenMP
program. It describes how to use OpenMP in full-scale applications to achieve high performance on large-scale
architectures, discussing several case studies in detail, and offers in-depth troubleshooting advice.
It explains how OpenMP is translated into explicitly multithreaded code, providing a valuable behind-the-scenes
account of OpenMP program performance. Finally, Using OpenMP considers trends likely to influence
OpenMP development, offering a glimpse of the possibilities of a future OpenMP 3.0 from the vantage point
of the current OpenMP 2.5. With multicore computer use increasing, the need for a comprehensive introduction
and overview of the standard interface is clear. Using OpenMP provides an essential reference not only
for students at both undergraduate and graduate levels but also for professionals who intend to parallelize
existing codes or develop new parallel programs for shared memory computer architectures.
eBook:MIT.Press.Using.OpenMP.Portable.Shared.Memory.Parallel.Programming.Oct.2007.eBook-BBL hash [s7dmKxGi8Ohe2y38YBJVgDa3Ork]
file:2007_1208_1_wrz_mit-pre.usi.ope.por.sha.mem.par.pro.oct.200.ebo.bbl.izp (1296) KB
The RF in RFID: Passive UHF RFID in Practice
Product Details
Author(s): Daniel M. Dobkin
ISBN: 0750682094
ISBN-13: 9780750682091
Publisher: Newnes
Year: 2007
Pages: 504
Product Description
This book includes a survey of all RFID fundamentals and practices in the first part of the book while the
second part focuses on UHF passive technology. This coverage of UHF technology and its components including
tags, readers, and antennas is essential to commercial implementation in supply chain logistics and
security. Reaaders of this book should have an electrical engineering background but have not yet dealt
with RFID. To this end, Dr. Dobkin will be very careful to illustrate all concepts and detail his explanations
meticulously. In this way he will bring the reader along organically showing him/her what to expect,
develop, and use while implementing an RFID system. Chapter 1:IntroductionChapter 2: History and
Practice of RFIDChapter 3: Radio Basics For UHF RFIDChapter 4: UHF RFID ReadersChapter 5: UHF RFID Tags
Chapter 6: Reader AntennasChapter 7: Tag AntennasChapter 8: UHF RFID ProtocolsAfterwordAppendix
1: Radio Regulations Appendix 2: Harmonic FunctionsAppendix 3: Resistance, Impedance and Switching
Appendix 4: Reflection and Matching*This technology is happening NOW at major chain stores such as Wal-Mart
and Target*RFID revenues are estimated to soar about $7 billion by 2008 *CD-ROM included with full color
images, spreadsheets, an open-source example graphical user interface, and demo versions of commercial
eBook:Newnes.The.RF.in.RFID.Passive.UHF.RFID.in.Practice.Sep.2007.eBook-BBL hash [j4H4lgthCYoglhrQuYyBeiPLYe8]
file:2007_1208_1_wrz_new-the.rf.in.rfi.pas.uhf.rfi.in.pra.sep.200.ebo.bbl.izp (10473) KB
Wireless Networking (Newnes Know It All) (Newnes Know It All)
Product Details
Author(s): Praphul Chandra,Daniel M. Dobkin,Alan Bensky,Ron Olexa,David Lide,Farid Dowla
ISBN: 0750685824
ISBN-13: 9780750685825
Publisher: Newnes
Year: 2007
Pages: 576
Product Description
The Newnes Know It All Series takes the best of what our authors have written to create hard-working desk
references that will be an engineer's first port of call for key information, design techniques and rules
of thumb. Guaranteed not to gather dust on a shelf!Wireless Networking: Design, Optimize, Implement
delivers readers from the basics of a wireless system such as antennas and transmitters to current hot
topic wireless systems and technologies. The backbone to technologies and applications such as mobile,
untethered Internet access, Internet telephony, and high quality multimedia content via the Web is
completely covered in this reference. Chapter 1. Basics of Wireless Communications Chapter 2. Basics
of Wireless Local Area Networks Chapter 3. Radio Transmitters and Receivers Chapter 4. Radio Propagation
Chapter 5. Antennas and Transmission Lines Chapter 6. Communication Protocols and Modulation Chapter
7. High-Speed Wireless Data: System Types, Standards-Based and Proprietary Solutions Chapter 8. Propagation
Modeling and Measuring Chapter 9. Indoor Networks Chapter 10. Security in Wireless Local Area Networks
Chapter 11. Voice Over Wi-Fi and Other Wireless TechnologiesChapter 12. Mobile Ad Hoc NetworksChapter
13. Wireless Sensor Networks Chapter 14. Reliable Wireless Networks for Industrial Applications Chapter
15. Applications and Technologies Chapter 16. System Planning*A comprehensive overview from best-selling
authors including Daniel Dobkin, Ron Olexa, and Alan Bensky*Explains the theory, concepts, design,
and implementation of 802.11, 802.16, and 802.20 wireless networks the three most popular types*Includes
discussion of indoor networks, signal propagation, network security, and other topics essential for
designing robust, secure wireless networks
eBook:Newnes.Wireless.Networking.Sep.2007.eBook-BBL hash [bm7RN3sJetIV6DDZMPRp56lKR44]
file:2007_1208_1_wrz_new-wir.net.sep.200.ebo.bbl.izp (9560) KB
Creating Spreadsheets and Charts in Microsoft Office Excel 2007 for Windows: Visual QuickProject Guide
Product Details
Author(s): Maria Langer
ISBN: 0321492382
ISBN-13: 9780321492388
Publisher: Peachpit Press
Year: 2007
Pages: 144
Product Description
Microsoft Excel is the world's most-popular spreadsheet program--used by schools, offices, and home
users. In Excel 2007, Microsoft has completely redesigned the user interface, making it more intuitive
and more attractive. But anyone needing to get started quickly without learning all the ins and outs of
the software still needs a handy guide. And with Creating Spreadsheets and Charts in Microsoft Excel
2007: Visual QuickProject Guide they've got one. Excel expert Maria Langer walks readers through the
new interface and teaches them the tools they will use throughout the project. From there, she helps them
create their first workbook, using formulas, adding formatting, adding a visually rich chart. Readers
also learn how to effectively print their spreadsheets and charts--something that's much more confusing
than it sounds! Along the way all readers will learn how to create attractive, professional, and effective
Excel documents. Each book in the Visual QuickProject Guide series now has a companion website featuring
sample project files--making it even easier for users to work through each project as they read through
the book. Other features on the companion website may include articles on getting the most out of the topic,
a database of frequently asked questions, excerpts from the book, general tips, and more.
eBook:Peachpit.Press.Creating.Spreadsheets.and.Charts.in.Microsoft.Office.Excel.2007.for.Windows.Jan.2007.eBook-BBL hash [DYPTJJpbm9EWV7dHpds/JOZVuE0]
file:2007_1208_1_wrz_pea-pre.cre.spr.and.cha.in.mic.off.exc.200.for.win.jan.200.ebo.bbl.izp (10961) KB
Moving to Microsoft Windows Vista: Visual QuickProject Guide
Product Details
Author(s): John Rizzo
ISBN: 0321491203
ISBN-13: 9780321491206
Publisher: Peachpit Press
Year: 2007
Pages: 144
Product Description
If you want to get to know Windows Vista fast but don't want to get bogged down in the details, you need a Visual
QuickProject Guide!
You don't need to know every feature--you just want to get your work done.
illustrations show you how to perform each step of your project from start to finish.
Low priced--why
pay for more than you need?
John Rizzo has been writing about computers for 20 years. His work has appeared
in CNET, eWeek.com, the San Francisco Chronicle, PC Magazine, and other publications. John is the author
of numerous books, including Customizing Windows XP: Visual QuickProject Guide. He also publishes
MacWindows.com, a news and information Web site devoted to helping Mac users get along in a Windows world.
eBook:Peachpit.Press.Moving.to.Microsoft.Windows.Vista.Mar.2007.eBook-BBL hash [Ut4372xc0HUmVioc4tStOLE2Zws]
file:2007_1208_1_wrz_pea-pre.mov.to.mic.win.vis.mar.200.ebo.bbl.izp (8266) KB
2. Auerbach.Implementation.and.Applications.of.DSL.Technology.Oct.2007.eBook-BBL
3. Auerbach.WiMAX.A.Wireless.Technology.Revolution.Oct.2007.eBook-BBL
4. CRC.Press.Process.Engineering.and.Design.Using.Visual.Basic.Oct.2007.eBook-BBL
5. CRC.Press.Programming.ArcObjects.with.VBA.2nd.Edition.Aug.2007.eBook-BBL
6. Digital.Press.Microsoft.SQL.Server.2005.Performance.Optimization.and.Tuning.Handbook.Apr.2007.eBook-BBL
7. Focal.Press.Adobe.Photoshop.Lightroom.1.1.for.the.Professional.Photographer.Oct.2007.eBook-BBL
8. Focal.Press.Creating.Motion.Graphics.with.After.Effects.4th.Edition.Nov.2007.eBook-BBL
9. Focal.Press.Final.Cut.Pro.Workflows.The.Independent.Studio.Handbook.Nov.2007.eBook-BBL
10. Focal.Press.Final.Cut.Studi
11. MIT.Press.Using.OpenMP.Portable.Shared.Memory.Parallel.Programming.Oct.2007.eBook-BBL
12. Newnes.The.RF.in.RFID.Passive.UHF.RFID.in.Practice.Sep.2007.eBook-BBL
13. Newnes.Wireless.Networking.Sep.2007.eBook-BBL
14. Peachpit.Press.Creating.Spreadsheets.and.Charts.in.Microsoft.Office.Excel.2007.for.Windows.Jan.2007.eBook-BBL
15. Peachpit.Press.Moving.to.Microsoft.Windows.Vista.Mar.2007.eBook-BBL

Comprehensive Glossary of Telecom Abbreviations and Acronyms
Product Details
Author(s): Ali Akbar Arabi
ISBN: 1420058665
ISBN-13: 9781420058666
Publisher: AUERBACH
Year: 2007
Pages: 408
Product Description
Abbreviations contribute to enhanced efficiency of writing, reading, and speaking, as well as greater
comprehension of technical and scientific articles, reports, and lectures. They serve to reduce the
time and cost of writing, typing, editing, and composition resetting. They also decrease the space required
for texts, tables, and diagrams. As such, abbreviations are beneficial tools that enhance the dynamics
of technical language. The Comprehensive Glossary of Telecom Abbreviations and Acronyms is a collection
of over 16,000 entries that cover the fields of telecommunications, satellite communications, marine
communications, radar and military communications, avionics, electronics, computer, Internet,
radio and television broadcasting, fiber optics communications, information technology (IT), Information
Communication Technology (ICT), remote sensing, cellular networks, Specialized Mobile Radio (SMR),
and ham radio. It pays particular attention to the abbreviations used in ITU, Intelsat, IMO, IMSO, and
APSCC documents. The glossary also contains abbreviations commonly found in telecom magazines, contracts,
and financial documents. In addition, it includes entries that reflect the common terminology used
by major telecom companies and operators, as well as those used by specialized institutions and standard
organizations such as IEEE, ETSI, IETF, ISO, and GSM. It also includes abbreviations on new technologies.
A thorough and essential reference, the Comprehensive Glossary of Telecom Abbreviations and Acronyms
helps keep engineers, technical writers, technicians, and university students up to speed on the vast
amount of terminology that comes their way.
eBook:Auerbach.Comprehensive.Glossary.of.Telecom.Abbreviations.and.Acronyms.Sep.2007.eBook-BBL hash [1CuTxH5CHwmw70OJzrhwnn7SHuk]
file:2007_1208_1_wrz_aue-com.glo.of.tel.abb.and.acr.sep.200.ebo.bbl.izp (3219) KB

Implementation and Applications of DSL Technology
Product Details
ISBN: 0849334233
ISBN-13: 9780849334238
Publisher: CRC
Year: 2007
Pages: 816
Product Description
This book offers deep industrial insight into the development of DSL technologies and their related
applications in the telecommunications industry. It compiles the expertise of industry specialists
from various perspectives, including chip designers, information theorists, systems engineers,
service providers and more. It addresses in a rigorous manner specific issues that have been fundamental
in the success of DSL technology, including insights into the theory that sustains DSL development,
constraints, and challenges. It also offers a vast array of information not currently in the public domain,
including the results of many years of practical experience that has never before been put to paper.
eBook:Auerbach.Implementation.and.Applications.of.DSL.Technology.Oct.2007.eBook-BBL hash [g3kgXJtgeHsCt2SMHRfql4wSY68]
file:2007_1208_1_wrz_aue-imp.and.app.of.dsl.tec.oct.200.ebo.bbl.izp (10518) KB

WiMAX: A Wireless Technology Revolution
Product Details
Author(s): G.S.V. Radha Krishna Rao,G. Radhamani
ISBN: 0849370590
ISBN-13: 9780849370595
Publisher: AUERBACH
Year: 2007
Pages: 400
Product Description
The demand for broadband connectivity is growing rapidly, but cannot be met effectively by existing
wireline technology. WiMAX has the potential to provide widespread Internet access that can usher in
economic growth, better education and healthcare, and improved entertainment services. Examining
the technology's global development and deployment activities, WiMAX: A Wireless Technology Revolution
presents its unique features and evaluates its revolutionary approach over contemporary technologies.
The book covers the mission, product, and services of WiMAX, as well as specific features such as security
and mobility. It discusses the implementation of the IEEE 802.16 standard and also explores how WiMax
stacks up to 3G and 4G and the economic and opportunity costs. This reference also analyzes the future
prospects of WiMAX and its contribution to the wireless and mobile communication technology field.
It is a must-have resource for those who are either intrigued or involved with this standards-based technology
that has the ability to provide high-throughput broadband connections over long distances.
eBook:Auerbach.WiMAX.A.Wireless.Technology.Revolution.Oct.2007.eBook-BBL hash [gDtDm5nmJsnnUSYYBN5STuMHI6g]
file:2007_1208_1_wrz_aue-wim.a.wir.tec.rev.oct.200.ebo.bbl.izp (5907) KB

Process Engineering and Design Using Visual Basic
Product Details
Author(s): Arun K. Datta
ISBN: 1420045423
ISBN-13: 9781420045420
Publisher: CRC
Year: 2007
Pages: 472
Product Description
Software tools are a great aid to process engineers, but too much dependence on such tools can often lead
to inappropriate and suboptimal designs. Reliance on software is also a hindrance without a firm understanding
of the principles underlying its operation, since users are still responsible for devising the design.
In Process Engineering and Design Using Visual Basic, Arun K. Datta provides a unique and versatile suite
of programs along with simultaneous development of the underlying concepts, principles, and mathematics.
Each chapter details the theory and techniques that provide the basis for design and engineering software
and then showcases the development and utility of programs developed using the material outlined in
the chapter. This all-inclusive guide works systematically from basic mathematics to fluid mechanics,
separators, overpressure protection, and glycol dehydration, providing basic design guidelines
based on international codes. Worked examples demonstrate the utility of each program, while the author
also explains problems and limitations associated with the simulations. After reading this book you
will be able to immediately put these programs into action and have total confidence in the result, regardless
of your level of experience. All nine programs are available on the companion CD-ROM, including a useful
unit conversion tool.
eBook:CRC.Press.Process.Engineering.and.Design.Using.Visual.Basic.Oct.2007.eBook-BBL hash [OffipOJEx5SFO39iCwY0tfggh/M]
file:2007_1208_1_wrz_crc-pre.pro.eng.and.des.usi.vis.bas.oct.200.ebo.bbl.izp (13253) KB

Programming ArcObjects with VBA: A Task-Oriented Approach, Second Edition
Product Details
Author(s): Kang-Tsung Chang
ISBN: 0849392837
ISBN-13: 9780849392832
Publisher: CRC
Year: 2007
Pages: 360
Product Description
If you're ready to take your knowledge of ArcGIS to the next level, then you need to learn how to work with
ArcObjects. But with thousands of objects, properties, and methods, how can you ever hope to sort through
the ArcObjects model diagrams? The first edition of Chang's Programming ArcObjects with VBA: A Task-Oriented
Approach gave us the answer. The author's task-oriented approach shows you how to sort through the massive
ArcObjects collection by examining only the objects, properties, and methods you need to perform specific
tasks. What's new in the second edition? This edition adds macros and explanations for the new Geoprocessing
object introduced in ArcGIS 9.x. Instead of treating this new feature in separate chapters, the author
incorporates Geoprocessing code into the existing chapters. The code appears conveniently in boxes
that allow you to easily compare sample macros. Get Started with Ready-to-Use Code The companion CD-ROM
contains 95 complete ArcObjects macros and 33 Geoprocessing macros, along with datasets to execute
the code. Each program begins with a short usage description and a list of key properties and methods,
followed by the listing and explanation of the code itself. Regardless of your programming experience,
Programming ArcObjects with VBA: A Task-Oriented Approach, Second Edition gives you the key to unlock
the power and versatility of using ArcObjects to help you manage GIS activities.
eBook:CRC.Press.Programming.ArcObjects.with.VBA.2nd.Edition.Aug.2007.eBook-BBL hash [Zr1Zc8HODfMXClu8AYBf2VxgwZ8]
file:2007_1208_1_wrz_crc-pre.pro.arc.wit.vba.2nd.edi.aug.200.ebo.bbl.izp (4330) KB

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Performance Optimization and Tuning Handbook
Product Details
Author(s): Ken England,Gavin JT Powell
ISBN: 1555583199
ISBN-13: 9781555583194
Publisher: Digital Press
Year: 2007
Pages: 520
Product Description
Database professionals will find that this new edition aids in mastering the latest version of Microsofts
SQL Server. Developers and database administrators (DBAs) use SQL on a daily basis in application development
and the subsequent problem solving and fine tuning. Answers to SQL issues can be quickly located helping
the DBA or developer optimize and tune a database to maximum efficiency.Basic questions are easily located
on the topics of filtering, sorting, operators, conditionals, pseudo columns, single row functions,
joins, grouping functions, sub queries, composite queries, hierarchies, flashback queries, parallel
queries, expressions and regular expressions. Assistance on DML, data types (including collections),
XML, DDL for basic database objects such as tales, views and indexes, partitioning, and security is also
considered.* Identifies the most common issues DBAs face day to day for easy reference*Provides DBAs
with solutions actually used by the authors in enterprise environments to resolve common and specialized
problems to optimization issues.* Addresses issues that have been introduced by new features which
can add more control but reduce performance.
eBook:Digital.Press.Microsoft.SQL.Server.2005.Performance.Optimization.and.Tuning.Handbook.Apr.2007.eBook-BBL hash [V8VHNwtKAJM5ambFrdQUIIKX+vw]
file:2007_1208_1_wrz_dig-pre.mic.sql.ser.200.per.opt.and.tun.han.apr.200.ebo.bbl.izp (3777) KB

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 1.1 for the Professional Photographer
Product Details
Author(s): David Huss,David Plotkin
ISBN: 024052067X
ISBN-13: 9780240520674
Publisher: Focal Press
Year: 2007
Pages: 208
Product Description
Delve into the ultimate guide for professional photographers Harness the power and flexibility of the
latest version of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, version 1.1, with this expert guide. Professional photographers
David Huss and David Plotkin show you how to work smarter, faster, and more creatively with their personal
tips, tricks, and techniques that you can incorporate into your own workflow. Adobe Photoshop Lightroom
1.1 is a powerful tool that you can integrate into your existing workflow to increase your productivity
and improve the overall quality of your work. With this ultimate resource by your side, youll learn how
to:Organize, adjust, process, output, and share digital pictures like the top professionalsPersonalize
Lightroom with a custom Identity plateSeamlessly transition between Lightroom and your favorite photo
editorQuickly view and compare multiple shots, pairing selections down to your best work Correct images,
adjust white balance, and fine-tune tone, balance, and exposure, crop and undoall without altering
your originals!Automate your workflow by applying image adjustments to multiple photosOutput proof
and contact sheets Develop, print and display your digital pictures for friends and clients, all the
while saving valuable time Create slide shows and web postings And much more.. As you move from traditional
separate image editing applications to this next generation software that was designed specifically
for photographers, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 1.1 for the Professional Photographer unveils insider
secrets and expert advice in this highly visual guide.David Huss is a professional photographer and
author who has written more than 30 books. His work has been translated into eight languages.David Plotkin
is a technical editor, photographer, and software writer who has written five books and numerous articles.*The
most comprehensive guide available on Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, fully up-to-date with all of the new
features of version 1.1 *Learn how to integrate this powerful software into your own workflow to maximize
your productivity *Written by two industry experts and packed with inspiring images to show you what
you can achieve with Lightroom 1.1 and this handy guide by your side!
eBook:Focal.Press.Adobe.Photoshop.Lightroom.1.1.for.the.Professional.Photographer.Oct.2007.eBook-BBL hash [uU7FmDmnkhsFvro+RY0hXAxeW18]
file:2007_1208_1_wrz_foc-pre.ado.pho.lig.1.1.for.the.pro.pho.oct.200.ebo.bbl.izp (15121) KB

Creating Motion Graphics with After Effects, Fourth Edition: Essential and Advanced Techniques
Product Details
Author(s): Chris & Trish Meyer
ISBN: 0240810104
ISBN-13: 9780240810102
Publisher: Focal Press
Year: 2007
Pages: 704
Product Description
Trish and Chris Meyer share fifteen years of real-world film and video production experience inside
the critically acclaimed Creating Motion Graphics with After Effects. More than a step-by-step review
of the features in After Effects, you will learn how the program thinks so that you can realize your own
visions more quickly and efficiently. This full-color book is jammed full of tips, gotchas, and sage
advice that will help you survive whatever your next project throws at you. Creating Motion Graphics
4th Edition has been heavily revised, reuniting the previous two volumes plus adding detailed coverage
of new features introduced in After Effects 7 and CS3 Professional to form one massive, essential reference.
The enclosed DVD-ROM contains source footage and project files for the numerous exercises which help
reinforce each concept. The DVD also includes over 180 pages of additional information, including lengthy
Bonus Chapters onExpressions and Effects.* Mastering animation through the use of keyframes, motion
paths, and the Graph Editor* Blending imagery using alpha channels, masks, mattes, modes, and stencils*
Building groups and hierarchies through parenting and nested comps* Extended coverage of type animation,
paint tools and 3D space* Advanced subjects such as keying, motion tracking, expressions, and video
issues* Includes over 180 PDF pages of bonus content on the DVD* Extensive coverage of the new CS3 features
including the Shape and Puppet tools, Brainstorm, per-character 3D text, color management, and more!
eBook:Focal.Press.Creating.Motion.Graphics.with.After.Effects.4th.Edition.Nov.2007.eBook-BBL hash [LYNn06fQwQYqYS36gIZj+Dr3jcg]
file:2007_1208_1_wrz_foc-pre.cre.mot.gra.wit.aft.eff.4th.edi.nov.200.ebo.bbl.izp (22823) KB

Final Cut Pro Workflows: The Independent Studio Handbook
Product Details
Author(s): Jason Osder,Robbie Carman
ISBN: 0240810058
ISBN-13: 9780240810058
Publisher: Focal Press
Year: 2007
Pages: 256
Product Description
Today's digital production tools empower the small team to produce multimedia projects that formerly
required large teams. Orchestrating a production requires more than proficiency with the postproduction
tools. Final Cut Pro Workflows: The Independent Studio Handbook offers a cookbook of postproduction
workflows that teams can follow to deliver an array of products to their clients. It describes appropriate
postproduction workflows, team roles and responsibilities, and required equipment for some of the
most common media productions.Combining the wisdom of traditional roles and responsibilities with
an understanding of how FCP facilitates a new flexibility where these roles/responsibilities can be
redistributed, this book sheds light on workflow processes and responsibilities, and includes 7 real-world
workflows from a diverse range of projects:* Money-Saving Digital Video Archive* Long-Form Documentary
with Mixed Sources* Web-Based Viewing and Ordering System* 30-Second Spot for Broadcast* Multi-Part
TV Series with Multiple Editors* DVD Educational Supplement* Music Video with Multi-Cam Editing and
Multiple OutputsThe book also provides access to a companion website that features additional electronic
chapters focusing on Final Cut Server, Apple's powerful new media asset management and workflow automation
software. Written with a unique iconography to better convey key points and applicable to all levels
of FCP users, Final Cut Pro Workflows: The Independent Studio Handbook is a vital reference tool for every
postproduction house.* Real-world workflows and case studies provide blueprints that readers can
follow to efficiently coordinate multimedia projects * Clearly defines team member responsibilities
and details their roles in efficient postproduction workflows* Provides technical and administrative
direction that smoothes the way to expanding a studio's postproduction repertoire
eBook:Focal.Press.Final.Cut.Pro.Workflows.The.Independent.Studio.Handbook.Nov.2007.eBook-BBL hash [5eBtWqrwu+dmrAmQMDTutU1p93o]
file:2007_1208_1_wrz_foc-pre.fin.cut.pro.wor.the.ind.stu.han.nov.200.ebo.bbl.izp (4535) KB

Final Cut Studio On the Spot, Third Edition
Product Details
Author(s): Richard Harrington,Abba Shapiro,Robbie Carman
ISBN: 0240810074
ISBN-13: 9780240810072
Publisher: Focal Press
Year: 2007
Pages: 320
Product Description
Packed with more than 500 techniques, this book delivers what you need to knowon the spot. It is suited
to editors of all experience levels, whether you are:* Migrating from another NLE* Upgrading to Final
Cut Studio 2* Seeking a handy reference to raise your proficiencyNo need to wade through tomes of documentation.
Final Cut Studio On the Spot presents immediate solutions in an accessible format. Step-by-step instruction
by Apple Certified Pros shows you how to:* Optimize system performance* Create impressive titles
with Generators, Motion, LiveType, and Photoshop* Build Commercial-quality transitions* Work
quickly with buttons and keyboard shortcuts* Color correct to save vital shots, and keep them broadcast
legal* Fix and mix for professional-quality audio* Use the compositing tools of master editors* Design
and import graphics seamlessly* Integrate with other applications including Motion, Soundtrack
Pro and Color* Troubleshoot and recover files* Manage media and backup strategies* Export and publish
finished projects to tape, DVD, or the WebKey Features: * 400 time-saving workflow techniques* Concise
presentation is great for as a reference or a casual read* Covers the major Studio toolsets for the editor
file:2007_1208_1_wrz_foc-pre.fin.cut.stu.on.the.spo.3rd.edi.oct.200.ebo.bbl.izp (10025) KB

Using OpenMP: Portable Shared Memory Parallel Programming (Scientific Computation and Engineering)
Product Details
Author(s): Barbara Chapman,Gabriele Jost,Ruud van der Pas
ISBN: 0262533022
ISBN-13: 9780262533027
Publisher: The MIT Press
Year: 2007
Pages: 300
Product Description
"I hope that readers will learn to use the full expressibility and power of OpenMP. This book should provide
an excellent introduction to beginners, and the performance section should help those with some experience
who want to push OpenMP to its limits." --from the foreword by David J. Kuck, Intel Fellow, Software and
Solutions Group, and Director, Parallel and Distributed Solutions, Intel Corporation OpenMP, a portable
programming interface for shared memory parallel computers, was adopted as an informal standard in
1997 by computer scientists who wanted a unified model on which to base programs for shared memory systems.
OpenMP is now used by many software developers; it offers significant advantages over both hand-threading
and MPI. Using OpenMP offers a comprehensive introduction to parallel programming concepts and a detailed
overview of OpenMP. Using OpenMP discusses hardware developments, describes where OpenMP is applicable,
and compares OpenMP to other programming interfaces for shared and distributed memory parallel architectures.
It introduces the individual features of OpenMP, provides many source code examples that demonstrate
the use and functionality of the language constructs, and offers tips on writing an efficient OpenMP
program. It describes how to use OpenMP in full-scale applications to achieve high performance on large-scale
architectures, discussing several case studies in detail, and offers in-depth troubleshooting advice.
It explains how OpenMP is translated into explicitly multithreaded code, providing a valuable behind-the-scenes
account of OpenMP program performance. Finally, Using OpenMP considers trends likely to influence
OpenMP development, offering a glimpse of the possibilities of a future OpenMP 3.0 from the vantage point
of the current OpenMP 2.5. With multicore computer use increasing, the need for a comprehensive introduction
and overview of the standard interface is clear. Using OpenMP provides an essential reference not only
for students at both undergraduate and graduate levels but also for professionals who intend to parallelize
existing codes or develop new parallel programs for shared memory computer architectures.
eBook:MIT.Press.Using.OpenMP.Portable.Shared.Memory.Parallel.Programming.Oct.2007.eBook-BBL hash [s7dmKxGi8Ohe2y38YBJVgDa3Ork]
file:2007_1208_1_wrz_mit-pre.usi.ope.por.sha.mem.par.pro.oct.200.ebo.bbl.izp (1296) KB

The RF in RFID: Passive UHF RFID in Practice
Product Details
Author(s): Daniel M. Dobkin
ISBN: 0750682094
ISBN-13: 9780750682091
Publisher: Newnes
Year: 2007
Pages: 504
Product Description
This book includes a survey of all RFID fundamentals and practices in the first part of the book while the
second part focuses on UHF passive technology. This coverage of UHF technology and its components including
tags, readers, and antennas is essential to commercial implementation in supply chain logistics and
security. Reaaders of this book should have an electrical engineering background but have not yet dealt
with RFID. To this end, Dr. Dobkin will be very careful to illustrate all concepts and detail his explanations
meticulously. In this way he will bring the reader along organically showing him/her what to expect,
develop, and use while implementing an RFID system. Chapter 1:IntroductionChapter 2: History and
Practice of RFIDChapter 3: Radio Basics For UHF RFIDChapter 4: UHF RFID ReadersChapter 5: UHF RFID Tags
Chapter 6: Reader AntennasChapter 7: Tag AntennasChapter 8: UHF RFID ProtocolsAfterwordAppendix
1: Radio Regulations Appendix 2: Harmonic FunctionsAppendix 3: Resistance, Impedance and Switching
Appendix 4: Reflection and Matching*This technology is happening NOW at major chain stores such as Wal-Mart
and Target*RFID revenues are estimated to soar about $7 billion by 2008 *CD-ROM included with full color
images, spreadsheets, an open-source example graphical user interface, and demo versions of commercial
eBook:Newnes.The.RF.in.RFID.Passive.UHF.RFID.in.Practice.Sep.2007.eBook-BBL hash [j4H4lgthCYoglhrQuYyBeiPLYe8]
file:2007_1208_1_wrz_new-the.rf.in.rfi.pas.uhf.rfi.in.pra.sep.200.ebo.bbl.izp (10473) KB

Wireless Networking (Newnes Know It All) (Newnes Know It All)
Product Details
Author(s): Praphul Chandra,Daniel M. Dobkin,Alan Bensky,Ron Olexa,David Lide,Farid Dowla
ISBN: 0750685824
ISBN-13: 9780750685825
Publisher: Newnes
Year: 2007
Pages: 576
Product Description
The Newnes Know It All Series takes the best of what our authors have written to create hard-working desk
references that will be an engineer's first port of call for key information, design techniques and rules
of thumb. Guaranteed not to gather dust on a shelf!Wireless Networking: Design, Optimize, Implement
delivers readers from the basics of a wireless system such as antennas and transmitters to current hot
topic wireless systems and technologies. The backbone to technologies and applications such as mobile,
untethered Internet access, Internet telephony, and high quality multimedia content via the Web is
completely covered in this reference. Chapter 1. Basics of Wireless Communications Chapter 2. Basics
of Wireless Local Area Networks Chapter 3. Radio Transmitters and Receivers Chapter 4. Radio Propagation
Chapter 5. Antennas and Transmission Lines Chapter 6. Communication Protocols and Modulation Chapter
7. High-Speed Wireless Data: System Types, Standards-Based and Proprietary Solutions Chapter 8. Propagation
Modeling and Measuring Chapter 9. Indoor Networks Chapter 10. Security in Wireless Local Area Networks
Chapter 11. Voice Over Wi-Fi and Other Wireless TechnologiesChapter 12. Mobile Ad Hoc NetworksChapter
13. Wireless Sensor Networks Chapter 14. Reliable Wireless Networks for Industrial Applications Chapter
15. Applications and Technologies Chapter 16. System Planning*A comprehensive overview from best-selling
authors including Daniel Dobkin, Ron Olexa, and Alan Bensky*Explains the theory, concepts, design,
and implementation of 802.11, 802.16, and 802.20 wireless networks the three most popular types*Includes
discussion of indoor networks, signal propagation, network security, and other topics essential for
designing robust, secure wireless networks
eBook:Newnes.Wireless.Networking.Sep.2007.eBook-BBL hash [bm7RN3sJetIV6DDZMPRp56lKR44]
file:2007_1208_1_wrz_new-wir.net.sep.200.ebo.bbl.izp (9560) KB

Creating Spreadsheets and Charts in Microsoft Office Excel 2007 for Windows: Visual QuickProject Guide
Product Details
Author(s): Maria Langer
ISBN: 0321492382
ISBN-13: 9780321492388
Publisher: Peachpit Press
Year: 2007
Pages: 144
Product Description
Microsoft Excel is the world's most-popular spreadsheet program--used by schools, offices, and home
users. In Excel 2007, Microsoft has completely redesigned the user interface, making it more intuitive
and more attractive. But anyone needing to get started quickly without learning all the ins and outs of
the software still needs a handy guide. And with Creating Spreadsheets and Charts in Microsoft Excel
2007: Visual QuickProject Guide they've got one. Excel expert Maria Langer walks readers through the
new interface and teaches them the tools they will use throughout the project. From there, she helps them
create their first workbook, using formulas, adding formatting, adding a visually rich chart. Readers
also learn how to effectively print their spreadsheets and charts--something that's much more confusing
than it sounds! Along the way all readers will learn how to create attractive, professional, and effective
Excel documents. Each book in the Visual QuickProject Guide series now has a companion website featuring
sample project files--making it even easier for users to work through each project as they read through
the book. Other features on the companion website may include articles on getting the most out of the topic,
a database of frequently asked questions, excerpts from the book, general tips, and more.
eBook:Peachpit.Press.Creating.Spreadsheets.and.Charts.in.Microsoft.Office.Excel.2007.for.Windows.Jan.2007.eBook-BBL hash [DYPTJJpbm9EWV7dHpds/JOZVuE0]
file:2007_1208_1_wrz_pea-pre.cre.spr.and.cha.in.mic.off.exc.200.for.win.jan.200.ebo.bbl.izp (10961) KB

Moving to Microsoft Windows Vista: Visual QuickProject Guide
Product Details
Author(s): John Rizzo
ISBN: 0321491203
ISBN-13: 9780321491206
Publisher: Peachpit Press
Year: 2007
Pages: 144
Product Description
If you want to get to know Windows Vista fast but don't want to get bogged down in the details, you need a Visual
QuickProject Guide!
You don't need to know every feature--you just want to get your work done.
illustrations show you how to perform each step of your project from start to finish.
Low priced--why
pay for more than you need?
John Rizzo has been writing about computers for 20 years. His work has appeared
in CNET, eWeek.com, the San Francisco Chronicle, PC Magazine, and other publications. John is the author
of numerous books, including Customizing Windows XP: Visual QuickProject Guide. He also publishes
MacWindows.com, a news and information Web site devoted to helping Mac users get along in a Windows world.
eBook:Peachpit.Press.Moving.to.Microsoft.Windows.Vista.Mar.2007.eBook-BBL hash [Ut4372xc0HUmVioc4tStOLE2Zws]
file:2007_1208_1_wrz_pea-pre.mov.to.mic.win.vis.mar.200.ebo.bbl.izp (8266) KB