VCL Component Delphi компоненты / Delphi components # 9


May 5, 2008
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here and there
VCLSkin 5.8 Full Source D5 XE6 DX10.2 DX10.3
more info:
VCLSkin is a component to create skinnable user interface for Delphi/C++Builder application, It is easy to use, just put one component on mainform, Vclskin will skin whole application without source code modification.

Vclskin is leader in this field, Vclskin support most third-part controls in market, there isn't a competitor was able to support 3rd-part controls as many as Vclskin.

VclSkin automatically skin kinds of windows in application, include Delphi forms,MDIform and common Windows dialogs (MsgBox,Open/Save,Font,Print), even the Exception MsgBox.

Vclskin not only support Delphi standard controls, but also support many third-party component, such as TMS Grid pack, EnLib Grid, Developer Express QuantumGrid. It is an excellent choice for those wanting to skin existing applications. The cool thing is that it uses existing VCL components.

Run install.exe to install.
You also get help in help.chm

The demo package download at:

Demo version adds a string 'VclSkin demo' on form caption, but allows to test all available functions.
VCLSkin 5.8 Full Source D5 XE6 DX10.2 DX10.3


May 5, 2008
Reaction score
here and there
FastReport v2.5 Sources (2003)
little adaptations to RAD 10.3 Rio - not 100%

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May 5, 2008
Reaction score
here and there
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May 5, 2008
Reaction score
here and there
SpreadSheet Tool LockXLS v7.1.0 (v2020) / 7.0.3 (v2019)
LockXLS is an excellent software to protect the formulas and macros written in Visual Basic language in Excel.

With the hassle of copying many complex workbooks using Visual Basic Formulas and macros, you now want to provide these documents to customers. You definitely do not want your customer to be able to reverse engineer your document and make it available to others free of charge. LockXLS software can help you in this way.

This program receives Excel files as input, and after hiding and creating various restrictions in different parts such as formulas, Visual Basic Codes and ... encrypted files. Now you can put this file without worrying about cracking your customers. At least by adding security features to the file, access to the code is much more difficult than before. This program is able to generate access codes based on hardware specifications of the target computer so that each client can only use the purchased file on its system and can not copy it.

Or you will be able to define the time limit for using the document, in this case, the user will be shown after completing the page ranges that encourage him to buy the full version. It is also possible to define login codes to access certain people. The software also can translate your whole document into an executable file that does not have any dependency on Excel. This file will run as a standalone application on all Windows systems. The program is simple and you can secure your file at short intervals.

How LockXLS works? LockXLS - Workbook Copy Protection.

Required system:
LockXLS System Requirements
Vista, Windows 7 (32 bit and 64 bit), Windows 8 (32 bit and 64 bit), Windows 8.1 (32 bit and 64 bit), Windows 10 (32 bit and 64 bit)
Microsoft Excel 2003 or higher, including Microsoft Excel 2010 (32 bit and 64 bit), Microsoft Excel 2013 (32 bit and 64 bit), Microsoft Excel 2016 (32 bit and 64 bit).

LockXLS v2017.6.1.6 tested in Excell 2010! But, in v2018 and later, you'll have test it!


Jan 28, 2020
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Сборник компонентов JEDI Visual Component Library / Collection of JEDI Visual Component Library components
JVCL содержит просто огромное количество визуальных и невизуальных компонентов компонентов для Delphi, Kylix и С++ Builder. Около 500 компонентов разного назначения позволят вам добавить в ваше приложение новые, интересные возможности.

Обилие категорий компонентов просто поражает воображение. Здесь есть улучшенные стандартные компоненты, компоненты для работы с БД, графикой, системой, файлами, шифрование, компоненты для работы с интерфейсом! Но это ещё не все категории, на самом деле их гораздо больше.

JEDI Visual Component Library распространяется по лицензии MPL. Вы можете использовать компоненты в любых проектах, платных или бесплатных.

Установка JVCL
Перед установкой JVCL необходимо инсталлировать JCL (JEDI Code Library).

Описание JEDI Code Library
JEDI Code Library состоит из большого набора тщательно протестированных, отлаженных и полностью документированных полезных процедур и невизуальных классов, которые могут быть использованы в ваших Delphi и C++ Builder проектах.

Библиотека сгруппированы в несколько категорий, таких как работа со строками, файлами и вводом\выводом, безопасность, математические операции, работа с юникод и многое, многое другое.

JVCL contains a huge number of visual and non-visual components for Delphi, Kylix, and C++ Builder. About 500 components for various purposes will allow you to add new and interesting features to your app.
The abundance of component categories is simply amazing. There are improved standard components, components for working with DB, graphics, system, files, encryption, and components for working with the interface! But these are not all categories, in fact there are many more.

JEDI Visual Component Library is distributed under the MPL license. You can use the components in any project, paid or free.

Installing JVCL
Before installing JVCL, you must install JCL (JEDI Code Library).

Description of JEDI Code Library
The JEDI Code Library consists of a large set of thoroughly tested, debugged, and fully documented useful procedures and non-visual classes that can be used in your Delphi and C++ Builder projects.

The library is grouped into several categories, such as working with strings, files, and input / output, security, mathematical operations, working with Unicode, and much, much more.

Скачать можно тут / You can download it here (JEDI Code Library)

JEDI Visual Component Library
Jedi давно перебрались на GitHub
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